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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 03-12-2008, 10:04 PM
Mezzera Mezzera is offline
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post

Hey Mez, nice first post. Isn't it wonderful how the truth defends itself? I wondered when you'd stop lurking...you, you big lurker you.

Thanks for catching my back. Don't sweat it too much though, I have thick skin.
"I'm watching you Wazowski.....always watching!!"(In my best Roz voice from Monsters INC)HAHA
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Old 12-10-2008, 12:41 AM
lucylou lucylou is offline
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
The problem is they are so egocentric. Because they preached against TV for 6 decades they can not show weakness and say now it is ok.

The internet however is new technology in the past 15 years.

They are so foolish it's just crazy...
Be carefule - they are still annointed men of God! ..."Tounch not mine annointed and do my prophets no harm.."
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Old 12-15-2008, 11:19 AM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

I'm not WPF ,proably too liberal from them,but I agree that we must be careful what we say about our brothers and sisters in Christ.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 12-16-2008, 08:07 AM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by lucylou View Post
Be carefule - they are still annointed men of God! ..."Tounch not mine annointed and do my prophets no harm.."
Not wanting to be disrespectful to anyone here, or anywhere for that matter, but imo, just because someone goes to bible school and decides to become a preacher, does not necessarily qualify them to be God's anointed, nor His prophet.

On another note, in response to something else I read in this thread, if T.V. can destroy my spiritual life , what does that say about my spiritual life? I think there is a rather large difference between the word "avoid" and "overcome".

(I even confused myself after reading this lol, verbal roller coaster)
If God looks at the inward man, our hearts, and we feel that T.V. will ruin us, one must assume that we feel if we had a T.V., we would most assuredly abuse it. Since God is looking at our hearts, how does having not having a T.V., but knowing if we did, we would abuse it, make us any better than if we went ahead and got a T.V.? (According to Chirst, looking upon a woman in lust is the same as having committed the act of fornication, speaking harshly about/towards your brother is likened to killing him.)

This mode of thinking suggests that the problem is not with T.V, (or even internet/radio/etc.) but with our hearts. Many of us do not trust ourselves, nor God's spirit within us, to keep away from the wrong in this world.

Personally, I have a T.V. and rarely watch it, only because I prefer the internet. I use both appropriately and I have no fear that I will abuse either. Now, if you put me over a group of people, I might not trust them to behave as I would. And herein lies the problem (imo).

You have pastors (whom I understand and respect), who tend to want to control people much the same way as a parent, out of love. Your daughter is of age to get her license, but you won't give her the keys because you fear she may have an accident and die. Eventually, whether you want to or not, she will drive, unless of course you lock her in the basement for her entire life, in which case, she will never grow to be a real, full person. She would never mature and realize her full potential.

The same goes for the pastor's saints, you can't protect them forever or they will never grow to maturity, always relying on the milk of the word fed to them by their spiritual parents, never maturing and realizing their true, full potential as a man/woman of God. You have to teach them the best you can and let them go in God. At some point they must grow up and fend for themselves, and also raise others up in Christ. If this is not the case, then the church would simply be the worlds largest nursery.

I hope none takes offense to this, and if I have offended any, I apologize in advance.
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Old 12-16-2008, 01:39 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Good logic, tdc! (It won't work, though. )
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Old 12-16-2008, 02:21 PM
aak1972 aak1972 is offline

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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by tdc View Post
Not wanting to be disrespectful to anyone here, or anywhere for that matter, but imo, just because someone goes to bible school and decides to become a preacher, does not necessarily qualify them to be God's anointed, nor His prophet.

On another note, in response to something else I read in this thread, if T.V. can destroy my spiritual life , what does that say about my spiritual life? I think there is a rather large difference between the word "avoid" and "overcome".

(I even confused myself after reading this lol, verbal roller coaster)
If God looks at the inward man, our hearts, and we feel that T.V. will ruin us, one must assume that we feel if we had a T.V., we would most assuredly abuse it. Since God is looking at our hearts, how does having not having a T.V., but knowing if we did, we would abuse it, make us any better than if we went ahead and got a T.V.? (According to Chirst, looking upon a woman in lust is the same as having committed the act of fornication, speaking harshly about/towards your brother is likened to killing him.)

This mode of thinking suggests that the problem is not with T.V, (or even internet/radio/etc.) but with our hearts. Many of us do not trust ourselves, nor God's spirit within us, to keep away from the wrong in this world.

Personally, I have a T.V. and rarely watch it, only because I prefer the internet. I use both appropriately and I have no fear that I will abuse either. Now, if you put me over a group of people, I might not trust them to behave as I would. And herein lies the problem (imo).

You have pastors (whom I understand and respect), who tend to want to control people much the same way as a parent, out of love. Your daughter is of age to get her license, but you won't give her the keys because you fear she may have an accident and die. Eventually, whether you want to or not, she will drive, unless of course you lock her in the basement for her entire life, in which case, she will never grow to be a real, full person. She would never mature and realize her full potential.

The same goes for the pastor's saints, you can't protect them forever or they will never grow to maturity, always relying on the milk of the word fed to them by their spiritual parents, never maturing and realizing their true, full potential as a man/woman of God. You have to teach them the best you can and let them go in God. At some point they must grow up and fend for themselves, and also raise others up in Christ. If this is not the case, then the church would simply be the worlds largest nursery.

I hope none takes offense to this, and if I have offended any, I apologize in advance.
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