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Old 08-07-2017, 10:07 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
That's a lie, I didn't mock you for sheer enjoyment. You mocked my being burned on a stove by my stepmother and soiling myself, because that was the only way you could feel better. You know that you were wrong, and you removed Isaiah 1:17 from your signature. Because you embarrassed yourself. Was that a demon motivating you to have such a wonderful time of picturing a child being burned on a lit stove and soiling himself? Your preacher in his list? Well, you are there, and so by your own words in what you have been posting here. No one who has ever been brutalized as a child would ever do what you did. PTSD? Do you know how many young people have it? You are like the guy who was once in the army, and tells people stories how he was a Navy Seal. Then when you ask them what Seal Team number, and where they got their BUDS training they get flipped out angry. PTSD is found more in battered spouses, elderly, and children. Not just wartime situations. But Jesus conquerors it all. You are just can't accept that the only model you need to follow is Jesus Christ.

You see Chris, instead of being Christ centered it is Chris centered. You used someone being brutalized as a child being burned by a lit stove for some so called revenge? Then you hurry over here to give sweet solace to a saint concerning their spiritual issues? There are none so blind who WILL NOT SEE.
Guess what? You lost any right to gripe about what anyone said about anything in your past. Because after you had such light fun berating my tourte in childhood, do you honestly think anyone sees you as the go to guy for spiritual instruction? Satan using someone? You think the demons were loving it as I was being burned? Huh? Chris?

And he will remind you of a child who was dragged to a lit stove and soiled himself from the pain. Deliverance Chris? You shouldn't be talking about it to others, you should be on the receiving end of it

Tell him yourself.
Someone still has issues. Lol

Timeline. You mocked PTSD and emotional trauma long before I dished you up some of your own medicine, just to see what you'd do. It's all right there if any wishes to read it.

Haven't you realized that we're on the same side yet?

Last edited by Aquila; 08-07-2017 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 08-07-2017, 10:17 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Eventually the admins are going to wonder why you keep going personal on me and ruining nearly every thread we post in. Your obsession with doing this isn't rational bro. You're an evangelist, I'm just a dumb hipster house churcher. What gives? Lol

Last edited by Aquila; 08-07-2017 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 08-07-2017, 10:21 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Someone still has issues. Lol
I don't, I'm just showing you that you need Christ worse than the breath of life. But what if I did have issues? What if I was suffering from PTSD and was out of my ever loving mind? Look at you? All you ever want is to win, at any expense. My lands, you just don't get it? But you do, and what is crazy you don't care about PTSD sufferers, only yourself.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Timeline. You mocked PTSD long before I dished you up some of your own medicine, just to see what you'd do. It's all right there if any wishes to read it.
Chris, you did it out of revenge, nothing more, nothing less. You have posted some of the most vulgar things, that would make anyone lift an eyebrow. But, it is you. Amanah brought up the time when you shocked us with your post in the skirt thread concerning rape. Bro, who thinks like that? What Man or woman of God thinks like that? But you took a testimony of a child being burned on a lit stove, soiling himself, and used it to make yourself FEEL better. It does't bother me, it bothers you. You are the one who needs to apologize to Jesus Christ, for doing what you do when no one is around. Because that is way worse than kicking up your heels making fun of a burned hand on a lit stove.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Haven't you realized that we're on the same side yet?
Chris, when you give up playing make believe when you put on the Christian.

Then we will be on the same side.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-07-2017, 10:26 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Eventually the admins are going to wonder why you keep going personal on me and ruining nearly every thread we post in. Your obsession with doing this isn't rational bro. You're an evangelist, I'm just a dumb hipster house churcher. What gives? Lol
Chris, you need serious help.

Bob Coy, was a pastor of the largest mega church in Florida.

For years he had adultress relationships with people in his congregation. For years he had a major problem with pornography. But, he still was handing out the glad hand, sweeting Jesus from his lips. Giving advice to dear saints of God.

While everyone looked the other way.

I won't do that.

I won't look the other way

Chris, take your own advise

Pray, fast, and get soaked in the word.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 08-07-2017 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 08-07-2017, 10:45 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
if Christ is in you and you are in Christ then the enemy doesnt see you...he sees Christ...UNLESS he can get you to step out and respond or react in a way that is not like Christ. Hes just lobbing bombs and noisemakers trying to get a unChristlike response from you.

See, if the old Jediwill83 is truly dead, I wont respond as the old me would. The enemy doesnt have any power over the new me, but if I bring back the old me...Im fair game.

If I let doubt, fear, my flesh rise up and dont keep it under subjection, that is where the enemy has some indirect power by manipulating me to behave not like Christ would.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-08-2017, 12:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I don't, I'm just showing you that you need Christ worse than the breath of life. But what if I did have issues? What if I was suffering from PTSD and was out of my ever loving mind? Look at you? All you ever want is to win, at any expense. My lands, you just don't get it? But you do, and what is crazy you don't care about PTSD sufferers, only yourself.
Ah, now we're getting somewhere. But you're not out of your mind. We both know that.

