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Old 09-06-2008, 06:35 AM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

[QUOTE=AtlantaBishop;583753]I did not and never have used the F/S/HG wording in a baptism.
I have always baptized saying these words: "Upon your confession of Faith and because you have repented of your sins, I now baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
There are many that baptize this way and John Osteen - the Father of Joel Osteen told me personally that this was the way he always baptized!

Wonderfull and fascinating at the same time!

You do NOT have to be OP to baptize in Jesus Name. Many of the "Charismatic" and Independent Pentecostal Churches here in Atlanta - Baptize this way and do not use the F/S/HG wording.

Hey well email me off group some time and I would really like to know more about all of that when you have time! Thanks for the reply!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:04 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Our Ministry for 35 years has been mostly outside the OP movement. I was born and raised Church of God of Prophecy and preached from the time I was 16. I ministered in mostly Church of God, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Holiness and Independent Pentecostal (non-OP) until I was 26 years old. Every person I ever baptized - I baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I was involved with OP's for almost 20 years and was in the UPC for 11 and have been away from it for 8 years and rarely preach in an OP church.
I continue to preach the Revelation of Jesus Christ and baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. Over 98% of the people I pastor have never heard of and have never been a part of Oneness Pentecostalism. Most of them are Jamaican or from some Island and had never heard of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and most of them are now filled and baptized. We do not make it a requirement for membership but most of our people were saved and filled at the altars of our church.
There are many thousands of pastors outside the OP ranks that baptize using the name of Jesus in water baptism.
I do not use the F/S/HG wording but have no problem with ministers quoting the words of our Lord and Savior over people that are being baptized!

The problem comes in - in sectarian and elitist movements like the OP/UPC's that NOTHING IS GOOD ENOUGH!
It really does not matter how or who baptized you if you don't obey all their RULES! You still are not saved and that is what is so sad.
The OP's have a great revelation to share with the world - but if it is outside their little movement - they criticize it and alienate all possibilities of sharing it on a wide scale basis because they DON'T BELIEVE ANYONE BUT THEM IS SAVED!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:36 AM
Brad Murphy Brad Murphy is offline
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Can someone confirm or admit that the logic is now that it does not matter what is said over the person during baptism (ie- "in Jesus Name"), but what the "baptiser" is thinking when they perform the ceremony? Because this is what I am gathering from this thread.

Just when you think that salvation cannot get any more complicated... this seems to displace the tired, old argument that "they didn't use the right magic words".
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:52 AM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Out of curiosity, where did you come up with that quote by Bro. Andrew Urshan? I have read that and have quoted it somewhere on these forums.

Bro. Urshan did agree to be rebaptized while he was on that trip but maintained fellowship with the Assembly of God, actually being ordained by them a couple of years later. He wanted to maintain fellowship with both the trinitarians and oneness folks and did so until he was forced to choose one or the other.
Thats the key. I also wanted to continue fellowshipping with my friends who were Trinitarian but I was forced to chose also.
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Old 09-06-2008, 12:13 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

I'm just so excited that Palin is a woman who can relate to the Pentecostal experience. She obviously believes strongly in the power of prayer and lives a Christian life.

My mom sent me a link that shows her speaking in her home church. The minister who introduces her says that she was baptized in the name of Jesus.

Whoo Hoo!


So exciting!

She's an amazing speaker and comes across as feminine and intelligent and strong! She'd fit right in with us Southern Steel Magnolias! We could get some good stuff taken care of out on the back porch over some iced tea and chicken salad sandwiches!!!
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Old 09-06-2008, 02:27 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
I heard Anthony Mangun proclaim the bolded words ("I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost which is Jesus.") over one being baptized, was that baptism valid??
According to some of the folks on this thread, if Anthony Mangun baptizes using that formula, then all the folks that he has baptized that way are baptized wrong and in danger of hell fire. Poor Anthony Mangun, I hope he gets the revelation some day about baptism before he goes to the hot place and takes all those poor unsuspecting folks with him.

