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Old 12-17-2007, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I would add that in local politics it really doesnt matter what party one is associated with so long as (as you say) they espouse conservitive christian ideas.

Now on a national level, I think it is a different deal all together.
Lets say you elect a Pro-Life democrat to the Senate. then that guy becomes the 51st Democrat Senator. That gives the Dems control of the senate and while this one Dem Senator may be Pro-life, you have an Pro-Abortion adjenda getting pushed.

That is not to say that one should vote for liberal Republicans. But when national politics awe concerned, you have to weigh in the fact that both the House and Senate get controled by the national party, not just the guy you are electing.

And socialism is EVIL.
They may have the majority on paper, but if the members don't vote with them, they won't have the majority on the floor. I know plenty of office holders who will not vote the party line if it violates their values. Some of them it has cost them chairmanships etc.
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:56 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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BTW, I'm a Democrat
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
They may have the majority on paper, but if the members don't vote with them, they won't have the majority on the floor. I know plenty of office holders who will not vote the party line if it violates their values. Some of them it has cost them chairmanships etc.
MOW, I understand what you are saying but at the end of the day, the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader set the adjenda.

If you are as conservitive as Ronald Reagan (with hand over heart) but you are a democrat in the House, then you are part of that caucus. your presence insures the Speaker is a democrat and you can surely bet that speaker will be a wild eyed liberal.

I will say that IF I felt the best person for President was a Dem and that person was socially conservitive and I was confident they would appoint strict constructionists to the Supreme Court, it would not be a problem to vote for that guy no matter what. but that aint gonna happen.

socialism is evil! (this should be my signature.)
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Old 12-17-2007, 11:02 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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It's terribly obvious that our Republican brothers are using condemnation to manipulate and condemn brothers and sisters who disagree with them politically. In all honesty more Christians should become involved in the Democratic party. If it's a party given over to the devil...that's only because Christians are not willing to participate and make a difference. There are a handful of Democratic governors who have deep Christian social values, they just simply don't agree with the corporatocracy Republicans embrace. Many of these Christian Democratic governors got in office because Christians involved themselves in Democratic politics.

But again...there's the unholy marriage of religion and politics.
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Old 12-17-2007, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
BTW, I'm a Democrat
Sorry to hear that. They got something for that you know.
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Old 12-17-2007, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It's terribly obvious that our Republican brothers are using condemnation to manipulate and condemn brothers and sisters who disagree with them politically. In all honesty more Christians should become involved in the Democratic party. If it's a party given over to the devil...that's only because Christians are not willing to participate and make a difference. There are a handful of Democratic governors who have deep Christian social values, they just simply don't agree with the corporatocracy Republicans embrace. Many of these Christian Democratic governors got in office because Christians involved themselves in Democratic politics.

But again...there's the unholy marriage of religion and politics.
I do not doubt you sincerity however, all I konw of the demonrat party is on the national level.
these are the things I am sure of.

They like policy that controls my legal behavior. (i dont like that)
They like policy that takes my money and redistributes it how they see fit (I dont like that)
They support Abortion, Homosexuality, and governement take over of large portions of the American economy....

plus all that extremely stupid junk invloved in Political Correctness has come from the demonrat party.


so you can have them. as for me and My house WE WILL VOTE REPUBLICAN.
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Old 12-17-2007, 02:45 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I do not doubt you sincerity however, all I konw of the demonrat party is on the national level.
these are the things I am sure of.

They like policy that controls my legal behavior. (i dont like that)
Please elaborate. What legal behavior do they seek to “control”?

They like policy that takes my money and redistributes it how they see fit (I dont like that)
Seeing that Federal block grants are typically issued by the Fed to be distributed at the state and local levels I’m not sure how this applies to the Democrats on a national level. Now let’s be honest. Republicans typically offer massive tax breaks at the Federal level for corporations. BUT, the Republicans continue to spend like drunken sailors on shore leave….and even ask for more! Guess who has to make up the difference when tax breaks are offered to corporations? Us. The tax burden is shifted down to the middle class and is therefore disproportionate. That means we pay more than our fair share of taxes and corporations walk away with tax breaks, during years of record profits mind you. That’s corrupt, very corrupt.