Chris, you did it out of revenge, nothing more, nothing less. You have posted some of the most vulgar things, that would make anyone lift an eyebrow. But, it is you. Amanah brought up the time when you shocked us with your post in the skirt thread concerning rape. Bro, who thinks like that? What Man or woman of God thinks like that? But you took a testimony of a child being burned on a lit stove, soiling himself, and used it to make yourself FEEL better. It does't bother me, it bothers you. You are the one who needs to apologize to Jesus Christ, for doing what you do when no one is around. Because that is way worse than kicking up your heels making fun of a burned hand on a lit stove.
I didn't do it out of revenge. In fact, in post #157, I said,

I'm sorry you endured that. No child should ever have to endure what you experienced. You didn't deserve what you described above. But I praise or Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that you stand as a testimony to God's faithfulness today.
It wasn't revenge. Those were my true feelings. I didn't choose to test your metal until after you berated people and mocked the reality of PTSD for a number of posts. That's when I gave you the same measure of hardness you'd given us in a post well into the 400's. You had hammered on several people's trauma and even questioned the faith of a brother on meds, and mocked vets seeking help. I only wondered if you could take what you dished out. I know you don't believe me, but I hinted at this in post #442 when I indicated sorrow for having been hard on you.

As for the shirt issue, I warned that I was going to be blunt. I then relayed what that in the military women tended to flat-back in skirts and that the men I served with saw them as more alluring than women wearing pants.

You're picking on words, but ignoring the point, then misrepresenting the point intended.

Chris, when you give up playing make believe when you put on the Christian.
There you go again, attacking anothers faith.

Then we will be on the same side.
We're already on the same side, brother EB. You're allowing the enemy to use you to go personal on every thread. You're being irrational in your effort to attack me every night. It's all right here for everyone to see.
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Old 08-08-2017, 01:16 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Chris, you need serious help.

Bob Coy, was a pastor of the largest mega church in Florida.

For years he had adultress relationships with people in his congregation. For years he had a major problem with pornography. But, he still was handing out the glad hand, sweeting Jesus from his lips. Giving advice to dear saints of God.

While everyone looked the other way.

I won't do that.

I won't look the other way

Chris, take your own advise

Pray, fast, and get soaked in the word.
That guy sounds like a creep. But, I'm no pastor with that bag of problems. I almost got into ministry, but I decided it wasn't for me after seeing the politics. I'm more of an average Joe Christian now who just wants to share what he's seen, learned, and experienced. I have my problems, I don't profess to be prefect. But nobody is other than Jesus. I even openly shared my battle with PTSD.

If you truly care, or sense I need help, or that a storm might be coming, actually talk with me. Get to know me. Let me get to know you. Don't PM me with insults and taunts. Send me a prayer you've prayed on my behalf. Show yourself friendly. Because so far, you've only stalked me and thrown everything but the kitchen sink at me. Lol. I'm not unapproachable. But I do expect kindness.

Funny that you mentioned soaking in the Word. Maybe I'll share what I received in prayer with you over PM sometime. And you might be surprised that I'd like to thank you for some things that you've helped me with without even knowing. But I can't get to that place as long as you're constantly harassing me and throwing things in my face that happened ten years ago in your private messages.

Last edited by Aquila; 08-08-2017 at 01:28 AM.
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Old 08-08-2017, 02:18 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I almost got into ministry, but I decided it wasn't for me
That's not how this works.
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Old 08-08-2017, 02:45 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams


Regarding the "distortion" of your post that I linked to earlier about your girlfriend and the doll.

I cede to you all the points about that post, that I already acknowledged I forgot. What I do not cede to you is my interpretation of those points. You see it your way, I see it my way. That is what accounts for the alleged distortion. You believe God gave you a Word of Knowledge in response to prayer. I believe something else happened. So does Esaias. So does Michael the Disciple. And so does the other fellow (I forget his screen-name) in that thread who shared a video about how magicians and other such stage acts do "cold reading". That poster went on to say that the Word of Knowledge is, in his opinion, the most abused gift of the Spirit, because the devil pretty much knows the same information and can make it available to a person just as easily as the Spirit of God can.

You keep affirming otherwise, that our perception of that event is off, but your discernment and understanding of it is right on. Let me explain something to you. If ever I had a conversation with someone about the Gifts of the Spirit and in particular the Word of Knowledge, and that someone grabbed up some item and handed it to me and said "Read it" so I could prove to them what I was saying about the Gifts of the Spirit and the Word of Knowledge in particular, I wouldn't dare provoke or put God to the test like that by agreeing to do so.

That's not coveting the best gifts, or a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, even if you prayed. It's divination. plain and simple.

Before I was saved, when I was a thrall to evil spirits, I used to play a game with people, in which I would have them think of a person they knew, that I didn't know, and have them tell me that person's name, and I would tell them something about that person. I was on target more times than not, and freaked more than one person out. Even as a new convert, being immature and not knowing any better, I did the same thing with some saints one time, and got the same response.

