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Old 12-19-2007, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
You are on the path of scholarship.
A sense of sarcasm?
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Old 12-20-2007, 01:25 AM
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The “True Israel of God” is Jesus Christ. Jesus, and Jesus alone, lived up to the definition of the name "Israel," which is interpreted as: “HE WILL RULE AS GOD.” (See Strong's H3478) No mere person, regardless of their physical genealogy, could live up to such a definition. Rather, it took one who is the much greater than the first Adam to fulfill such a claim—the last Adam—Jesus!

‘The Bible overwhelmingly communicates that JESUS IS THE ONE THAT “RULES AS GOD.” Here are a few of the scriptures that testify to this fact:

1. Isaiah 59:16
2. John 1:1
3. John 1:14
4. Matthew 1:20-23
5. Romans 9:4-7
6. 1 Corinthians 15:45-47
7. John 20:27-29
8. Matthew 28:18-19
9. Luke 24:46-49
10. Acts 2:38
11. Acts 4:10-12
12. John 14:8-9
13. 2 Corinthians 4:6
14. Hebrews 1:1-8
15. Philippians 2:5-6
16. John 12:44-45
17. John 14:7
18. Colossians 1:13-19

Notice in the next scriptures how they tie Jesus together with the True Israel of God:

1. Matthew 2:14-15
2. Hosea 11:1
3. Exodus 4:22
4. John 3:16
5. Mark 12:6-9

Jesus Christ is the same promise Paul allegorically referred to in Galatians 6 as the One promised SEED of Abraham. But one must come through Jesus to become partakers of that same promise.

1. John 14:6-7
2. John 10:7-9
3. Romans 5:1-2
4. Hebrews 10:19-22

He is and always was the only way into the true promised Israel of God! This will always be true since Jesus is the One True God, who is Lord over all lands, and King over all men.

Isaiah 49:3—O Israel: As the name of David is sometimes given to his successors, so here THE NAME OF ISRAEL MAY NOT UNFITLY BE GIVEN TO CHRIST, not only because he descended from his loins; but also because HE WAS THE TRUE AND THE GREAT ISRAEL, WHO, IN A MORE EMINENT MANNER, PREVAILED WITH GOD, AS THAT NAME SIGNIFIES, of whom Jacob, who was first called Israel, was but a type. — John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible

O Israel: A NAME OF CHRIST, AND WHICH PROPERLY BELONGS TO HIM, being the antitype of Jacob or Israel; the Head and REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WHOLE ISRAEL OF GOD; who was of Israel according to the flesh, and an Israelite indeed in a spiritual sense, and was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. ISRAEL IS A NAME OF THE CHURCH, often given to it in this prophecy; CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH, BY VIRTUE OF THE UNION BETWEEN THEM, HAVE THE SAME NAMES; as she is sometimes called by his names, Christ, and the Lord our righteousness, so he is here called by her name Israel, 1Corinthians 12:12, — John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Isaiah 49:3—Israel: APPLIED TO MESSIAH, according to the true import of the name, the Prince who had power with God in wrestling in behalf of man, and who prevails (Genesis 32:28; Hosea 12:3-4). HE IS ALSO THE IDEAL ISRAEL, THE REPRESENTATIVE MAN OF THE NATION (Compare Matthew 2:15 with Hosea 11:1). — Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

Neither the ethnicity of the Jews nor their opportunity to receive salvation through Jesus ended because of the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and her Temple, or due to the elimination of the self-righteous system of Law to which the Jews had fallen prey. This judgment firmly established Jesus as the King of kings and the Lord of lords who does RULE AS GOD! (See Matthew 28:18) WHEN WE (JEW, SAMARITAN, OR GENTILE) ARE "BORN AGAIN," WE BECOME A MEMBER OF JESUS' BODY AND THEREBY MEMBERS OF THE TRUE ISRAEL OF GOD.
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
 -DD Benincasa, 12/06/03

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Old 12-20-2007, 08:00 AM
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This thread is getting very interesting!


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Old 12-20-2007, 09:01 AM
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Again - you guys are doing great.

The Lost and Found contribution is outstanding. It will require some study, but I think the essence is there, and will not take much to turn it into an excellent doctrine.
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Again - you guys are doing great.

The Lost and Found contribution is outstanding. It will require some study, but I think the essence is there, and will not take much to turn it into an excellent doctrine.
HaShaliach: Is there anyway I can get a bit of your background? I am very interested in your thoughts and understading.

Let me know how I can get you my email address etc.

You profile will not allow me to send you a PM.

Nathan Ecsktadt
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
HaShaliach: Is there anyway I can get a bit of your background? I am very interested in your thoughts and understading.

Let me know how I can get you my email address etc.

You profile will not allow me to send you a PM.

Nathan Ecsktadt
I will fix the profile. I turned off everything the last time I spent a little time here so as not to get pulled back into anything. LOLOLOL
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:38 AM
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It should work now - if not, use this one: aw.webmail@gmail.com
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Old 12-20-2007, 12:28 PM
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You might enjoy this post: See No. 362 on page -
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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Old 12-21-2007, 11:53 AM
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Thumbs up Excellent Start.

Originally Posted by Lost and Found View Post
The “True Israel of God” is Jesus Christ. Jesus, and Jesus alone, lived up to the definition of the name "Israel," which is interpreted as: “HE WILL RULE AS GOD.” (See Strong's H3478) No mere person, regardless of their physical genealogy, could live up to such a definition. Rather, it took one who is the much greater than the first Adam to fulfill such a claim—the last Adam—Jesus!
Excellent Start.

While the arguments presented in your post reflect a considerable amount of time, energy, and research. In this regard, you have done well. However, I suggest the following:

I can relate to being sent down a wrong path by “experts”. In this case, Strong came to a conclusion, I am sure based on scripture as you presented, but it was a misplaced application and association of names. Therefore, I recommend a revisit of the basic premise: That the name, Israel, means “He will rule as God”. While Jesus rules “as God”, Israel does not. Strong’s definition of the word is incorrect.

What is required, is searching the Hebrew definition (God’s use and intent) of the name of Israel, not a Christian’s “redefinition”,no matter how well meanng.

Keyed to Strong, H3478 שרל Yisra'el yis-raw-ale'; from 08280 and 0410, Greek 2474 israhl;; n pr m; Israel = "God prevails"

See the Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, H3478, pg 370, "God prevails" from H8280, שרה contend, have power, contend with, persist, exert oneself, persevere. Also from H0410, pg. 45. אל, a prop. Strong, robust Part of the verb to fight (to be strong, mighty, robust) a mighty one, a hero as in the Messiah of God (Isa 9:5, 10:21), which is significantly different than "he shall rule as God"

From the verb roots forward, the conceptual Hebrew language for Israel is: A mighty man who preserves, who can even contend with God. Even so, it is God that prevails. This also fits the scriptural description of the name given in Ge 32:24-31.

This type of problem in word selection and definitions is all to common when using a concordance for word definitions (meanings). The other problem is that one cannot determine from a concordance which of the several meanings (including parts of speech) of a particular word should be applied to a particular passage (for correct interpretation). I know from experience how disappointing it is to spend hours on a project, only to discover that my basic premise was faulty.

While I can appreciate your effort, and even agree with much of what you concluded, the argument(s) should be reworked so as to start with the correct premise and remove the inappropriate scriptural references.

May your studies be fruitful – I truly enjoyed studying your work. It was a worthy effort.

Shalom V’Shalom
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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Old 12-21-2007, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Excellent Start.

While the arguments presented in your post reflect a considerable amount of time, energy, and research. In this regard, you have done well. However, I suggest the following:

I can relate to being sent down a wrong path by “experts”. In this case, Strong came to a conclusion, I am sure based on scripture as you presented, but it was a misplaced application and association of names. Therefore, I recommend a revisit of the basic premise: That the name, Israel, means “He will rule as God”. While Jesus rules “as God”, Israel does not. Strong’s definition of the word is incorrect.

What is required, is searching the Hebrew definition (God’s use and intent) of the name of Israel, not a Christian’s “redefinition”,no matter how well meanng.

Keyed to Strong, H3478 שרל Yisra'el yis-raw-ale'; from 08280 and 0410, Greek 2474 israhl;; n pr m; Israel = "God prevails"

See the Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, H3478, pg 370, "God prevails" from H8280, שרה contend, have power, contend with, persist, exert oneself, persevere. Also from H0410, pg. 45. אל, a prop. Strong, robust Part of the verb to fight (to be strong, mighty, robust) a mighty one, a hero as in the Messiah of God (Isa 9:5, 10:21), which is significantly different than "he shall rule as God"

From the verb roots forward, the conceptual Hebrew language for Israel is: A mighty man who preserves, who can even contend with God. Even so, it is God that prevails. This also fits the scriptural description of the name given in Ge 32:24-31.

This type of problem in word selection and definitions is all to common when using a concordance for word definitions (meanings). The other problem is that one cannot determine from a concordance which of the several meanings (including parts of speech) of a particular word should be applied to a particular passage (for correct interpretation). I know from experience how disappointing it is to spend hours on a project, only to discover that my basic premise was faulty.

While I can appreciate your effort, and even agree with much of what you concluded, the argument(s) should be reworked so as to start with the correct premise and remove the inappropriate scriptural references.

May your studies be fruitful – I truly enjoyed studying your work. It was a worthy effort.

Shalom V’Shalom
Thanks for your reply.

As far as my points; if Jesus is Israel, and if Israel means to "rule as God," and if Jesus is the King of kings, Lord of Lords, then 'YES,' Israel does rule as God.

Be blessed!
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
 -DD Benincasa, 12/06/03

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