Originally Posted by revrandy
The real question I think is that we would like to say we wouldn't...but unless we have stepped into the situation it might be different...
Ethics are extremely important yet not all ethical men are "successful"... but that is only temporal... "Success" on earth is not the definition of Success in the Heavenly...
Often times ethics are simply situational...and yet concrete because they represent the truth about a man...
Character defines Ethics... the real test is when those around you in close proximity can say ..."There is a Ethical Man"....
Some who are defined as Ethical at a distance are not that way up close...
Great comments, but I don't know I have ever observed anyone in repose saying, "now there is an ethical man." Rather I have witnessed and experienced, "now there is a man of character and integrity, I would like to one day have my character and integrity be as strong as his."
I have done this quite a bit actually.
Men look to emulate ethical men who's fruit is character and integrity.