Huh? Quality programming and intellectual stimulation have nothing to do with ill content. Your analogy is full of holes. They will soon find Winnie the Pooh, Nancy Drew & The Black Stallion to be boring, but I will expect that by that time I will have instilled enough character that they will STILL choose books with wholesome content, albeit on a more MATURE level, and read that correctly, MATURE, not inappropriate.
I'm currently working on whetting the appetites of my children by exposing them to the arts, to good music, to good literature, to well-made films, etc. And you're implying that is whetting their appetite for...what, exactly?
Let's see if I can make this clear and logical for you:
Right now my children are reading Nancy Drew. Later it will probably be Walt Whitman or Jane Eyre.
Right now my children like watching Animal Planet. Later it will probably be HGTV or Mythbusters.
What in the world leads you to connect the dots between "bored with Disney", must watch "something R-rated????"
Just thinking....maybe his family has seen that has been a bad influence to someone and they didn't like the results. As I said...just thinking.
MissB....I want to say how great it is that you take time with you children. That you can be there to teach them and guide them. It is awesome! I have friends and family that can't be at home with their children because they work. Some are teenagers....and there natural curiosity comes in and they don't always hold the guidelines that they have been taught by their parents. I also grew up in a home that didn't have Christian values and my curiosity sometimes got the best of me. So I can see where they think progression can occur.
Actually, our filter was tested by a professional hacker who could not get it to budge, which is K-9. As for the rest of the post, I don't have anybody on my list that could send me that in an email, and if someone were to post that on here, would they not immediately be removed?
Hey!! We have K-9 too!! It is really awesome...and invincible!
Nope You only wished T
I'm always for the underdog -It's been all of you against him.
I admire young people like him Plus he's a keyboardist !
I didn't know he was a keyboardist as well. I guess I have to keep that in mind. However, I do not feel like it is a matter of all of us being against him personally. I think it is more of a function of how unpopular and inexplicable that particular stance is, particularly among people who are technologically sophisticated enough to be on an internet forum in the first place.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois