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Old 10-17-2015, 09:20 PM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Yeah, but isn't the end of days fun? Cats and dogs living together, women preaching in the church, stringed instruments...
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Old 10-17-2015, 10:19 PM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I saw this when you posted it. But I came back to look again. And I came back yet again to see it one more time.

This is outstandishly hilarious, I must say.

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Old 10-19-2015, 09:33 AM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Well, Brother Baxter Jr is a Dispensationalist, just a Dispensationalist who places the rapture after the Tribulation.

What is mind blowing is that he continues to say how ENDTIME is going to send an Endtime Magazine to every household in Israel. Yet, what he believes is that the greatest holocaust of Jews the earth has ever seen. It is a wonder that Israel hasn't barred Irving Baxter Jr from their country. Because teaching that the Jews will have another holocaust where they barely escape is looked upon as Anti-Semitic.

Here is the video where he asks for 1.8 million dollars, by donating 500 dollars or more. You will get a DVD, if you do.
Any comment from him on the failed four blood moon prophecy?

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 10-19-2015, 11:27 AM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Sorry, Irvin Baxter's teachings do not match the Bible "perfectly". His teachings are typical futurist speculations with no shred of verifiability.

Edited to add: he combines a bit of historicism with a lot of futurism, does not (that I know of) have any coherent and systematic approach to the general scheme or outline of Revelation, and (typical of futurism) interprets apocalyptic symbology by comparing it to popular symbols (bear in prophecy equals Russia cause bear is symbol of Russia in politics, etc).

That last is usually a big clue that a prophecy "expert" is simply making it up as they go along.
This is a huge issue that I have with Baxter and others. I believe he teaches or taught that the Leopard is Germany because they called their tanks Leopard tanks.
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Old 10-19-2015, 11:30 AM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What I find interesting about the theory that the Antichrist will appear as the Islamic al Mahdi is that Islamic prophecy teaches that this al Mahdi will do exactly what the Bible states the Antichrist will do. It's a mirror image of Christian Futurism... and they have been expecting this for centuries. The Islamic jihadists that are destabilizing the entire planet right now are radicals who believe that al Mahdi is coming and they are essentially trying to throw the non-Islamic world into chaos so that he has the advantage when he appears. The goal of ISIS is to establish a purely Islamic State, a Caliphate. Why? Because the Islamic prophecies teach that this coming al Mahdi will assume leadership of a revival of the Caliphate. Should a miracle working "al Mahdi" appear... nearly 1.6 billion people would be prepared to embrace him and then kill or die for him... nearly overnight. The prophecies concerning the Temple Mount also feature in Islamic prophecy. The al Mahdi conquers the Jews and takes Jerusalem, offering worship and praise to Allah upon the Temple Mount. Many believe that the Jews have to rebuild their temple for the Antichrist to do this. However, as we speak there is a religious structure already built on the Temple Mount.. the Al Aqsa Mosque (Dome of the Rock). It is here the Islamic prophecy has the al Mahdi performing worship and praise to Allah for victory over the Jews. It is from here that he begins a global campaign to bring the entire world into subjugation to Islamic law (changing of times and laws for the entire world). Also, Islam is the only culture today that values "beheading" as an execution for unbelievers and apostates. The Revelation specifically mentions how the martyrs were "beheaded". Halal laws govern food and the economy in Islam. Should such a man gain power over the oil in the Middle East, gain control of the holy land, bring the global community of Muslims under his control, and acquire nuclear weapons... the entire world would be at his feet. Also, in Islam, the al Mahdi even marks his followers on the right hand or forehead. EVERYTHING is a mirror image of biblical Futurism. The most shocking thing is that this isn't a theory... it's happening right before our eyes on the news every night. On 9/11 we were propelled into a global war against radicals awaiting the al Mahdi... and he hasn't even arrived yet. We're already engaging his believers. It's now. And if this is so... the end could begin the moment it is reported that Islamic leaders are consulting with a man they believe to be the al Mahdi.