Oneness Pentecostals can't even agree among themselves on what is the right and wrong way to baptize and they are notorious for anathemizing one another over the proper "formula" (or "incantation") and even rebaptizing one another.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 09-06-2008, 02:30 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Our Ministry for 35 years has been mostly outside the OP movement. I was born and raised Church of God of Prophecy and preached from the time I was 16. I ministered in mostly Church of God, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Holiness and Independent Pentecostal (non-OP) until I was 26 years old. Every person I ever baptized - I baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I was involved with OP's for almost 20 years and was in the UPC for 11 and have been away from it for 8 years and rarely preach in an OP church.
I continue to preach the Revelation of Jesus Christ and baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. Over 98% of the people I pastor have never heard of and have never been a part of Oneness Pentecostalism. Most of them are Jamaican or from some Island and had never heard of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and most of them are now filled and baptized. We do not make it a requirement for membership but most of our people were saved and filled at the altars of our church.
There are many thousands of pastors outside the OP ranks that baptize using the name of Jesus in water baptism.
I do not use the F/S/HG wording but have no problem with ministers quoting the words of our Lord and Savior over people that are being baptized!

The problem comes in - in sectarian and elitist movements like the OP/UPC's that NOTHING IS GOOD ENOUGH!
It really does not matter how or who baptized you if you don't obey all their RULES! You still are not saved and that is what is so sad.
The OP's have a great revelation to share with the world - but if it is outside their little movement - they criticize it and alienate all possibilities of sharing it on a wide scale basis because they DON'T BELIEVE ANYONE BUT THEM IS SAVED!!!!!!!!

uh, oh, AB.
Get ready to dodge those rocks, stones, boulders, and insults.
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Old 09-06-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Originally Posted by trickledown View Post
Sam I hope you like this...
Well to keep the debate going, remember the words of Bro. Urshan...He is speaking of a trip to russia where
he had already been and had seen many people filled with the Holy

"I objected to such a thing then. I had come to the conclusion to
baptize the new repenting souls in Jesus Christ's name, but never
those who were already baptized. In spite of my personal feeling on
the subject, I was almost begged to baptize some who once were already
baptized.... I tried to discourage it, and told the folks it was not
necessary at all and that it would bring trouble and division among
them. I went as far as to tell them of the havoc that very thing had
created in America and then I plainly stated that I would not
rebaptize them.... I prayed hard against rebaptism and branded it to
be a trick of the devil to destroy that good revival."

God Bless Gov Palin. I think Acts 2:38 is the only way to do anything if you are OP.
If you are not OP, well then Matt. 28:19 might hold a lot of weight. Either way, the disciples weren't this extreme in their squabbles. Wether or not she was or wasn't, there are AoG pastors that I am friends with who at least have had a kind word and been more than willing to befriend me with my oneness beliefs.
Speaking of Bro. A.D. Urshan, here are two posts about him that I have posted before. The first is how he got saved way before he ever heard about water baptistm in Jesus name and the Holy Ghost baptistm. The second is how he started to baptize in Jesus name and how he got baptized in Jesus name:

1. Andrew Urshan's conversion
This is an account of Andrew Urshan’s conversion. I have a book titled “The Life of Andrew Bar David Urshan” which came from the Pentecostal Publishing House. Inside the cover it says that the first printing was circa 1918 and then reprinted in 1998. I also have several old magazines called “The Witness of God” which were published by Andrew Urshan. The first is dated January, 1946 and the last is dated December, 1946. The story in the magazine is pretty much the same as in the book but the date of the conversion is given as a Wednesday night in1901 in the magazine but as both 1899 and 1900 in the book. Also the location of Urmiah is spelled a couple of different ways in the book. Andrew Urshan was born in1884 and died in 1967.

Below is the account from the book.

On a windy night in March, in the year 1900 in Urumia City, Persia, when sitting with about 200 lads in the American Presbyterian Mission College, singing the blessed hymn, “Oh happy day that fixed my choice,” the Spirit of God seized me with great conviction and caused me to stop and think and to ask myself the question, “Am I really happy because Jesus has washed away my sins?” I was reproved and had to confess myself a hypocrite, and that broke my heart, and I instantly broke into tears as my sins were pictured before my eyes. Then I cried unto God for forgiveness and deliverance in Jesus’ name and the Lord heard me. I put my trust in the promises, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” and “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved;” and, the Spirit witnessed to my spirit that I had been born again and had been made a new creature in Christ Jesus.

