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11-18-2015, 02:23 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Originally Posted by votivesoul
When all this went down, my wife decided it was time to read the Koran, and so she has. Begun, that is. After some time with it, she asked me if I thought Allah and God are the same thing, as so many claim.
I said "no". She asked why?
I replied, because the story of Allah from the Koran is a false narrative that contorts and changes the true self-revelation of the God of the Bible. The "god" of the Koran, or Allah, is not the God of Israel.
So please don't think that I am making comparisons between the Bible and the Koran as if they are on the same spiritual level.
Rather, in regards to content, whatever argument we might try to make against the Koran in terms of its incitement of violence toward unbelievers, the same can be said of vast portions of our Old Testament.
It doesn't make the Koran a legit holy book, or that it's an inspired by God text.
Imagine for a moment this isn't 2015 AD. This is circa 1,400 BC, and you're on your way to march against Jericho. God has, through Joshua, told you and your whole nation to lay siege to the city and kill everything that moves, including children.
If you were there, in that moment, not a Christian, but an Old Testament Jew, would you obey the Word of the Lord and lift your sword against every man, woman, and child in your line of sight?
Would you spare any? Would you break down and weep at the savagery of it all? Would the cries of pain and anguish affect you in any way?
Or would you be zealous to do God's bidding, and put all of that aside to fulfill His will?
Be honest with yourself. Yes, I know it's an unrealistic hypothetical that's never going to happen. But let it challenge the nature of your heart.
If you answer "no" you would not obey God and would not march on Jericho with your nation, to kill men, women, and children, then your devotion to Him is lacking, and you've found fault with the God you claim to love, worship, and obey.
On the other hand, if you answer "yes", you would do whatever God commanded, even to kill men, women, and children, then understand how it is that you can't go around judging the Radical Muslim who THINKS he or she is doing the will of God by obeying what they BELIEVE is God's holy word and revelation of truth.
Have you made peace with all that it's the Old Testament or not?
Yes, we are Christians, and by the grace of God, are in the New Covenant of the Lord Jesus. I'm so glad I don't have to be put into such a situation as the Conquest of Canaan. But it's the same God, friends.
And guess what? I know in my heart, that if I was at Jericho, and I was sold out to the idea that God had spoken, I know that I would obey Him, and not look back.
And that is why I don't judge a single Muslim, even the most insane, radically violent Muslim. How can I? I don't judge Israel for all that she did back when. King David is a hero to me, flaws and all. Moses stands tall in my book. But Moses also executed men on the spot and even one time had them beheaded and crucified (@ Baal Peor).
Samuel ruthlessly hacked a man to pieces to make a point to King Saul about obedience to God. Elijah personally sliced and diced hundreds of false prophets.
So let's be real. These men are the champions of the Old Testament. And our Lord and Savior descends from them, if not literally, at least in a metaphorical way. These men are not judged by Christ. God even foretold that John would come in the power and spirit of Elijah, because Elijah was His holy prophet, and stood in typology.
What's my point?
This: When our God tells His people to lay someone waste, we read it and accept it, knowing full well that our God is perfect and just and true, that there is no darkness in Him at all.
But when someone else's "god", in this case, Allah, wills the same thing, we cry foul. Rightly so, but realize: had you been born in Saudi Arabia or Iran or Turkey, you'd be a Muslim now, possibly chanting Allahu Akbar at a soccer match when a moment of silence was held because of what happened in France.
Until you can see the evil in your own heart, and face it, and know that God loved and loves you still, and realize Jesus died for you while you were yet a sinner, and what that REALLY MEANS (i.e. you deserved eternal death in the Lake of Fire), and that but for the grace of God, you're no better a man or woman than the next sinner (even the Radical Muslim bent on murder and mayhem) it will be impossible for you to have compassion for the most unlovable, evil sinners of the world, like radicalized, terrorist Muslims.
Instead, all you'll have is revulsion and judgment.
Awesome! PREACH IT!!!!!!

