Originally Posted by revrandy
I think there will many "revelations" coming soon about all that mess...
I have a feeling there are "subcultures" within that group that will just be another Jim Baker/JimmySwaggart/Ted Haggard ordeal...
What is sad is all of these ex-pentecostals who have aligned themselves with them...
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I think some have handled it correctly and not bound themselves too tightly with TBN.
I think Mike Hayes has done a good job of taking advantage of the opportunity to occasionally minister on TBN without being a syncophant and amen corner.
My church does not promote TBN other than a couple of times when they were taping at Trinity City some show that featured musical talent associated with our church or one time PCD. In the eight years I have been here Pastor Hardwick was on TBN one time for something I can't even remember. I think they interviewed him or something like that. He does not trash it but TBN is not really Christ Church's style. We have no white furniture with gold trim!!