Originally Posted by Truly Blessed
This is an issue I have a problem with in regards to UPCI and their policy on headquarters personnel receiving offerings. It's my understanding that they get an executive salary, but also get to keep whatever offerings they receive when preaching out.
It was always my position that any honorariums received for representing UPCI should go into the department they represent, not to the individual. Has this policy changed in recent years?
In the ACOP all honorariums received by our GS go into the General Account. The same is true with other departments.
I'm not sure. I doubt it though. Old habits are hard to break sometimes.
At one new church building dedication several years ago, the then GS received a $10,000.00 "love offering" for the one night service. I have to admit he did preach a good message though. I still have the tape.
So, I did a little arithmetic. If I could preach at least one church dedication per week, at the rate of 10k per dedication, in one year. That would be 520K per year. Man! What a racket. That would be better than Loan Sharking and less dangerous too.