Originally Posted by Ferd
I dont know how one stocks food for long term emergencies.
they simply dont last forever.
it is always a good policy to eliminate debt.
Most folks can not afford a food-stock for the long term. The Mormons believe in having a year supply of food set in store. What a family would need to do is have enough food to last until you can get a garden harvested.
A column in the Financial Times suggested another Great Depression. If you can't store food perhaps you can store something to barter with. There is a chance the value of the dollar will go to next to nothing. Glenn Beck mentioned the other day he has a stock of alcoholic beverages to use as barter if hard times hit. I think that is funny coming form a former alcoholic who is now a good mormon. Make friends now with your neighbors.
I am not an alarmist. But I am a realist. We are in for hard times to come. The effects of the Market on the economy is generally a quarter behind.
Pharaoh was warned that hard times where coming and he had Joesph plan for it and they made it through. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
Chance favors the prepared!