I think one of the problems we are having with this is our way of thinking in the West. Even the "defenders" of the literal method do a great disservice to the Bible by demanding that this ancient Eastern text line up with their Western rationalistic expectations. It simply won't
Remember... we are "foreigners and aliens..."
Ephesians 2:12. Just because we were adopted into the family doesn't mean that we will always understand all of the table talk. It is really arrogance to assume that we would.
A really good philosopher and linguist named
Jacques Derrida pointed out one flaw in the Western approach to debate and most any issue in general; it was "
binary thinking." We tend to want to divide everything up into two neat little categories called "Either" and "Or."
I had a pastor once who said, concerning the literal interpretation of the Bible: "Either it's true or I can run out and do anything I'm big enough to get away with!" And he was a pretty big guy.
How about developing some character? How about developing some compassion for your fellow man that would restrain your lusts no matter what hermeneutic you eventually employed?
But he demanded "Either and Or." I guess that's why when his buddy "showed up on our door step" with his secretary in tow all bets were off.
Face it folks, our walls are crumbling because it turns out that we've been building with wood, hay and stubble. Why don't we go back to the basics and build upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ and the apostles? Let's be open to the reality of the natural world around us. However it got here, it got here long before you or I did.
The Bible is not and has never claimed to be a work on natural history. We dishonor the Bible by trying to make it say what we want it to say. Give up the "Either, Or" system and be willing to accept at least a few mysteries. It's the mystery that really makes the stars so beautiful at night.