Originally Posted by NotforSale
You continue to snowball the facts.
Yup. The facts just keep "snowballing" and rolling right over your conspiracy theories. Facts will do that. You on the other hand don't even understand the use of a simile.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Comparing the Marine Barracks to the World Trade Towers, and Building 7, is just plain dumb. Here's a link stating the materials and construction of the building. The explosion was so large, it lifted the entire building off of the ground. Again, you avoid the facts by downplaying honest research.
It's not "honest" research. And, I brought up the marine barracks (I am explaining this AGAIN for about the third time) because it was a relatively well known event and involved a building which collapsed into its own footprint ("pancaked").
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Did you look at the pictures on that site? IT'S THE SAME ARTICLE I LINKED TO. Only I actually included a link that works.
Look at the pictures.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
You go from, "The Americans were all over the radio trying to call the Israeli jet off and were heard far and wide by other US naval vessels who were steaming to their aid", to, "It was a subsequent cover-up".
A reasonable person (especially anyone with military experience) can see the progression of those events. A desperate conspiracy buff will fail to think it through.
"The Americans" were all over the (military) radio calling for help and attempting to call off the Israeli fighters during the incident.
After the incident there was official stonewalling and the withholding of information that characterizes a "cover up."
That is my assertion. Though this assertion is complex (it has two parts) and involves a timeline ("during" and "after"), most third graders would have no difficulty understanding whether they happened to agree with me or not.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
You also stated, "No engineers and qualified scientists" have "proved" any of the conspiracy notions about 9/11". I gave you a list, and you say nothing. Here it is again.
Lemme see, do I really have the time to Fisk all of these meat heads? No. Let's just look at a few of the names:
Walter R. Peterson (the octogenarian and now mentally incapacitated former governor of New Hampshire).
Professional wrestler Jesse Ventura (this website cites as one of Ventura's "accomplishments" to support his "findings" the fact that he appeared in the film "The Running Man" alongside Richard Dawson).
Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Ambassador Joe Wilson (the guy whose lies made his wife Valerie Plame infamous).
Ron Paul
Senator Patrick "Leaky" Leahy (guilty in the deaths of several American agents and allies overseas).
Dennis ("governement mind control satellites") Kuchinich
Walter Mondale has been added because of the following "interview":
Interviewed by Minnesota We Are C.H.A.N.G.E 2/3/08:
Would you support a new investigation into 9/11?
Vice President Mondale: Yeah, because, "Why did it happen?" We need that phase two. They never did it.
All right!
These bozos feel like that's an endorsement from Jimmy Carter's veep. I am certain Mr. Mondale feels otherwise.
This whole list is just a bunch of similarly nonsensical clips that the "truthers" have attempted to skew into endorsements. It's like Jeffrey Dahmer claiming an endorsement from Sears and Kenmore just because he kept human remains in the freezer.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
I gave you scientific facts regarding the "Free Fall" of the buildings, I didn't "Assert", and you ignore this very significant research that points to many problems regarding this event.
I didn't call you any names.
You linked to a discussion of the effects of gravity upon an apple and attempted to compare the apple falling from a tree to the collapse of the towers.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
What about the Core of the Twin Towers?
Those are the supports that were severed and weakened by the fire.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
BTW, I'm still a clear thinker. I just won't be pushed around by "Know it all's" like you. (Sorry, I just called you name). You seem to know everything about everything, and that might intimidate others, but not me.
If you don't play strait, I'm going to call you to the carpet, in a peaceable way. You still leave way too much on the table with this subject, and I'll continue to keep an open mind, but give me facts, not your opinion's that fall off the map with your own "Cover up".
Put down your crack pipe NotForSanity and pay attention. You can play the loony card all you want, but at the end of the day you are still a loon.
Your argument here is way off topic for this thread. Your "facts" are invented. Your observations about the "sinking" of the Liberty and the "cinder block" marine barracks were way off base.
You have completely ducked the Gulf of Tonkin fiction that you had pitched earlier when you found out that North Vietnam itself had reported taking part in the combat. You've been wrong about everything including your complaint that I don't "play strait" (SIC).
It's straight. And if you want to start a thread dealing with your hallucinations I will come straight at you.