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Old 07-22-2009, 02:21 PM
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Re: Have GOT to be kidding.....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
....but what should I expect from someone who can somehow justify women preachers from, "I do not allow a woman to teach, or to excercise authority over a man."

Spare me your "ministry duties," since they do not exist in the Bible!

And I never said that if a man walked into a bldg. & started speaking about Christ, he was automatically in the 5-fold ministry...that's apparently YOUR position [based upon Anna], not mine.

So don't attack me off of your misunderstanding.
I challenge you to talk to the MAN, my former pastor, that helped me obtain license and see what HE has to say about your arguments against women preachers/pastors.

I challenge you to talk to the MALE LEADERSHIP of the UPCI with whom I am licensed with (among alot of other women) and see what they have to say about your arguments against women preachers/pastors.

Point being, there are alot of MEN, MEN in LEADERSHIP, that disagree with your beliefs. You are accusing alot of MEN of being biblically incorrect. What qualifies YOU as an expert? Have you arrived? Are you never wrong? You come across in your posts as an expert so lets hear your credentials. There are alot of men in leadership with outstanding biblical credentials that differ with your beliefs.
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Old 07-22-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Ok guys don't ya'll know not to get started with a lady that you will loose everytime...LOL
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Old 07-22-2009, 04:10 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Let me help: Let the Word of God be true and every man a liar.

How's that for a middle-of-the-roader.
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Old 07-23-2009, 06:53 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: As you wish....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Show you where men preached from the Scriptures in the NT? Glad to oblige: Peter texts Scripture on the day of Pentecost, Phillip "Preached to him [eunuch] Jesus." Paul preached & taught from the Scriptures in the last part of Acts [& other places as well]. There's mant more, but this should help you out for now !

WRONG!! They didn't preach from NT scripture because their words became scripture for us to read!! NT scripture didn't exist at the time Peter and Paul were preaching. Their preaching BECAME scripture, it didn't come from scripture.

Now, I'll give you the same liberty to show me where the text literally says that a woman did the same, including Deborah & Huldah! Who wasn't under the NT economy anyway! Not that it matters, since absolutely NOTHING is there about them "preaching/teaching from the Scriptures"! Still waiting on your Biblical "example".
Read what I said again. Their words BECAME scripture, and it was a Word from God that they spoke. You can read about it in Judges. Obviously, the book of Judges didn't exist when they spoke those words, but the words that came from their mouths were just as much the Word of God as scripture that comes from our mouths today.

What's soooooo amazing about your supposed examples validating women preachers is that Huldah actually had the Book brought to her [to reveal God's will, since she was a 'prophetess,' not a preacher]...yet she still refused to "preach"! Hmmmmmmm? Too bad you weren't there to correct Paul's teachings, huh?!
Have you had any words come out of your mouth and become scripture?? Several women have one up on you! back!
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Old 07-23-2009, 06:55 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Have GOT to be kidding.....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
....but what should I expect from someone who can somehow justify women preachers from, "I do not allow a woman to teach, or to excercise authority over a man."

Spare me your "ministry duties," since they do not exist in the Bible!

And I never said that if a man walked into a bldg. & started speaking about Christ, he was automatically in the 5-fold ministry...that's apparently YOUR position [based upon Anna], not mine.

So don't attack me off of your misunderstanding.
But according to you, any man, preacher or not, can stand in a pulpit and preach the redemption of Christ but a woman can't, right?
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Old 07-23-2009, 07:23 AM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Sure seems somebody's in a "You got Bible for that?" mood!

"His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it" (John 2:5) Finest example of some good old Apostolic preaching, if I ever heard it. And some very good advice for the brothers... and sisters!
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:12 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rava61 View Post
Not wise or a good idea to start 'pointing fingers' to say who is right or wrong - I've been a part of the Apostolic movement for 30+ years, and am not sure they have it either.
Hey I don't think I have interacted with you before. I don't call people right or wrong too often. I do so in this case because I have clear Bible scriptures to back up my conviction that women should not Pastor.
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:58 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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"Ladyrev" & Heavenlyone....

Ladyrev: I'm also liscensed in the UPCI, & this is one of the things that I struggle w/ the most [i.e., being in a org. that supports such unbiblical doctrines]. Probably won't be in much longer.

Have read the "men in leadership's" books on the matter & have written a rebuttal book of my own. I cover Gen. to Rev. delving into the Greek syntax & Hebrew word definitions. In sum, "been there & done that" ad nauseum. Besides your appeal is outside of the written text, not w/in, which is a logical fallact called "Argumentum ad Populum." The populace also crucified Jesus!

Heavenlyone: Sorry friend, but you're as wrong as you can be! The text literally S-A-Y-S that they "preached" from the Scriptures, contrary to your remarks. Of course, they were OT Scriptures since the NT was in the process of being written. And??????????? What does the NT Scriptures say when they were written? "But I do NOT ALLOW A WOMAN TO TEACH, NOR TO EXCERCISE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN...."

I mean really, does it get A-N-Y plainer than that?

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Old 07-26-2009, 08:07 AM
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Re: "Ladyrev" & Heavenlyone....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Ladyrev: I'm also liscensed in the UPCI, & this is one of the things that I struggle w/ the most [i.e., being in a org. that supports such unbiblical doctrines]. Probably won't be in much longer.

Have read the "men in leadership's" books on the matter & have written a rebuttal book of my own. I cover Gen. to Rev. delving into the Greek syntax & Hebrew word definitions. In sum, "been there & done that" ad nauseum. Besides your appeal is outside of the written text, not w/in, which is a logical fallact called "Argumentum ad Populum." The populace also crucified Jesus!

Heavenlyone: Sorry friend, but you're as wrong as you can be! The text literally S-A-Y-S that they "preached" from the Scriptures, contrary to your remarks. Of course, they were OT Scriptures since the NT was in the process of being written. And??????????? What does the NT Scriptures say when they were written? "But I do NOT ALLOW A WOMAN TO TEACH, NOR TO EXCERCISE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN...."

I mean really, does it get A-N-Y plainer than that?


I still do no understand how one can get a doctrine from "I do not allow" as meaning God said that this is sin. Even Gods commandments are given with a "thou shalt not" not "I don't allow". Granted the "ministry" does have a given amount of authority in the church to oversee that things are run inorder. But this does not make it a command of God!!
Example: God commanded to remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.
Man in his quest to justify himself with works began to define what it ment to not work on the sabbath day. To the point of accusing the diciples of Jesus of sinning on the sabbath day because they were walking through a corn field shucking corn and eating it. Jesus told the religious men of that day they had no right to accuse his diciples because he was the Lord of the sabbath.
The point being God never said that a woman could not teach or preach or prophecy. What she cannot do is exercise authority over the man. Our society has a wrong view of what kind of authority the ministry has. The ministry does not have the kind of authority where a women or man can be caused to obey them on thier word alone.
For that matter we are not to blindly obey any man with out first searching out for ourself the truth of Gods word. So from my point of view all your controversy is a mute point.
Doe you also say a women can't wear a pair of pants also based on Deut 22:5?

Just some food for thought, I know I might come accross as I know it all I am working on that. I just want to cause every one to look at Gods word from his point of view (above) not not ours (below).
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 07-26-2009, 09:23 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: "Ladyrev" & Heavenlyone....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Ladyrev: I'm also liscensed in the UPCI, & this is one of the things that I struggle w/ the most [i.e., being in a org. that supports such unbiblical doctrines]. Probably won't be in much longer.

Have read the "men in leadership's" books on the matter & have written a rebuttal book of my own. I cover Gen. to Rev. delving into the Greek syntax & Hebrew word definitions. In sum, "been there & done that" ad nauseum. Besides your appeal is outside of the written text, not w/in, which is a logical fallact called "Argumentum ad Populum." The populace also crucified Jesus!

Heavenlyone: Sorry friend, but you're as wrong as you can be! The text literally S-A-Y-S that they "preached" from the Scriptures, contrary to your remarks. Of course, they were OT Scriptures since the NT was in the process of being written. And??????????? What does the NT Scriptures say when they were written? "But I do NOT ALLOW A WOMAN TO TEACH, NOR TO EXCERCISE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN...."

I mean really, does it get A-N-Y plainer than that?

Acts 8:3 As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.

4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.

Tell me, who is the THEY in verse 4? Men only? Prove it.

Verse 3 mentions men and women. Verse 4 calls them THEY. THEY preached.
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