Up, because investors will view the move a sign of AFF's stability. This because AFF;s true doctrinal views will be open for all to see. A clearly muddied vision.
If DA becomes owner of AFF then I will have to take the plunge and get into the ministry officially so I can join the JP forum. I could be the token liberal.
They have Bill Price but he doesn't count because his doctrine will change in another couple of months - again. By fall he should be just to the right of Steve Epley and Elder Groce.
*Note* Edited because I accidently originally typed "Brett Prince" when I meant "Bill Price". Thanks to Bill for catching that.
Rico, wrong question posed.
Now some other questions could be asked but they would be hitting a few more Bulls Eyes!
1. Is AFF filled with people having Agendas?
2. Is AFF filled with ex UPC'ers who are bitter?
That would be interesting.
I am bitter? Wow! I didn't realize that and now you have gone and ruined it. I will probably have to schedule counseling with Rhoni. Rats........
(Why is it UPC folks think everybody who left the Mothership and doesn't agree with old time Pentecost is "bitter"? Personally I think it is a defense mechanism. In other words "the best defense is a good offense")
I am bitter? Wow! I didn't realize that and now you have gone and ruined it. I will probably have to schedule counseling with Rhoni. Rats........
(Why is it UPC folks think everybody who left the Mothership and doesn't agree with old time Pentecost is "bitter"? Personally I think it is a defense mechanism. In other words "the best defense is a good offense")
Has anyone said you were bitter CC1?
It was a straight forward question.
One throws a rock in the midst of a pack and the one that gets hit.....
Thing is, to tell if one is truly "bitter" about "someone" or "something" is to see how much they harp about it.
If DA becomes owner of AFF then I will have to take the plunge and get into the ministry officially so I can join the JP forum. I could be the token liberal. They have Brett Prince but he doesn't count because his doctrine will change in another couple of months - again. By fall he should be just to the right of Steve Epley and Elder Groce.
If DA becomes owner of AFF then I will have to take the plunge and get into the ministry officially so I can join the JP forum. I could be the token liberal.
They have Brett Prince but he doesn't count because his doctrine will change in another couple of months - again. By fall he should be just to the right of Steve Epley and Elder Groce.
I'm going to make a point to see to it that Brett gets word about you just said about him.
I'm going' to make a point to see to it that Brett gets word about you just said about him.
He won't be surprised. I have kidded him about it before. I am going to suggest to him that he change his screen name with each big doctrinal shift. If he had done this in the past like software does with revisions his screen name would be something like "Brett Prince v.167
I honestly think it affects only those who are somewhat looking for an alternate view and way of living. Thus their 'arguments' though they are very old to us who have battled these errors for years for the naive they think revelation and liberty has come. I have fought these same arguments ever since I have been in the ministry and continue to fight them today.
I appreciate you, Elder Epley.
Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)
"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
He won't be surprised. I have kidded him about it before. I am going to suggest to him that he change his screen name with each big doctrinal shift. If he had done this in the past like software does with revisions his screen name would be something like "Brett Prince v.167
I am starting a poll. I have a simple question for you. It doesn't involve standards, steps in salvation, whether speaking in tongues is initial evidence of Holy Ghost infilling or anything similar. The question is this:
Is AFF an Ex-Pentecostal Forum?
This poll is private, so no one will know your vote but you.
Sidenote: You decide for yourself what "pentecostal" means.
Hey Rico! Good topic! I have wondered myself. Espechally by some of the topics out here.