Originally Posted by Steve Epley
CC1 there has never been an official stand on watches period however the UPC made a stand on television advertizing aimed personally at Elders Phillips and Hanby and they were forced out. That is the difference they would not have left. I heard Elder Hanby personally say this he was forced out.
You are absolutely right about that. My only point was that things change. So I don't think anybody should be surprised and nobody is owed an apology when 30 years later a position changes.
To apologize is much like Indians seeking reparations for the white man buying their land for a handful of beads from their ancient ancestors. It is ancient history and done and over with. You can't change history.
I don't think KP would think he is owed an apology. I would think he would just be happy that the UPC finally came around.
The ironic thing is that we now live in a world of hundreds of TV channels instead of the handful when KP and MH struck out to do it. TV advertising and programs actually had a lot better chance for major impact back then. Of course they were also very expensive back then where today even the smallest church can likely get on their town's access cable channel for free.