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Old 04-26-2007, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson View Post
We sure need faith like that today.
It wasn't just faith. It was a different time then. People were much simpler and trusting. There were also not near as many entertainment choices out there. Radio was a very popular medium and preachers were still held in very high esteem.

For a rural area in the South it does not surprise me that a radio preacher woulde make this kind of appeal and see great success back in that day.
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Old 04-26-2007, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Speaking of Bro. Jimmy Russell,

This is from pages 46-49 of the book,The Coal Miner preacher.
It is an autobiography of Bro. Jimmy Russell

on Sunday afternoon we
had an hour program on WFMW that was called “The
Beams of Light.” We featured our choirs and other
singers. We ministered on the radio for about eight years.
One day as I was driving to Princeton for one of the
broadcasts I came to Ward’s Creek. Just as I crossed this
creek, I looked down at the water and the big tree leaning
out over the creek, the Lord spoke to my heart, “Tell them
on the radio that by faith you are coming to Ward’s Creek
for a baptizing under that leaning tree after the broadcast.”
I did not know of a soul to be baptized. Twice during
my radio message I told the listeners about the faith baptismal
After the broadcast I got in my car and drove toward
the creek. There was a long hill that went down toward
the creek. When I crested the hill, I saw cars parked on
both sides of the road, and cars were parked out in the
field. I think some of them wanted to watch me make a
fool of myself when no one showed up to be baptized.
I parked near the top of the hill and walked down to
the creek. I was careful to go where the tree leaned over
the water as I felt the Spirit had directed me. I opened my
Bible and preached for nearly an hour, unaware that the
creek was filling up with folks behind me. They had
waded out ready for baptism.
I pitched my Bible to Brother Floyd Jackson and
counted sixteen people waiting to be baptized in Jesus’
name. I waded out into waist-deep water and baptized
them. What an enjoyable experience! It was a very special,
God-ordained baptismal service. I never once
entertained the thought that God would let me down.
When my wife heard the broadcast at home, she
remarked, “I’m not worried. Someone will get baptized.”
My friend, Richard Sisk, heard my faith baptismal announcement
and told his wife, “I’m going over there to
see if anyone comes to it.” He had not been baptized in
Jesus’ name and had wrestled with the issue. On the way,
he told the Lord that if Brother Russell mentioned water
to him, he’d take that as a confirmation and get baptized.
He chose an obvious word and made it easy! All he
needed at that time was a nudge.
As I climbed up on the bank, Brother Sisk was standing
nearby. I reached up and shook his pant leg and said,
“Brother Sisk, the water’s wet.”
It stunned him. I had used his special word! He
quickly ran to his car and took off for Madisonville as fast
as the law would allow.
I stayed at the creek, feeling that Brother Sisk would
be back. I walked up the hill where my car was parked
and sat down in the front seat with my feet out on the
ground. I was still basking in the enjoyment of the
unusual baptismal service. I sat there for quite awhile.
Several cars turned off the road, and Brother Sisk’s
car was in front of them. He’d gone home to get a change
of clothes. It gave me a lot of pleasure to baptize my
friend in Jesus’ name just as the believers did all through
the Book of Acts. Three thousand people were baptized
on the Day of Pentecost. My tally for the day seemed
small by comparison, but it was growing. The night I was
baptized, ninety-six were baptized.
After Brother Sisk was baptized, a fellow kept hanging
around. He started ranting about how wrong it was to use
Jesus’ name in baptism. Evidently, like Brother Sisk, the
man had been in a tug-o-war frame of mind over Jesus
Name baptism and chose to verbally oppose me. He got
all worked up into a high pitch.
As he stepped on some moss-covered rocks at one shallow
part of the creek, intending to cross to the other side, he
fell, and a sharp rock punctured his arm. He held his arm,
and his face contorted in pain. A big knot formed on the arm.
I asked him, “What were you saying about Jesus’
Name baptism awhile ago?”
He admitted, “I don’t know if I believe it or not.”
I told him, “Follow me into the creek, and I’ll baptize
that knot away.”
He became childlike. “Do you believe that God would
heal me if you baptize me?”
“Yes, sir, I sure do,” I said. I led him into the water,
baptized him, watched him stand there and clap his
hands. The knot was gone, and God had won the
tug-o-war battle.
When the faith baptismal service was over, twenty-two
people had been baptized. As I drove home, a contented
sigh escaped my lips. “Isn’t God good?” What a pleasant
way to spend an afternoon—preaching and baptizing!
There were thirty-five people in the Princeton church
when I began pastoring. God added to the church in the
twenty months I was there, and there were 135 in attendance
when I left.
That was not the only time he did that. They got calling Wards Creek Jesus Name Creek he baptized so many there.
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:29 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
And this is the SAME church you are saying was not very strong then or now?!