I have since realized what that kind of thing is, and I never do it, not even for fun.

So, I understand your desire to stick to your story and perceive it the way you want. But I, and several others openly reject your perception of it, and see it as something totally different, hence why, to you, it's a distortion.

But that's the funny thing about subjective things like the gifts of the Spirit. Earlier in this thread, you exhorted me by quoting Scripture, saying "Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good". So I am, and you don't like it. To prove something is to put it through a test, to see if it lines up with the rest of the Word of God. If it doesn't, let go of it/don't hold "fast" to it. So I am. I am putting your story to the test to see if it matches up with the rest of the Word of God, and I find your story severely lacking and so, I am not holding on to it as an example of a genuine Word of Knowledge imparted through a Gift of the Spirit.
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Last edited by votivesoul; 08-08-2017 at 02:48 AM.
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Old 08-08-2017, 03:34 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Aquila, on page 1, post #6, you wrote:

I was involved in a local deliverance ministry for nearly two years.
Then, on page 4, in post #32, you wrote:

I've only encountered a person who I'm certain was "possessed" once...
In nearly two years of deliverance ministry, you only ever encountered one person whom you were certain was "possessed", and that, not even as a part of your formal deliverance ministry training, but just randomly while getting on the bus one day?

Brother, I grew up and lived with three people who were demon possessed, not counting myself. And I consorted with a lot of people who also were, as well. I've met all sorts of people who were possessed by evil spirits, and have been actively involved in casting them out for years. I've been randomly cussed out by strangers, physically attacked, had a knife held up to my throat, and more, by demonized people. I started a campus ministry at a secular, state school, and faced all sorts of demonic pushback, just about everyday for 4.5 years, until I graduated.

So maybe you're out of your league? What kind of deliverance minister only ever meets one person in two years who they are certain is possessed? The church I started out in had people come in all the time who were taken over by evil spirits. A lot of them came in to disrupt and degrade the service; others came in for deliverance, and received it.

But, this is key:

The word "deliverance" is only used by Jesus ONE TIME in the entire Gospels, in Luke 4:18, which reads "...to preach deliverance to the captives...". A lot of people see that, and they go "Aha! He's talking about deliverance ministry for people who are taken captive by evil spirits." Nope. The Greek word translated "deliverance" in that verse is aphesis, which means forgiveness.

Do deliverance ministers preach forgiveness to those who are taken captive? Do they urge the person being afflicted by evil spirits to repent and obey the Gospel? Do they ever see that the common denominator in every person's life who is being demonized, is that the person in question is the one who is at fault?

A lady met some people from our church and asked for help because her and her children were being demonized. Evil spirits were manifesting themselves visually in their house, touching and attacking them, doing the poltergeist thing, and etc. Some brothers and I went over there, talked awhile about her need for salvation, and shared the Gospel with her. She repented of her sins and my brother and I immersed her in the name of the Lord Jesus. When she came out of the water, she began coughing and vomiting sputum and shaking and wailing. We cast the evil spirit out of her, and she received the Holy Spirit.

We went back to her house and prayed, and we knew the house was completely free of evil spirits, simply because she was no longer possessed. Her demonic haunting was the result of her own wickedness and sin, which invited satan into her life. Once her sin issue was dealt with, her demon problem immediately ended.

Another sister I know messed around with a ouija board and other occult things and got herself into a major demonic mess, all of which was solved the day she repented of her sins and received the Holy Spirit and was immersed.

Still another sister, who used to read tarot, but needed the high from smoking dope to do so, had a demon come out of her when she threw her hands down, and shouted "I don't want this anymore!" As soon as she renounced satan in her life, the demon jumped out and she received the Holy Spirit.

The fact is, being freed from evil spirits in the Gospels is always tied to salvation. To say a person, post salvation, is being demonized, is to say they have abandoned their covenant with God, are no longer under the shadow of the Almighty, and are out playing in spiritual minefields. Essentially, it's an accusation that such a one is backslidden. And whether you realize it or not, that's essentially what you've done in this thread, Aquila. You've accused Modest Mama of not being right with God. Or, as you worded it:

If it is a spiritual oppression, and you've already prayed and rebuked it and yet it continues, there might be a stronghold to address before it can be permanently removed. Uprooting the stronghold could be as simple as getting rid of an item connected in some way to the occult or an old relationship/lifestyle. Or it could be more complicated.
Which is just another way of saying, the reason the Lord isn't answering her prayers, and that her rebukes are worthless, and nothing is changing for her is because an evil spirit is holding court over her life because she is harboring some occult idol or fetish in the home, or she is living in a sinful, pre-conversion way, or worse (i.e. more complicated).

Doesn't that shake you up in the slightest, that you basically accused this sister of transgressing her covenant with God?
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Last edited by votivesoul; 08-08-2017 at 03:42 AM.
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