11-18-2015, 02:45 AM
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Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Originally Posted by Esaias
I don't know if people are saying nobody died. However, there have been so many of these types of incidents lately that have been shown to be full of misrepresentations, used for political purposes, etc, that people simply do not trust any 'news' reports these days.
So people are skeptical, and rightly so.
I did hear a report from Mexico, of a news interview with the family (parents) of one of the victims at the Bataclan (sp?) incident. Apparently, a young lady was identified as one of the victims, and she happened to be the only victim from Mexico. So the local news and did an interview with her parents. Well, the parents were saying they were confused and did not understand what was going on, because they heard about the attack and called their daughter. She did not answer, so they called her boyfriend. He answered and said they were okay, they were outside with the police, and the guy confirmed their daughter was with him and not injured.
So the parents are wondering how afterwards, the police identified her as one of the bodies inside.
This indicates that she was alive AFTER the attack, but somehow wound up back inside and dead. Hmmm....
I'm going to try to track down footage of that news broadcast but I am hampered in that my espanol is not all THAT good for me to be able to find it.
Sorry, I dont believe anything has been shown to be "full of misrepresentations"...
Mistakes can be made. Mistakes are not indications of a conspiracy.
A small error gets blown way out of proportion into a "full of misrepresentation", then into a vast conspiracy by the government, then into an Illuminati conspiracy...
Just today a Muslim told me 9/11 was a Free Mason orchestrated event...crazy..
there is this guy on my friends list who believes all these crazy conspiracies about 9/11, except the simplest one...that a bunch of Jihadist took control and flew those planes into the Twin Towers...YET, yet he believes at the same time that there are 19 jihadist training camps in America right now hell bent on continuing 9/11 throughout the US...
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.

11-18-2015, 03:42 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Originally Posted by Praxeas
Sorry, I dont believe anything has been shown to be "full of misrepresentations"...
Are you kidding me? Wait, you're not kidding...
Mistakes can be made. Mistakes are not indications of a conspiracy.
A small error gets blown way out of proportion into a "full of misrepresentation", then into a vast conspiracy by the government, then into an Illuminati conspiracy...
I am not talking about 'errors and mistakes' that are to be expected. I am talking about evidence conveniently disappearing, witnesses amazingly showing up dead shortly after certain events, drills taking place at the same time and in the same locations as certain 'horrible events', normal security measures conveniently and suddenly and inexplicably lapsing just in time for the 'event' and explanations either not forthcoming at all or perhaps a shrugging of the shoulders and a 'oops' being offered along with 'fixes' being put in place that are conveniently a little step or two closer to what used to be called 'communist, nazi, fascist, monarchist tyranny 1984 style', you know, stuff like that.
Oh, and the existence of 'crisis actors' (whole companies devoted to such things!) who are contracted with the federal government for the express purpose of creating 'realistic training scenarios' and even briefing materials for the participants and local news media that specifically state the training episode will include 'simulated news coverage' in order to make everything as 'realistic' as possible, included ongoing media participation AFTER the training drill is completed, amazingly coincidental synchronisms of certain people in various different events (what are the chances? Go figure!), lack of evidence being presented, crime scenes being almost immediately bulldozed and 'cleaned up' contrary to all known and established forensic procedures, characters showing up on the news as 'experts' who it is discovered later on don't even 'exist' as whoever they were claimed to be, 'crazy shooters' who seem to have no existence for years prior to their going off the wagon, said crazy people almost always having a connection to either military or other federal government psychiatric experiemental programs or persons involved in such programs (Columbine? Hello? Hello?), yada yada yada....
Just today a Muslim told me 9/11 was a Free Mason orchestrated event...crazy..
Why is that crazy? I mean REALLY, stop and ask yourself, 'Why do I immediately believe this is crazy?' A group of Masons plotting horrible crimes vs a group of Muslims plotting horrible crimes.... why is one crazy but the other is absolutely believable? And why is one poo-pooed by both government and media - a government and media that have proven they are untrustworthy, have an agenda, are opposed to actually telling the truth about anything they speak about, etc, and the other is unanimously promoted by the same groups as the uncontestable truth... and what is promoted as truth is conveniently good for BUSINESS and just coincidently (wow, whodathunkit?) profitable for said groups, and actually is profiting them financially?
there is this guy on my friends list who believes all these crazy conspiracies about 9/11, except the simplest one...that a bunch of Jihadist took control and flew those planes into the Twin Towers...YET, yet he believes at the same time that there are 19 jihadist training camps in America right now hell bent on continuing 9/11 throughout the US...
Do you realise that your 'simplest theory' is actually the most unrealistic and does not fit the known facts? Hey, here's a meme that actually makes a good point about that:

11-18-2015, 05:15 AM
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Good grief.
I have nothing to say to anyone who wishes to try and compare what the Jews did in the OT to what an evil terrorist is doing now. There's no comparison. It's as though you're trying to legitimize what these terrorists are doing because, well, Jews killed entire cities of people.
That's incredibly awful and I'm done.