Again this IS news...to hear Reg speak of Bro. Russell and the church, it was wonderful growing up there and is a good church now.

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Old 04-26-2007, 11:35 PM
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I do have to pause and point out something here. While we can all agree that any church condoning the behaviour and lifestyle of homosexuals is deluded, wrong, evil, etc Thad has once again actually misstated a situation.

Everytime I look at the title of this thread I am amused because it is wrong and misleading. If you believed the title you would think Donny and Reba just started a new church for homosexuals.

The truth is this church was started by them about seven or eight years ago and apparently this "outreach" or overt acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is actually a more recent event.

You would think what they are doing is bad enough that dear Thad coud have at least stated it accurately. This did not need to be exaggerated in any way to be shocking and receive universal condemnation from any balanced Christian.
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:49 PM
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I do have to pause and point out something here. While we can all agree that any church condoning the behaviour and lifestyle of homosexuals is deluded, wrong, evil, etc Thad has once again actually misstated a situation.

Everytime I look at the title of this thread I am amused because it is wrong and misleading. If you believed the title you would think Donny and Reba just started a new church for homosexuals.

The truth is this church was started by them about seven or eight years ago and apparently this "outreach" or overt acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is actually a more recent event.

You would think what they are doing is bad enough that dear Thad coud have at least stated it accurately. This did not need to be exaggerated in any way to be shocking and receive universal condemnation from any balanced Christian.

The implication is that they have now opened the Doors for open gays. I see that it's a little off or mis leading i was a little too rushed. titled It's should have said "opens Doors to gays" or something similar.
having said that, when is the last time i chastised you CC for something you posted or a thread you started?? tell me. you are like some self appointed police around here always trying to nip pick me apart. It's not a new development either. There are a number of people you included that go out of their way to fault find me. I guess I will have to get use to it to stay on the forum.
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:50 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I do have to pause and point out something here. While we can all agree that any church condoning the behaviour and lifestyle of homosexuals is deluded, wrong, evil, etc Thad has once again actually misstated a situation.

Everytime I look at the title of this thread I am amused because it is wrong and misleading. If you believed the title you would think Donny and Reba just started a new church for homosexuals.

The truth is this church was started by them about seven or eight years ago and apparently this "outreach" or overt acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is actually a more recent event.

You would think what they are doing is bad enough that dear Thad coud have at least stated it accurately. This did not need to be exaggerated in any way to be shocking and receive universal condemnation from any balanced Christian.
quit nit picking.. you picker.. you....
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
This is no newsflash when it's on her website! LOL!

There have been many things that people have posted as "news flashes" or some newsworthy story that came from websites nothing new.
I'm sure too many it was indeed news that she wrote a book about her divorice and remarriage. it was to me .
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
quit nit picking.. you picker.. you....

I see we're not in church .......... THIS WEEK
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:57 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I see we're not in church .......... THIS WEEK
yeah right.. what do you know?
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Old 04-27-2007, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
And this is the SAME church you are saying was not very strong then or now?!

Again this IS news...to hear Reg speak of Bro. Russell and the church, it was wonderful growing up there and is a good church now.

Bro. Russell was a very dedicated person. His life was beyond reproach and his prayer life was probably one of the greatest of any in our lifetime. But he never saw the need to enforce anything he preached. He preached against television harder than I ever heard anyone preach against it(that was in my time) however we had SS teachers and officials with televisions. When I was there nearly 90% of the saints did NOT have televisions but I think the percentage has reversed in years. I will not go into the rest but the church now is certainly not the church I was raised in. Again Reg's family were not in the church when I was there they went to the UPC on North & Wells which always was very weak on standards.
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