So in all honesty I’m not sure what is worse; domestic programs that serve Americans or corporate tax breaks that place more tax burden on the backs of hard working Americans.

They support Abortion, Homosexuality, and governement take over of large portions of the American economy....
They don’t “support” these issues. Some leftwing nut cases do. But by and large Democrats just believe that the Federal government shouldn’t involve itself in abortion’s legality or private behavior and partnerships of private citizens. In a sense these used to be “conservative” values. The question is…does the Federal Government have Constitutional authority to intervene in abortion’s legality, private behaviors among citizens, or the establishment of legal partnerships? These have always been state level issues. Interestingly that’s also where you’ll find your Pro-Life Democrats. Democrats traditionally shift Pro-Choice upon running for Federal office because Democratic constituencies believe the Fed has no jurisdiction on the issue.

Do you believe that abortion is an issue better left addressed on the local and state level? If not please show me where the Federal Government is granted jurisdiction over this issue in the Constitution.

Do you believe that the Federal Government should regulate the private behaviors of law abiding citizens and their partnerships? If so please give us a Constitutional evidence that this is in the Feds jurisdiction.

Some portions of America’s economy are essential to the survival of America’s economic or social infrastructure. Sometimes these areas are best left under government control. For example national security.
plus all that extremely stupid junk invloved in Political Correctness has come from the demonrat party.
Isn’t your belligerent spirit labeling any Apostolic who doesn’t agree with you politically as “Demoncrat” or “Demorat” and such a form of “political correctness”?

That’s a very stupid brainwashed statement. I know many Democrats who would never want such a thing. That’s pure propaganda and fear mongering. I fear you’re worshipping Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh without challenging their outlandish claims.

so you can have them. as for me and My house WE WILL VOTE REPUBLICAN.
You can vote as you choose and I still love and respect you. That’s the issue and the primary difference here. Democratic Apostolics will still love and respect you for voting Republican…however you would pronounce curses upon Apostolics who would not vote like you.

Let me now elaborate on some things. Republicans are increasingly willing to support Pro-Choice candidates. Also Republicans are showing a clear softness regarding the sanctity of marriage. However, they still pretend to have the moral high ground. Also Republicans increasingly support issuing tax dollars to state programs and non-profits (just like Democrats do). Republicans even drafted measures to include faith based organizations in their socialistic government handouts. And since you’ve sworn to vote Republican…does that make you a “Reprobatican” as opposed to a “Demonrat”?

You’re dripping with self-righteousness and belching propaganda and you can’t even see it. Your politics have blinded you from true light and truth. Both parties are morally bankrupt. Remember…with what measure you judge…that my friend is the measure you must meet.

As for you and your house…you can serve the Republicans and others can serve the Democrats. As for me and my house…we shall serve the Lord.
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Old 12-17-2007, 02:59 PM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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No, they cannot.

or be republican, or constitutionalists or whatever. I think if we look at true Apostolics of the original church....they were apolitical.

They might of considered this exercise we go through every few years as entanglement with the world...

Something to consider, anyway.

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Old 12-17-2007, 03:09 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
No, they cannot.

or be republican, or constitutionalists or whatever. I think if we look at true Apostolics of the original church....they were apolitical.

They might of considered this exercise we go through every few years as entanglement with the world...

Something to consider, anyway.
You're exactly right. The clear hatred coming from our Republican brothers here indicates how much damage "politics" can do to the unity of the body. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a snare of the Devil.

The only consistant answers would be:

Yes. Apostolics can belong to either party working to be salt and light in said party.


No. Apostolics cannot belong to either party seeing how both are morally debased and are only consumed with advancing their own earthly agendas and worldly authority.

It's all or nothing. There can be no compromise or free pass granted to either party if it matters at all.

So I vote that Apostolics who vote...may find themselves backslidden and in the very snare of the devil.
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Old 12-17-2007, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Please elaborate. What legal behavior do they seek to “control”?

