Originally Posted by Ferd
The sad thing about this case is, all it will accomplish is driving one more church out the door. He has absolutly no chance of keeping the church and outsting this pastor.
When they show up, i suspect it will be an extremely fridged reception. Not much chance of the DS actually having any impact.
I suppose it will serve some sort of message to the rest of the district. I just dont really know what the message is going to be?
"you guys better tighten up"
"you guys need to vote me out"
Amazing. Someone blatantly breaks a law of an organization, faces discipline from organization...and the organization is at fault for possibly driving him out???
This crowd (if the statements made here are correct) doesn't adhere to the organization, and will eventually walk anyway.
Are you kidding me?? Allow a direct challenge to authority in this manner??? They are chafing at the rules of an organization to which they obviously don't want to belong. Why be rebellious and be in danger of losing your credibility over this??
He is the problem, NOT the org...