With a new and tender heart and broken spirit, and with tears of repentance and joy, I sang the rest of the hymn not a hypocrite this time, but a truly happy, blood bought, blood washed child of the King. Oh, that wonderful night! that beautiful spot! that mourning bench in that school! And oh, that sweet effect of the gracious, crucified Saviour and risen Lord! Never will it be forgotten. It is still burning now as a clear blaze of the glory of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

from pages 31 and 32, from chapter VI titled “My Conversion” in the book
and from page 7, of the magazine The Witness of God January, 1946

2. Andrew Urshan on baptism and rebaptism
Recently I read two different autobiographies of Andrew Urshan. One was printed serially in several magazines in 1946. The other was written in 1918 and is available from the UPC publishing house. The book from 1918 tells about his birth and childhood and conversion as a young man in Persia, his trip to the U.S., his baptism in the Spirit, and his ministry in the U.S., Persia, and Russia. There is no mention of his baptism in Jesus' name (unless I missed it). The magazine articles covered a lot of the same information but they do talk about baptism in Jesus' name. Andrew Urshan was sprinkled as a baby in the Presbyterian manner. Later as a young man he was immersed. He later had some questions concerning water baptism and came to the conclusion that, "The Lord Jesus Christ is the One Proper Name of the whole Deity for this Gospel dispensation because in Him, Jesus Christ our Lord, all the fullness of the Godhead dwells and to Him all the power in Heaven and earth was given" He goes on to say, "...This was indeed a wonderful revelation of the Trinity in Christ....seeing the great value of the baptism invested in faith in the One Name of the triune God..." He goes on to say that he had a tract published about this revelation, that he had Acts 2:38 painted above the baptistry tank and that he began to baptize new converts "into the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the One Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost." This is on page 10 of a magazine titled The Witness of God, edition no. 3 of 1946. He said this happened in 1910 while pastoring an assembly at Sheffield and Montana Street in Chicago, Illinois. It is interesting that although he started baptizing new converts this way, he did not practice rebaptism. He later went back to Persia and then to Russia. In 1915 while preaching in Russia, he hoped no one would want to be water baptized because he knew it had become a controversy in the U.S. and he did not want to join in with either side of the issue. He did decide not to do any baptizing unless some one specifically requested baptism using the name of Jesus. A new convert came to him, pointing to Acts 8:16 in a Bible, and asked for baptism according to this verse. Several days later they went out into the woods to a river, cleared away two feet of snow, broke a hole trough the ice and baptized several people. There were more converts and a few days later more wanted to be baptized. Bro. Urshan preached on Isaiah 9:6 about "the sonship of Jesus and the Divine Fatherhood in Him." He then talked about baptism in Jesus' Name. As a result some who had been previously baptized requested rebaptism.

Here is what Bro. Urshan wrote about his attitude toward rebaptism.
"I objected to such a thing then. I had come to the conclusion to baptize the new repenting souls in Jesus Christ's name, but never those who were already baptized. In spite of my personal feeling on the subject, I was almost begged to baptize some who once were already baptized.... I tried to discourage it, and told the folks it was not necessary at all and that it would bring trouble and division among them. I went as far as to tell them of the havoc that very thing had created in America and then I plainly stated that i would not rebaptize them.... I prayed hard against rebaptism and branded it to be a trick of the devil to destroy that good revival." When they insisted on being rebaptized, he told them to go ahead and rebaptize one another. He told them that he himself had not been rebaptized and wanted to return to America and discuss it more fully with people there. Finally they prevailed upon him and he asked an elderly Russian to rebaptise him and then he baptized about 75 people in Jesus' Name.

Even though he had now been rebaptized, when Bro. Urshan returned to the U.S. he continued to fellowship and preach among those who practiced both types of baptism. Later, he was forced to choose sides and he sided with the "New Issue" or Jesus' name baptism.

Just a little history lesson for you.
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Old 09-06-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
I did not and never have used the F/S/HG wording in a baptism.
I have always baptized saying these words: "Upon your confession of Faith and because you have repented of your sins, I now baptize you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
OK, AB, I do not mean to play the part of an inquisitor, but, when you say, "I now baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins," what does "remission of sins" mean to you? Does it mean the person's sins get remitted or forgiven when you baptize them? or does it mean the person's sins have been previously remitted or forgiven so you are now baptizing them because their sins have been forgiven/remitted?
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 09-06-2008, 08:42 PM
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Re: Sarah palin baptized in jesus name!!!!

I have not read this entire thread, but after watching the video the thought that comes to my mind is "for such a time as this" just as Esther was placed in a high position "for such a time as this" to save her people. Perhaps Sarah is also placed or perhaps will be placed as an Esther for such a time as this.

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