...My thoughts are that there are several different interpretations of scripture that one could adhere to, and most of those things have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. If you believe a Christmas tree is wrong, that's your prerogative. If you believe that the tribulation will take place post or pre trib, to me, that's not a salvation issue, because none of us really even know until it happens.
But, when you make a statement that any issue such as the ones stated above are directly related to one's salvation, and any preacher who preaches otherwise is a false prophet and will go to hell for preaching it, then you've crossed a line....
1 Corinthians 13 speaks about how "we know in part and prophesy in part" on this side of glory. We look into the mirror of the word and some times see a cloudy image but some day we will see everything with perfect clarity. This side of glory we are limited but in the future faith will give way to sight and hope will turn into experience.
There are so many things we do not see eye to eye upon in the Body of Christ. Some say sleeves must button at the wrist or we are in danger of losing our salvation. Others say sleeves must at least come below the elbow. Others allow sleeves to come midway between shoulder and elbow while others allow cap sleeves or sleeveless garments. Some preach against facial hair on men. Some teach that if a woman trims, cuts, or in any way alters the length of her hair she is in danger of hell fire and God's ears are closed to her prayers. Then we have all the silly stuff about baptism like how much water? What if a foot or hand comes out of the water --does that invalidate the baptism? What name do we use -Jesus, Yeshua, Yehoshua, Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus, Father Son and Holy Ghost, or some combination? This goes on and on until we look silly as we criticize, condemn, and anathemize others who may differ with us. We have majored on minors.