I have attached an image that shows three characters in on column written in Greek... the second column in Arabic praising Allah. Notice the similarity in the characters. In the Greek language... the Arabic symbols would mean, 666.
I was feeling your post until the last part. Greek is totally different than Arabic. Your thought is a stretch to say the least my friend.
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Old 10-19-2015, 11:34 AM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh View Post
This is a huge issue that I have with Baxter and others. I believe he teaches or taught that the Leopard is Germany because they called their tanks Leopard tanks.
I totally agree. The leopard is nothing other than what was already signified in previous chapters by the signs of the belly of brass... GREECE. Greece rapidly conquered the world. Leopard is fast.

Bro Baxter breaks the continuity of the signs in Daniel that were showing the same thing over and over. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The Lion was not Great Britain either. It was BABYLON. The lion's wings were plucked off and the lion was made to stand like a man. Babylon's main gate had a picture of a lion with human head and wings. It was Babylon, not Great Britain.

And Bro Baxter bungled up that picture of the eagle's wings by saying THE WINGS were made to stand like a man and receive a human heart, when the text says "IT" (lion) not them (wings). THE LION could not fly any more because "IT" lost it's wings and had to stand on feet like a man. It was decreased in power. That's likely the time Nebuchadnezzar went insane for seven years and returned to his mind later and gave glory to God.

Baxter said the WINGS like a man were the USA (eagle symbol used by USA) leaving Great Britain, like eagle wings plucked off a lion. But the whole problem is the LION stood like a man, not the eagles wings.


Daniel 7:4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it (THE LION) was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 10-19-2015, 11:56 AM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Disciple4life View Post
I have wasted too much of my life looking for the antichrist, signs & biblical codes that only one person can tell me by buying his book for $14.95!
Well said.
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Old 10-19-2015, 02:48 PM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

So what is the significance of AD 70?
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Old 10-19-2015, 02:52 PM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh View Post
So what is the significance of AD 70?
AD70 was when Jerusalem was destroyed, which is actually what the entire chapter of Matt 224 foretold. Matt 24 is not the second coming and the resurrection. It's the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple due to the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus by Israel as judgment from God for violating the entire purpose of the Law in preparing the way for Jesus.

It's what most of Revelation was talking about up until Rev 19. And that means the generation Jesus warned about His coming in destruction, not the second coming, was that group of people alive in his day. All of the list of Matt 24 would happen in that generation\ way back then.

That's why Jesus said the people listening to him would hear and see all the signs He listed in Matt 24.

It was the end of the old system. It actually ended on the cross, but the temple and law kept going until Jesus stopped that using heathen armies as his rod of anger, like he did according to Isaiah 10 with Assyria to punish Jerusalem before.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 10-20-2015, 08:16 PM
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Re: Brother Irvin Baxter Jr Endtime Magazine

Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh View Post
This is a huge issue that I have with Baxter and others. I believe he teaches or taught that the Leopard is Germany because they called their tanks Leopard tanks.
Brother Thomas K Burk worked with Brother Baxter Jr during the time when Brother Baxter was putting together his book Massage to the President. He told me the story concerning Brother Baxter's thoughts on the leopard. So, yes, Brother Baxter Jr thought the tanks were leopard tanks, or panther tanks. He got the idea because he thought the German word panzer (which means armour) meant panther/leopard. This is because "some" futurists are so use to a Newspaper exegesis that they get far out ideas then expect everyone to swallow those ideas. Yet, most people have gone past 6th grade, traveled outside of their respective state, and country and found that not everyone is a mindless drone waiting for someone to lead them into a ditch.

Hey, let's face it, Brother Baxter Jr, is just one apple in the bunch, you take the time to dig these guys up and read some of the utter malarkey they try to pass off as heaven sent and you will be pretty shocked that they have even a following.
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