Re: Will drinking beer send you to hell?
Originally Posted by Ehud
I could absolutely be wrong, but wasn't the actual issue with gluttony the fact that the glutton was being wasteful and keeping it from those who actually needed it? In other words, we aren't talking about overeating at Thanksgiving dinner, but rather a lifestyle of overindulgence?
As always, thank you for your time, Bro. Benincasa. 
Gluttony is a Latin word which means to scarf down food and drink. Thanksgiving stuffing one’s self would be considered gluttonous. Or you are being a glutton. As Christians we are to be moderate in all things and food and drink is a prime example. Don’t be given to appetite Proverb 23:2 tells us to lose self control with food and drink is the same as slitting your own throat. So, next family get together show some restraint.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence