Originally Posted by Kutless
Would you speculate which "man" has done the outgrowing? m Or was this just a general statement?
It was not a general statement at all. It is scriptural. Here is the reference:
Isa 28:20 For the bed is shorter than that [a man] can stretch himself [on it]: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself [in it].
This often happens as a man matures but his fellowship does not. If the man continues to mature and his fellowship stagnates in growth, the bed becomes too short for the man and the covering becomes to narrow for him to wrap himself in it.
There are spiritual giants in the land that cannot submit to dictates of Pygmy fellowships and remain in fellowship with his God. Though the man has outgrown the fellowship, he will forever be a friend, and active helper and supporter of that fellowship as far as he is allowed to participate within that fellowship. The wise among them will recognize the man for his maturity nurtured and fostered in love to the whole world, to the fellowship, and each individual member as well. Such a man is not on an ego trip nor does he willingly accept the accolades of his admirers as anything meaningful. He would far rather be hidden.
Makes sense? I hope I answered correctly.