Originally Posted by crazyhomie
When Paul wrote this to Timothy, he didn't conside what he was writing to be scripture. It was a personal letter. The only reason it's scripture today is because the early church fathers wanted to include it in the package of texts relevant to Christianity. Paul was referring to the sciptures of the Old testament, like the Psalms, Ezekiel, the prophet Moses' writings, etc.
Nice assertion. Can you prove it?
Now consider this...why would Paul tell Timothy to follow teachings that were NOT true? That this was a personal letter is irrelevant. To be sure, many of the writtings were at one time or another PERSONAL to someone who later shared them with the rest of the church. Acts is a personal letter to Theophilus. So is the Gospel of Luke.
But is the CONTENT only to Timothy and NOT about truth?
1Ti 1:1 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ according to a command of God our Savior, even the Lord Jesus Christ, our Hope,
1Ti 1:2 to Timothy, a true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
1Ti 1:3 Even as I called on you to remain in Ephesus, (I going to Macedonia), that you might
charge some not to teach other doctrines,
1Ti 1:4 nor to give heed to fables and to endless genealogies, which occasion doubts, rather than a stewardship of God in faith,
1Ti 1:5 but the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience, and faith not pretended,
I can go on and on. You see, that it was written to an individual does NOT make the content any less authoritative or true, especially written by an Apostle
Is he writting to Timothy alone? If so why say "men" and "women"? Timothy was himself over other churches. This would mean that Paul is giving Timothy INSTRUCTIONS to give to OTHERS.
1Ti 2:1 First of all then,
I exhort that petitions, prayers, supplications, and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men,
1Ti 2:2 for kings and all the ones being in high position, that we may lead a tranquil and quiet existence in all godliness and dignity.
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable before God our Savior,
1Ti 2:4
who desires all men to be saved and to come to a full knowledge of truth.
1Ti 2:5 For God is one, also there is one Mediator of God and of men, the Man Christ Jesus,
1Ti 2:6 the One having given Himself a ransom on behalf of all, the testimony to be given in its own time,
1Ti 2:7 to which I was appointed a herald and apostle (I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie), a teacher of the nations, in faith and truth.
1Ti 2:8
Therefore, I desire the men to pray in every place, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
1Ti 2:9 So also the women to adorn themselves in proper clothing, with modesty and sensibleness, not with plaiting, or gold, or pearls, or expensive garments,
1Ti 2:10
but what becomes women professing fear of God, through good works.
1Ti 2:11 Let a woman learn in silence, in all subjection.
Why would Paul be telling Timothy about what women are to do if this was not an authoritative letter to all?
Why give instructions on what an Overseer is to be if this was only meant for Timothy?
Paul is giving Timothy instructions on instructing OTHERS. Paul is an Apostle.