11-18-2015, 06:58 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Originally Posted by n david
Good grief.
I have nothing to say to anyone who wishes to try and compare what the Jews did in the OT to what an evil terrorist is doing now. There's no comparison. It's as though you're trying to legitimize what these terrorists are doing because, well, Jews killed entire cities of people.
That's incredibly awful and I'm done.
Who on this thread is attempting to LEGITIMIZE what the TERRORISTS are doing?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

11-18-2015, 07:22 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
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Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Two jets hit two buildings and both buildings (skyscrapers) fall into their own footprint. Fires continue to burn for weeks under the rubble. A very simple explanation. I feel so safe.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

11-18-2015, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Who on this thread is attempting to LEGITIMIZE what the TERRORISTS are doing?
Must you ask? Did you read the chapter written above? Where it was posted that OT Jews killed at God's command, so we should consider this when trying to understand the current issue with islam and terrorism. How we're not to judge TERRORISTS because they're just following what they believe is being instructed to them by their god.
Bin Laden was no Moses. "Jihadi John" was no Joshua.
Do you seriously not see a problem with this disgusting comparison?
It's even worse than when liberal were going around comparing revolutionary war heroes and minutemen to the taliban.
Last edited by n david; 11-18-2015 at 08:02 AM.

11-18-2015, 08:12 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Originally Posted by n david
Must you ask? Did you read the chapter written above? Where it was posted that OT Jews killed at God's command, so we should consider this when trying to understand the current issue with islam and terrorism. How we're not to judge TERRORISTS because they're just following what they believe is being instructed to them by their god.
Bin Laden was no Moses. "Jihadi John" was no Joshua.
Do you seriously not see a problem with this disgusting comparison?
It's even worse than when liberal were going around comparing revolutionary war heroes and minutemen to the taliban.
Ndavid please I'm asking you to do me a favor. Could you please QUOTE the offending post or posts and point out for me what YOU are seeing?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

11-18-2015, 08:43 AM
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Only because I like you, EB.
Originally Posted by votivesoul
Rather, in regards to content, whatever argument we might try to make against the Koran in terms of its incitement of violence toward unbelievers, the same can be said of vast portions of our Old Testament.
Imagine for a moment this isn't 2015 AD. This is circa 1,400 BC, and you're on your way to march against Jericho. God has, through Joshua, told you and your whole nation to lay siege to the city and kill everything that moves, including children.
If you were there, in that moment, not a Christian, but an Old Testament Jew, would you obey the Word of the Lord and lift your sword against every man, woman, and child in your line of sight?
Would you spare any? Would you break down and weep at the savagery of it all? Would the cries of pain and anguish affect you in any way?
Or would you be zealous to do God's bidding, and put all of that aside to fulfill His will?
Be honest with yourself. Yes, I know it's an unrealistic hypothetical that's never going to happen. But let it challenge the nature of your heart.
If you answer "no" you would not obey God and would not march on Jericho with your nation, to kill men, women, and children, then your devotion to Him is lacking, and you've found fault with the God you claim to love, worship, and obey.
On the other hand, if you answer "yes", you would do whatever God commanded, even to kill men, women, and children, then understand how it is that you can't go around judging the Radical Muslim who THINKS he or she is doing the will of God by obeying what they BELIEVE is God's holy word and revelation of truth.
And that is why I don't judge a single Muslim, even the most insane, radically violent Muslim. How can I? I don't judge Israel for all that she did back when. King David is a hero to me, flaws and all. Moses stands tall in my book. But Moses also executed men on the spot and even one time had them beheaded and crucified (@ Baal Peor).
Samuel ruthlessly hacked a man to pieces to make a point to King Saul about obedience to God. Elijah personally sliced and diced hundreds of false prophets.
So let's be real. These men are the champions of the Old Testament. And our Lord and Savior descends from them, if not literally, at least in a metaphorical way. These men are not judged by Christ. God even foretold that John would come in the power and spirit of Elijah, because Elijah was His holy prophet, and stood in typology.
If the Bible were still being written, per the above, Jihadi John and Bin Laden would be included in Hebrew's hall of Faith chapter.
I guess we should embrace these terrorists because we have no right denouncing their atrocities since Moses, Joshua, Samuel and even King David -- God's own heart man -- killed in the name of God.
I'm surprised you have no problem with this.

11-18-2015, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by votivesoul
On the other hand, if you answer "yes", you would do whatever God commanded, even to kill men, women, and children, then understand how it is that you can't go around judging the Radical Muslim who THINKS he or she is doing the will of God by obeying what they BELIEVE is God's holy word and revelation of truth.
And that is why I don't judge a single Muslim, even the most insane, radically violent Muslim. How can I? I don't judge Israel for all that she did back when. King David is a hero to me, flaws and all. Moses stands tall in my book. But Moses also executed men on the spot and even one time had them beheaded and crucified (@ Baal Peor).
Samuel ruthlessly hacked a man to pieces to make a point to King Saul about obedience to God. Elijah personally sliced and diced hundreds of false prophets.
There is no moral equivalency between these terrorists and Moses, Samuel, Joshua or David.
This should be roundly condemned.
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