Originally Posted by CC1
I think you are off base here. There are some whiners like Wholehearted who seem to take great joy in complaining about the UPC but overall I have a feeling that this meeting is very much one about conviction and deeply held beliefs.
The men who are putting on this meeting are all mature seasoned men who I think are not interested in starting a "Bash the UPC Club".
I don't think you are going to see the venom and bitterness that occurred when the AMF was formed.
My biggest question is how long after organizing will it take them to begin taking potshots at themselves! The conservatives tend to think that only their particular brand of "holiness" is the right one and they each believe a little differently on some things many times.
At this particular time, there are a few similarities which will help keep this group together -for a brief time anyways.
They all agree that:
1) To own a TV is a sin and will ultimately keep you out of heaven
(And yes, the most extreme will make sure to
tell everyone how when they stay at a hotel, they cover it up with a towel.)
2) All pants and dresses must come to the ankle and all sleeves must come to the wrist.
3) All music is to be Southern or black gospel
and finally
4) As "the pastor!", I am the most important, touched and anointed, deserving of a double portion, man in MY church.
And on a similar but different note, can you imagine the holiness preaching that will be had by all at this event? I am sure it will be positively orgasmic in nature! I am waiting to hear from some here who snuck in....