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Old 11-28-2007, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I don't think so. Things change over time. To say that because a stance is changed 30 years later they owe an apology is not right to me.

The truth is at both the AMF meeting I attended a few years ago and last years AMC conference I saw many ultra con women with not only watches on but ones with decorative metal bands rather than plain leather.

I have a feeling that 30 years ago I would have not seen that at an AMF meeting. Do you think the AMF should apologize to the women back then that were not allowed to wear watches like that and now are?
CC1 there has never been an official stand on watches period however the UPC made a stand on television advertizing aimed personally at Elders Phillips and Hanby and they were forced out. That is the difference they would not have left. I heard Elder Hanby personally say this he was forced out.
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
CC1 there has never been an official stand on watches period however the UPC made a stand on television advertizing aimed personally at Elders Phillips and Hanby and they were forced out. That is the difference they would not have left. I heard Elder Hanby personally say this he was forced out.
You are absolutely right about that. My only point was that things change. So I don't think anybody should be surprised and nobody is owed an apology when 30 years later a position changes.

To apologize is much like Indians seeking reparations for the white man buying their land for a handful of beads from their ancient ancestors. It is ancient history and done and over with. You can't change history.

I don't think KP would think he is owed an apology. I would think he would just be happy that the UPC finally came around.

The ironic thing is that we now live in a world of hundreds of TV channels instead of the handful when KP and MH struck out to do it. TV advertising and programs actually had a lot better chance for major impact back then. Of course they were also very expensive back then where today even the smallest church can likely get on their town's access cable channel for free.
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Old 11-29-2007, 05:42 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve View Post
And you complain others are being negative . . . I guess people should do as you say and not as you do.

JM - that was rks just trying to get a reaction.


Nice try, Sport.

Obviously humorous, but you want to use it as a platform to criticize.
'That's cool.
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Old 11-29-2007, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
A good man indeed.

I hate it when good men leave. I wish they could all stay, and somehow, just make it better. Seems to me, that we should pull together as never before.
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Old 11-29-2007, 08:12 AM
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P.S. Remember, my real reason for leaving the UPCI is out of a deep conviction against television and advertising on television.

In his well written letter, Pastor Morton shares that he has been part of the United Pentecostal Church for 48 years. He was a licensed United Pentecostal minister before there was a ban on television advertising. Unless I am mistaken he applied for credentials and obtained license with an organization that did not have a ban on television advertising. It would seem that his convictions have changed since he first became a UPCI minister. I have no more argument with Pastor Morton's convictions changing than with the UPC striking a thirty year old policy from the books.

The United Pentecostal Church has a solid prohibition against its ministers having television in their homes. If this rule is not enforced, it's a problem with the politicians and not weakness in the policy.
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Old 11-29-2007, 08:12 AM
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I think, in essence, it will be more of a statement than an actual difference. Those that associate with him will not change anything other than they won't pay dues. Not much will change.
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Old 11-29-2007, 11:49 AM
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Well....... Despite some lather being scrubbed up about other things we still don't have any hint of the promised highlights where VM was being "torn down."

My thesis: Whenever the ideas of a "ultra-conservative" are being discussed there are the inevitable posts decrying the man "being torn down." This is an example of the old pattern of enforcing silence to protect the entrenched. When you call these people on their tactics they melt away back into the shadows.

It is when we have free and open venues for discussion that the powerful are shaken. Perhaps that's is why they tend to not want television: because they can't control television. And that is why the have private invitation only boards - because they can't control what goes on out here.

I still feel that is the bottom line of the "Tulsa crowd." Control.
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Old 02-08-2008, 09:45 PM

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Bro. Vaughn Morton is a real man of God and there are people on this forum that are on dangerous ground because of their attitudes and the back-biting that they are committing behind an anointed’s back.

1 Chronicles 16:22
"Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."

Psalm 105:15
"Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:03 PM
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If VM wants to leave, then Lord Bless him. He needs to be true to his convictions.

But, I stand by my own opinion. You don't drag the church out with you. The church was built under the umbrella of the UPCI and should remain.

Someone on here made a statement that he has the right to leave because the UPC changed their view on TV advertising. Ok, so we all know that they changed. But when the TV thing was put in place so MANY years ago, they had no idea that the technology would progress to where it is now. Res. 4 doesn’t make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Not everyone can afford to advertise on TV anyway. So, why pay such a large amount of money to use a TV when you can use the internet for basically free.

Technology does not = Being Liberal

Advertising is just that, advertising. Why not put a stop to putting ads in the paper or in the phone book and don’t use the internet. Get rid of all technology and don’t use anything that had been invented within the last 15 years. (The devil may be lurking in your cell phone)

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Old 02-09-2008, 12:29 AM
justasaint justasaint is offline
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Its Funny when I went to JCM from California "No TV" I was suprised to see how many UPC kids ,from across the states, parents had TV. I thought they can't be UPC! whats going on.

I also remember traveling to a PK's home ,on break to LA, and renting Videos.
We had to watch them on his dads VCR hid in the office.His parents were not at home.

NO Quote but I think he said his dads church was not allowed to watch vids.

Oh by the way I visited ABI before going to JCM and decided against it because at the time I thought how could they call themselves UPC and yet seem so Baptist in their worship and preaching.

"The More You Know The Less You Know"
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