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Old 05-23-2008, 02:55 PM

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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
God will eventually devestate America for the murder of the unborn and the toleration of homosexuality. Yes there are many other sins. Its just that when a nation gets so low as to allow such evil they are getting very close to judgment. He is already sending wrath on this nation. A little here a little there. Soon it will be crushing blows that the nation cannot withstand.
God will eventually devastate all nations for their sin. There has NEVER been a nation that pleased God; even Israel was judged by God for disobedience.

I know this might hurt but…homosexuals and abortion has been with us since our founding. Abortion was perfectly legal in America up until states began to ban the procedure in the 1800’s. States were banning the procedure because women were dying from infections from abortion procedures. Abortion began to be legalized in some measure as medical science provided safer abortion procedures. Of course eventually the SCOTUS ruled that the government was incapable of forcing women to give birth when they didn’t desire to so they ruled in favor of “choice” placing the entire responsibility on individual women. In a prochoice culture it is the individual women who choose abortion that are to blame…not the government. Interestingly, abortion rates have dropped in America even though abortion has been legalized. We need to do more to reduce this abortion rate…but consider this…based on maternal morbidity prior to 1970 abortion rates were significantly higher when abortion was illegal than they are today. Over 40% of Democrats polled by Gallup (or maybe it was Zogby) report that they are Prolife. Most Americans believe in the sanctity of life. However, most Americans also appear to believe that the government is incapable of addressing the issue.

Here’s a question…if abortion were banned…what would be the legal penalties? Seriously, in the real world what would happen. Our government has never charged a woman for murder after an abortion. And to fine a woman is to essentially allow the government to make money off of it. Also that reduces life to the value of a speeding ticket. You could take doctor’s licenses…but most abortionists aren’t doctors. Realistically…how would the government really address abortion if it were to be our primary political focus? How would the government seize women and force them to give birth when they didn’t want to? As wrong as abortion is…the government isn’t capable of addressing the issue. That’s why I feel the Republicans are manipulating us by using our religious values to get our votes with regards to this issue.

And as far as gays go…gays have always been with us. I assure you if they get the right to marry or civil unions they will also face very messy divorces and most will opt out after all is said and done.
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Old 05-23-2008, 02:55 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
I suppose you gather this from His eye is on the sparrow and all that...?

Moral imparative? Who pronounces what constitutes moral imparatives? YOU? The Democrats? Government?

True to your liberal position, you should be advocating survival of the species!

Now THAT is a moral imparative, survive or die.


I asked the question yesterday If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

somehow that just came to my mind....
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:00 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Grasshopper View Post

There will be a cost. Now that cost is going to have to be shared by all, especially those who can afford it.

Bro…don’t wine, it’s the cost of a civil society.

Here’s a thought…some business people think they’re entitled to special treatment because they’re businesses. No one is entitled to be a business owner. If you can’t pay your taxes and function…maybe business isn’t for you or you need to better manage your businesses finances.
Excuse me, I had to go puke after I read this and you should have seen it, it was yellow, kind of like color of socialism.

I don't think I am entitled to anything, this is so fitting because you think we got to where we are as business owners by luck, entitlement, or whatever else besides taking tremendous risk, incurring debt, with the desire to be happy.

You believe that business should exist for the sake of creating a teat for the impoverished classes. Wrong Pal, small business owners understand the true meaning of what America is all about and that is empowerment to be and do better.

Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime, give a man a fish and he will want you to give him two fishes tomorrow including the one you have for your family. Refuse and this man will go away crying saying the MAN is holding him back.
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:01 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Grasshopper View Post
God will eventually devastate all nations for their sin. There has NEVER been a nation that pleased God; even Israel was judged by God for disobedience.

I know this might hurt but…homosexuals and abortion has been with us since our founding. Abortion was perfectly legal in America up until states began to ban the procedure in the 1800’s. States were banning the procedure because women were dying from infections from abortion procedures. Abortion began to be legalized in some measure as medical science provided safer abortion procedures. Of course eventually the SCOTUS ruled that the government was incapable of forcing women to give birth when they didn’t desire to so they ruled in favor of “choice” placing the entire responsibility on individual women. In a prochoice culture it is the individual women who choose abortion that are to blame…not the government. Interestingly, abortion rates have dropped in America even though abortion has been legalized. We need to do more to reduce this abortion rate…but consider this…based on maternal morbidity prior to 1970 abortion rates were significantly higher when abortion was illegal than they are today. Over 40% of Democrats polled by Gallup (or maybe it was Zogby) report that they are Prolife. Most Americans believe in the sanctity of life. However, most Americans also appear to believe that the government is incapable of addressing the issue.

Here’s a question…if abortion were banned…what would be the legal penalties? Seriously, in the real world what would happen. Our government has never charged a woman for murder after an abortion. And to fine a woman is to essentially allow the government to make money off of it. Also that reduces life to the value of a speeding ticket. You could take doctor’s licenses…but most abortionists aren’t doctors. Realistically…how would the government really address abortion if it were to be our primary political focus? How would the government seize women and force them to give birth when they didn’t want to? As wrong as abortion is…the government isn’t capable of addressing the issue. That’s why I feel the Republicans are manipulating us by using our religious values to get our votes with regards to this issue.

And as far as gays go…gays have always been with us. I assure you if they get the right to marry or civil unions they will also face very messy divorces and most will opt out after all is said and done.
I see words and letters, but all I read is blabby blabby blabby blabbity blab...
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Excuse me, I had to go puke after I read this and you should have seen it, it was yellow, kind of like color of socialism.

I don't think I am entitled to anything, this is so fitting because you think we got to where we are as business owners by luck, entitlement, or whatever else besides taking tremendous risk, incurring debt, with the desire to be happy.

You believe that business should exist for the sake of creating a teat for the impoverished classes. Wrong Pal, small business owners understand the true meaning of what America is all about and that is empowerment to be and do better.

Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime, give a man a fish and he will want you to give him two fishes tomorrow including the one you have for your family. Refuse and this man will go away crying saying the MAN is holding him back.
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
I see words and letters, but all I read is blabby blabby blabby blabbity blab...
double brilliant!
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:04 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
double brilliant!
Thanks Ferd.
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:19 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
double brilliant!
hmm, I wonder if I pinched Grasshopper's two back legs a little too hard...

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Old 05-23-2008, 03:22 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
hmm, I wonder if I pinched Grasshopper's two back legs a little too hard...

not hard enough in my humble opinion.

in any case you speak truth.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 05-23-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: McCain renounces endorsements

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
i generally skim long posts... I stand by my question.
You have seen it twice now. I give up.
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