Yeah. Let's be honest here.
Would the people of today even listen to men dressed in animal skins telling church members to repent and asked for honey and locust for dinner?
Would the pastors of today accept Peter telling him that silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee?
If Jesus who walked this earth homeless during his ministry were to walk in the church system today teaching, how many of us would welcome him on the platform?
If a preacher walked into an Apostolic church today and turned over things he did not consider to be of God and threw it out, he'd be behind bars.
We would all be quaking in fear if we witnessed a man and wife fall down dead at the feet of a powerful, Holy Ghost-filled preacher because they lied to the Holy Ghost.
Many Apostolics receive the equivalent of 39 stripes because they cut to the chase and tell what the Bible says. They do not flower it up. These are the ones who do not get any praise or are of any influence.
First century preachers were the real preachers. What happened between then and now?
Today's society would consider them right-wing extremists and deliver them to jail for preaching Christ. It's coming towards that way soon anyway. Christians should be prepared.
Sorry for the rant. Just forget what I just posted and carry on because most people will think that it is not for today's mind. They may be right.