I've long maintained that if I didn't agree with an organization that I simply wouldn't be a part of it. Yes, I have friends that are UPC but I also have some that aren't.
I don't make a living being UPC. I survive by the grace of God because I'm a Man of God. I suspect you do too.
It has long strained my understanding that people (I have no clue if your are or aren't one of them) that continually blast the organization and disagree with so much of what it stands for would ever want to stay in it.
To change it? There are enough flavors of Pentecost out there they could find something more akin to their beliefs in a lot of places.
To keep fellowship? Why seek fellowship with those you vehemently disagree with?
To keep a Church? Disaffiliation is easy enough to do... if even needed as many are not affiliated.
If I disagreed with so much of what it stood for I would find another group and I surely wouldn't sign the, what was it called... ? The 'infernal' statement?
I guess my brand of integrity simply wouldn't allow it.
Why is it that everything is about standards to some folks? Never did understand that. Where did you see this good brother mention standards before this point?
So when you try and get them to discuss the doctrine of salvation, they spout clouds of obfuscatory smoke about how it is Jesus who saves, and it is a journey, and blah blah blah.
You probably don't know this but some folks thinks standards are salvational.