Originally Posted by Thadisdaman
If Nate Wilson has been following the still small voice all these years, why does he only talk about pulling out but never does. Is it he doesnt know the still small voice. Who would want to be the Supt. of Cali right now anyway it is a mess. RM (Past Supt) was a wise man for leaving at a horrible time. He by far has been the best SUPT in the past 20 years. Price was great but lost it and should have moved on long before he did. There should have been term limits long ago.
I thought this thread was about Miles leaving? Yes he will let his dues expire nationally so his name dont get posted in the forward.
Thadclone, one may talk about doing a lot things for many reasons.
I am not Bishop W...perhaps you should contact him and ask him to answer your question, but I am
sure he knows the voice of the Master.
I can only say that
I know him to be a man of character and great strength.
As for your comment about Bro. Y...the originator of this thread stated that Bro. Y had already turned in his card. Now YOU are saying he will let the dues elapse so as not to have his name in the Forward.
Which one is fact and which one is speculation?!