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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 02-14-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post

You is wrong. Since the WPF is NOT licensing anyone, and only giving fellowship cards, they are within the guidelines of the UPCI for being a FELLOWSHIP. Thus the UPCI would have to go against their current rules to discharge anyone that is a member of both. To be a member of the WPF is no different than being a member of the AWCF, the ICOF, or the NCO.
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Old 02-14-2008, 10:08 PM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
These questions do not lead to gossip. But I believe they have already been answered, and many refused the answers.
That's because the answers given have been all over the map. Even ignorant forum types like us know that two contradictory "facts" cannot both be true.
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Old 02-15-2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by NW Pastor View Post
Hey Thumper. Nice to hear from you.

I thought uncomfortable questions were to be avoided? Such as;

1. Are these guys, who claim a only a fellowship, really forming an organization?

2. Can you really be a part of two organizations at once?

3. How many men actually left the UPCI for the WPF?

These are all questions that are said to lead to gossip, according to some. If I might wax simplistic, if we don't ask the questions, we can't get the answers.
Nice to hear from you also.

Not being a WPF member or even an apologist for them I'm really not qualified to answer. But since that has never stopped anyone around here from spouting off just about any thought that ever entered their vacuous head. I'll join in the fray.

1. I'll take Booker, Goddair et al at their word until proven differently. Do you know something the general public hasn't been made aware of.

2. Absolutely, the UPCi has set a pressident by allowing membership in all kinds of different "fellowships". The AWCF being just one of many. The WPF does not at this time issue license/offer ordination so they are really no different than what others have been doing for years. Now the UPC doesn't like this group because they have billed themselves as an alternative to the UPC and are conservative but that doesn't change the reality of it just the response to it.

3. Who cares how many joined/are going to join. What does that have to do with the discussion about the PI. Now if this was a sanctioned UPCi group creating some subsiduary of Hazelwood we would have heard by now that almost 5000 attended, 15000 joined, 30000 are thinking about joining, 50000 got the Holy ghost including 43 house pets. This information being confirmed by counting the number of thumbs, fingers, toes and paws that were seen exiting the building.

It's true that if you don't ask these questions you won't get answers but it might behoove you to ask the questions of someone else who actually might know the answers as opposed to just repeatedly asking them of people who don't have a clue. Last time I checked Larry Booker's phone number was still in the directory and I doubt that it was suddenly changed after he went to Tulsa. Call him up, I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

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Old 02-15-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
50000 got the Holy ghost including 43 house pets.
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Old 02-15-2008, 11:19 AM
Straightline Straightline is offline
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
Now if this was a sanctioned UPCi group creating some subsiduary of Hazelwood we would have heard by now that almost 5000 attended, 15000 joined, 30000 are thinking about joining, 50000 got the Holy ghost including 43 house pets. This information being confirmed by counting the number of thumbs, fingers, toes and paws that were seen exiting the building.
No doubt the report would also include that several (5-10,000) Trinny preachers ("brothers") were "looking our way"

Keep it up, my friend! No need to be an apologist for the WPF! Just apply common sense!

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Old 02-15-2008, 11:28 AM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post

You is wrong. Since the WPF is NOT licensing anyone, and only giving fellowship cards, they are within the guidelines of the UPCI for being a FELLOWSHIP. Thus the UPCI would have to go against their current rules to discharge anyone that is a member of both. To be a member of the WPF is no different than being a member of the AWCF, the ICOF, or the NCO.
Or the NRA.

Matt: I was at Tulsa, and agree with your reporting. If more of these posters had went, they would have had a clear picture (the same picture), also.
THIS is why I went: Not to join, but to see it for myself, and draw my own conclusions.

Has anyone heard the results of the PI trip and can post the facts?? Or is speculation what we do (enjoy) best???

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Old 02-15-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by Straightline View Post
Has anyone heard the results of the PI trip and can post the facts?? Or is speculation what we do (enjoy) best???

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Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
We had a great time! I spent the first couple of days in meetings with a small fraction of the independent pastors I have worked with for 11+ years. We had some incredible sessions where the Holy Ghost ministered to the pastors/ministers. In addition we had powerful church services, where God showed himself strong.

Then We traveled to Bohol where I met some incredible pastors and saints of God. Again we had the opportunity to encourage the people of God through fellowship/preaching/ministering and then we worked on plans for upcoming crusades.

Concerning the WPF's involvement, I will limit my comments, as I do not feel that most on this forum will believe the truth because of their bias rightfully/wrongfully placed. That said I have been the Bishop of some 350+ churches in the Philippines for a number of years, and I did present to some of them the WPF model of finding and facilitating, as a possible vehicle for facilitating fellowship, revival, and outreach in the future. (Remember there is no WPF Philippines, Mexico, Africa, etc at this time, and it remains to be seen if such will ever exist per the WPF's structure.) Some of those pastors could possibly benefit from a fellowship such as WPF, while many may not. So as their Bishop I presented something to them for their consideration, and will continue to love them and lead them regardless.

I can also state for the record that the WPF was not discussed nor mentioned when we were in services with UPCI pastors and churches (In Bohol) as that was not our purpose for being there. I know that since I am not God, some will not believe it, however, it remains the truth.
This is the response I placed on my "Going to the Philippines" thread.
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Old 02-15-2008, 07:25 PM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post

You is wrong. Since the WPF is NOT licensing anyone, and only giving fellowship cards, they are within the guidelines of the UPCI for being a FELLOWSHIP. Thus the UPCI would have to go against their current rules to discharge anyone that is a member of both. To be a member of the WPF is no different than being a member of the AWCF, the ICOF, or the NCO.
Not necessarily. The WwPF was organized in a manner inconsistent with the UPCI manual. This may be seen as a mark against the WwPF.

However, the way in which the UPCI responds is the real measure of any substantial differences between the competing orgs, and so far Hazelwood has done zilch. That fact alone would seem to indicate

1. That either Hazelwood doesn't really have concerns about the WwPF; or

2. That Hazelwood has already decided to let which ever brothers who have already chosen to do so, to part in peace; or

3. That Hazelwood is incapable of doing anything about it.

Either way, incapable or unwilling - so far the UPCI has done nada. That's the real story, IMHO.
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Old 02-15-2008, 07:28 PM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
Nice to hear from you also.


It's true that if you don't ask these questions you won't get answers but it might behoove you to ask the questions of someone else who actually might know the answers as opposed to just repeatedly asking them of people who don't have a clue. Last time I checked Larry Booker's phone number was still in the directory and I doubt that it was suddenly changed after he went to Tulsa. Call him up, I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

You might want to get an updated directory - he's gone. Though I'm sure that he would love to hear from everyone on the Internet; just not all at once.
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Old 02-15-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: WPF in talks with Philippines UPC

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
You might want to get an updated directory - he's gone. Though I'm sure that he would love to hear from everyone on the Internet; just not all at once.
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