I really think this pick energizes the base. She will be a homerun for Evangelical voters.
The simple fact is, McCain didnt just pick a woman. He looked a a very qualified field to pick from and picked someone who really did belong in that discussion. She is very qualified for the VP roll.
Exactly, FERD!!! Exactly and people do recognize this as more than just a political move. It was the right choice.
I've been in Los Angeles all week and haven't paid much attention
to what's been going on til last night. I got so depressed seeing
what a success the Big O show was I felt a sinking feeling.
BUT then I awoke to the most wonderful gift from God this
morning! wow did he ever lift my spirits!!! This woman knocked
it out of the ball park~!
I hope the cons wont mind me posting every now and then- I
couldn't contain myself on this one!
Andrea Mitchell (no conservitive mind you) said when she got back to her hotel last night, she ordered some hot tea. when room service brought it to her, she asked the girl if she heard the speach.
AM reported that the roomservice lady said she did and that Barak was mean to McCain.
we are talking about a worker squarly in the Obama demographic as far as socio-economic grouping is concernd.
Obama may be in trouble.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Andrea Mitchell (no conservitive mind you) said when she got back to her hotel last night, she ordered some hot tea. when room service brought it to her, she asked the girl if she heard the speach.
AM reported that the roomservice lady said she did and that Barak was mean to McCain.
we are talking about a worker squarly in the Obama demographic as far as socio-economic grouping is concernd.
Obama may be in trouble.
I just watched Andrea Mitchell on the news, I was shocked at her stance....I expected much more critisism of McCain and Palin..but she was actually NICE in her remarks.....
Pressing, if anything this clearly indicates that when republican make picks like this, it is about substance. She qualifies.
This isnt window dressing. there is substance here.
it's just a huge plus that she's a woman, a mother, a governor...from a small town, understanding of special needs children, troops in Iraq...and a Conservative Christan...gun toting none the less LOL
She's not some dried up white guy with more money than sense who has no real grasp on the issues that face typical americans
I have to agree! Much better than some others who have shown their clothing disasters this week!
Well, I actually thought they were dressed very nice. I think Michelle looked great all week long. Nothing can help Hillary. lol I noticed the night of her speech that her lipstick was bothering her. lol
The bra strap wasn't that big of a deal to me. I just think, as Theresa stated it's in the box with the "relevance" which is a whole huge issue on it's own.
I remember saying I'd want McCain to pick Palin. However, it is SO OBVIOUS McCain picked her in an attempt to capitalize on the dissension in the Dem camp.
If Palin wasn't a female, she would not have been picked.
McCain is SUCH a politician.... just a politician.
Palin being female is a huge reason why she was chosen for sure. But the fact that she is a woman with all of the extra benefits: conservative, Christian, mother of five, son going to Iraq, husband works in the oil fields, has stood up to special interests, is a straight talker, has executive experience, cut taxes, is a Washington outsider, etc.
There were other women to choose from, she just happened to be the best of the picks. The other choices among men couldn't really help McCain like Palin is going to help him in November.
Obama should've picked Hillary and this election would've been a slam dunk for the Dems. Now it is a horse race!
McCain is a SMART politician.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.