Seeing that Federal block grants are typically issued by the Fed to be distributed at the state and local levels I’m not sure how this applies to the Democrats on a national level. Now let’s be honest. Republicans typically offer massive tax breaks at the Federal level for corporations. BUT, the Republicans continue to spend like drunken sailors on shore leave….and even ask for more! Guess who has to make up the difference when tax breaks are offered to corporations? Us. The tax burden is shifted down to the middle class and is therefore disproportionate. That means we pay more than our fair share of taxes and corporations walk away with tax breaks, during years of record profits mind you. That’s corrupt, very corrupt.

So in all honesty I’m not sure what is worse; domestic programs that serve Americans or corporate tax breaks that place more tax burden on the backs of hard working Americans.

They don’t “support” these issues. Some leftwing nut cases do. But by and large Democrats just believe that the Federal government shouldn’t involve itself in abortion’s legality or private behavior and partnerships of private citizens. In a sense these used to be “conservative” values. The question is…does the Federal Government have Constitutional authority to intervene in abortion’s legality, private behaviors among citizens, or the establishment of legal partnerships? These have always been state level issues. Interestingly that’s also where you’ll find your Pro-Life Democrats. Democrats traditionally shift Pro-Choice upon running for Federal office because Democratic constituencies believe the Fed has no jurisdiction on the issue.

Do you believe that abortion is an issue better left addressed on the local and state level? If not please show me where the Federal Government is granted jurisdiction over this issue in the Constitution.

Do you believe that the Federal Government should regulate the private behaviors of law abiding citizens and their partnerships? If so please give us a Constitutional evidence that this is in the Feds jurisdiction.

Some portions of America’s economy are essential to the survival of America’s economic or social infrastructure. Sometimes these areas are best left under government control. For example national security.

Isn’t your belligerent spirit labeling any Apostolic who doesn’t agree with you politically as “Demoncrat” or “Demorat” and such a form of “political correctness”?

That’s a very stupid brainwashed statement. I know many Democrats who would never want such a thing. That’s pure propaganda and fear mongering. I fear you’re worshipping Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh without challenging their outlandish claims.

You can vote as you choose and I still love and respect you. That’s the issue and the primary difference here. Democratic Apostolics will still love and respect you for voting Republican…however you would pronounce curses upon Apostolics who would not vote like you.

Let me now elaborate on some things. Republicans are increasingly willing to support Pro-Choice candidates. Also Republicans are showing a clear softness regarding the sanctity of marriage. However, they still pretend to have the moral high ground. Also Republicans increasingly support issuing tax dollars to state programs and non-profits (just like Democrats do). Republicans even drafted measures to include faith based organizations in their socialistic government handouts. And since you’ve sworn to vote Republican…does that make you a “Reprobatican” as opposed to a “Demonrat”?

You’re dripping with self-righteousness and belching propaganda and you can’t even see it. Your politics have blinded you from true light and truth. Both parties are morally bankrupt. Remember…with what measure you judge…that my friend is the measure you must meet.

As for you and your house…you can serve the Republicans and others can serve the Democrats. As for me and my house…we shall serve the Lord.
I dont have time to respond to you in depth today. Too much work. but let me say, I dont need Rush or Sean to provide me with outlandish cliams. I can come up with them all on my own. (I work for a living thus i dont actually have much time to listen to them).

on the subject of abortion, the postion of dems is as best hypocritical if you suggest that dems dont "support" abortion, they just say that government should not be in the business of it being "private behavior"

HOGWASH! to believe that, you have to believe that an unborn child is not a human being! what utter nonsense. it is absoltly FACT that the postion of EVER major national figure in the Demonrat party supports ABORTION ON DEMAND. That is code speak for abortion up to and including the 9th month!

Friend, by EVERY, i mean EVERY SINGLE national demonrat politician. not some random few liberal nut fringe cooks.


Peace to you, I pray God will grant you revalation!
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My Countdown Counting down to: Days left till the end of the opressive Texas Summer!
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