"My thoughts are that I think that people should be able to enter into legal agreements and I think that that is something we should encourage....we have a respectful disagreement on this issue..."
He is being respectful for sure. But to what? An abomination. And he wants us to
ENCOURAGE them entering into legal agreements. I guess such as if I am an employer I have to pay for homosexuals insurance. I have to pay benefits to something (homosexual lifestyle) that God says he turns men over to a reprobate mind over. I have defended Mccain many times both here and other forums. But I have always said I wanted to hear more of what he would do about homosexuality. There is such a thing as a bully pulpit. The Republicans have become spineless and cowardly on the issues that are important to me.
I want a Pres who will at least speak up and say "My personal belief is that homosexuality is wrong and immoral". Mccain said he disagreed with her yes. But he never spoke about the issue
AT ALL. Just that he and others disagree. That is way to timid. He's lost my vote. I would say hes lost many others also by that performance.
The Dems are
BOLD about what they believe. Not ashamed. Thats the way he came across to me. Yes he has some areas I agree with but this is just to big an issue to the Lord. Everyone has those issues that are important to them.
To Mccain it seems to be low taxes, NAFTA, improving the lives of illegal aliens and defence. Thats a package many are ok with. But the things I care
MOST ABOUT he is lukewarm on.
God will eventually devestate America for the murder of the unborn and the toleration of homosexuality. Yes there are many other sins. Its just that when a nation gets so low as to allow such evil they are getting very close to judgment. He is already sending wrath on this nation. A little here a little there. Soon it will be crushing blows that the nation cannot withstand.