Originally Posted by Theresa
it's just a huge plus that she's a woman, a mother, a governor...from a small town, understanding of special needs children, troops in Iraq...and a Conservative Christan...gun toting none the less LOL
She's not some dried up white guy with more money than sense who has no real grasp on the issues that face typical americans
Dont get me wrong, I am beside myself giddy that she is a woman. That makes me really really politically happy!
but my point here is she isnt being named because of nothing more than being a woman. Being a woman really is second to the fact that she is highly qualified.
THIS is what Republicans should always be about, this is the myth distroyer that republicans want to keep that glass ceiling in place. Repbulicans look around and find quality and more and more that quality is found in minorities and women.
Dems nominated Geraldine Farraro because she was a female. forget the fact that she wasnt qualified. she was just a Jr. congresswoman.
Dems put a woman on the supreme court because she is a woman. Forget that she cant chew gum and walk at the same time.
Dems nominate a guy who isnt qualified to chair a commettee in the Senate for president because he is a minority and can give a good speech.
Republicans find QUALITY and dont really care what it looks like.