Daniel, this is one of your most thought full posts. the enforment aspect isnt necessarily there but clearly the UPCI has reached a point where factions are contending for that simple majority for the purpose of forcing the entire organization to be clones of one another. BOTH sides are engaged in this conflict and while Coonskinner is right about enforcement at the district level on the Infernal Document, Daniel has hit the nail on the head on what the problem is within membership.
Very thoughtful Daniel.
The compliance Ferd comes through a group dynamic .... however this is why I am a strong advocate of examining the structure top to bottom .... there must be some checks and balances built in to balance the tyranny of the majority.
Or else there will be a split ... however, it may be to late to remedy.
I've been reading through this thread ........ at page 12 now and it's been interesting discussion with some great points being made.
I was thinking ... "Well ..... you know the answer is prayer. But then I'm thinking that's probably way too simplistic. And the fact is all these men can and do of course pray and seek God (hopefully) but come up with different opinions on what God's will is.
The compliance Ferd comes through a group dynamic .... however this is why I am a strong advocate of examining the structure top to bottom .... there must be some checks and balances built in to balance the tyranny of the majority.
Or else there will be a split ... however, it may be to late to remedy.
While, I had not looked at it as "Tyranny of hte majority" per sey, I have been thinking about some of the old sermons ive heard from GC and some of the old guys that have passed.
Papa George preached a sermon in the 70's "He has magnified his Word above His Name" that was a masterpiece. Should be required listening for every preacher in the movement once a year. I suspect there are dozens more just like it from many other great yet gone men.
Daniel, my point here is the CHECK has to be revered men of God that preach at GC who have annointing and can get all sides to put God above idology.
I dont know that we have those kind of men preaching our conferences. I wonder if we have come to the place where the different sides wont even share pew space with each other to hear these kinds of messages together.
this in my honest opinion, is the check and balance. I just dont know if we have this any longer.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I thought that I registered my lack of comprehension. Maybe the statement is too lofty for the likes of such as I to attain to, but just bear with me. I too, given enough time, come to recognize a great mind when manifested enough.
Now here are the two parts that left me...breathless:
First this part:
And then this part:
Thank you for your help.
Perhaps it would be easier for me to clarify if you can explain exactly what you find problematic with my statements.
Splits cause one to take sides. Over time one identities more with their side. Such identification bleeds through to the congregation. Ergo, the congregation is affected by the split.
While, I had not looked at it as "Tyranny of hte majority" per sey, I have been thinking about some of the old sermons ive heard from GC and some of the old guys that have passed.
Papa George preached a sermon in the 70's "He has magnified his Word above His Name" that was a masterpiece. Should be required listening for every preacher in the movement once a year. I suspect there are dozens more just like it from many other great yet gone men.
Daniel, my point here is the CHECK has to be revered men of God that preach at GC who have annointing and can get all sides to put God above idology.
I dont know that we have those kind of men preaching our conferences. I wonder if we have come to the place where the different sides wont even share pew space with each other to hear these kinds of messages together.
this in my honest opinion, is the check and balance. I just dont know if we have this any longer.
Of course the men involved on all sides are revered and anointed men of God ... this is the Church, Ferd. In the epistles we see men of God taking different roads and opinions on how to work ....
Not withstanding, then, if we are going to make this a debate about who is more spiritual and who is more carnal ... the bombs will continue to fly.
If they are to make this an org that has unity then the political structure should also be a consideration.
Perhaps it would be easier for me to clarify if you can explain exactly what you find problematic with my statements.
Splits cause one to take sides. Over time one identities more with their side. Such identification bleeds through to the congregation. Ergo, the congregation is affected by the split.
I suppose it is a matter of perspective. Certainly not to be contentious for contention's sake.
I have always labored under the strong opinion that the opposite was the rule. Taking sides causes splits.
Within the ever evolving group spiritual thought migrations, an organization that attempts to control those thoughts by certain restraints will either produce the split or a certain element of hipocricy. If the man in the pulpit is not true to his own beliefs, he becomes a hipocrite in the name of the "team." The church is affected subliminally. In the case of the split, where the man stays true to his evolving opinions, the church is also affected, either to the good or worse. To the good if he is led of the Holy Ghost, the the worse if he is not.
However, I will defer to the Prince's "great mind" endorsement. At least I'm humble though maybe lacking one of the great minds of the Western World.
Within the ever evolving group spiritual thought migrations, an organization that attempts to control those thoughts by certain restraints will either produce the split or a certain element of hipocricy. If the man in the pulpit is not true to his own beliefs, he becomes a hipocrite in the name of the "team." The church is affected subliminally. In the case of the split, where the man stays true to his evolving opinions, the church is also affected, either to the good or worse. To the good if he is led of the Holy Ghost, the the worse if he is not.
that's a very worthwhile read. Thanks for your contribution to the discussion!
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]