Originally Posted by aegsm76
JD - there are so many outlets for employees, today that a union is unnecessary.
Let me tell what I just spent a little bit of this week on.
1. 3-4 hours answering a totally bogus charge filed with the EEOC. A charge so ridiculous that any EEOC over the last 20 years would have been embarassed to even send it to me.
2. negotiating with an ex-employees attorney to try to make her lawsuit go away.
I would have been happy to take this baby to court, since it is totally ridiculous and without merit, but due to "monetary considerations" that it would cost us to go to court, we offered her 25k to go away.
Which she happily accepted.
Neither one of these clowns needed a union to move this along.
Like I said, I would not use the word, "need" when describing the role of Unions in today's workforce.
Still, our Constitution allows for Unions to exist.
If a person wanted to outlaw Unions, they could not use the Constitution to do it.
The Union is there to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual-- just like what they are doing right now.
The right for public service workers to negotiate their benefits is a battle that was LEGALLY fought and won some time ago. For this Governor to underhandedly attempt to overturn this by using the budget crisis is a sign of his weakness.
It only shows that he would not have much strength or success in trying to take on the issue of, "Collective Bargaining" head on.
This is sleezy politics at its worst.