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Old 08-27-2014, 06:32 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

we eat to keep alive...not all people that are overweight eat too much...I suffer from a gland problem...I probably eat less that a child....and I walk a lot....however I understand there are people who do not control their appetites...
I am sorry if I came across judgmental...for many ultra cons think I am too tender hearted...however drinking and AA run in my family...I would never encourage anyone to drink....just one sip is enough to set an alcoholic off....I know ...my sister was one for many years...my daddy was one..his sister was one....

I once went to a Jehovah's witnesses little get together (some were my English students) and the elder that was there offered me drink...pour it for me I said....goodness everyone turned and looked....I held it up and smelled it and looked at them and said, sorry...I cannot imagine Jehovah smelling like this....and set the glass on the table....

Sorry if I sounded mean spirited....I did not mean to come across that way...
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Old 08-27-2014, 06:46 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
This was written
By David Wilkerson

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise" (Proverbs 20:1).

This nation is fast becoming a sodden society of too many intoxicated citizens. Alcohol is now the modern golden calf, and millions of people, young and old, male and female, have been seduced by it.

The teetotaler, the prohibitionists, and all the others who have for years fought against this flood of booze have been laughed out of existence. We laugh to scorn those old-fashioned little ladies who went around smashing barrels of whiskey and shutting down bars and honky-tonks, and taking pledges of abstinence.

We liberated moderns have made it fashionable to drink. It is now considered sophisticated, urbane, cool - to drink socially. Try saying "No" to the airline stewardess who keeps pushing drinks at you from the time you get on the airplane till you deplane. "What do you mean, no drinks?" She looks at you as some kind of kook for refusing free drinks.

People are offended nowadays when you refuse their offer of a complimentary drink. They try to make you feel unneighborly for not joining them, or that you are putting on a "holier than thou" attitude. Even President Carter couldn't keep drinks out of the White House.

"Be not among winebibbers..." (Proverbs 23:20).

To me, the real tragedy is that so many who call themselves "Christian" are now drinking. I call them "sipping saints," because that is how it all begins - one sip at a time.

A recent poll revealed that 81% of all Catholics now drink and 64% of all Protestants. These shocking figures keep mounting higher each month. The permissive attitude toward social drinking is fast creeping even into the most conservative, evangelical church circles.

I have spoken at Charismatic conventions where thousands of "Spirit-filled" saints of God lifted hands in praise and adoration to God - and after being dismissed, numbers of them walk out into the parking lot, open their car trunks and pull out a couple six-packs and pass them around to fellow worshipers. Others order mixed drinks with their restaurant meals, in between the praise sessions. They return to speak with "pickled tongues."

"And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands" (Isaiah 5:12).

The prophet Isaiah has a message for the entire Charismatic movement - in both Catholic and Protestant circles.

"God's people are in captivity to these things because of a lack of knowledge . . . But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness" (Isaiah 5:13-16)..

The prophet Hosea said, ". . . wine and new wine take away the heart . . ." (Hosea 4:11).

This suggests that sipping saints have divided hearts.

Spirit-filled people lay claim to being "kings and priests" unto the Lord. The Bible emphatically states,

"It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes strong drink, lest they drink and forget the law . . ." (Proverbs 31:4,5).

The writer of Proverbs suggests happy, overcoming Christians don't need wine, that it is only for the depressed and dying.

"Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts" (Proverbs 31:6).

A fine Christian lady wrote to me saying:

"We are good church-going Christians. We love the Lord, and we see nothing at all wrong with serving wine in our home. We drink moderately, and our children are learning to drink under our supervision. They do not overindulge. We have never seen anyone drunk in our home.

"You are simply trying to make us feel guilty and are pushing your fundamentalist morals on us. We were not raised under the legalistic taboos like you evidently were. Frankly? sir, our drinking habits are none of your concern."

God bless that dear lady - but one of these days it will be my business. It starts becoming my business when those teenagers go out with their friends and get stoned.

Just today, one of my students, a converted alcoholic, told me how she became a drunkard. Her parents taught her how to drink moderately. At parties, birthdays, and when company came, everybody took a social drink. It was served at meals. She admired and loved her parents. They despised drunkenness, yet they had a bar in the house.

This young lady started going to teenage parties and began to drink socially with her crowd. That led to drinking in clubs. Soon she was getting stoned in parked vans. Finally, when problems began to pile up, she began to lean on wine heavily. She ended up in a mental institution, a hard-core alcoholic.

That same story is repeated to me over and over again from coast to coast. How many, many times I've heard it, "My parents were considered good Christians. They went to church. But we always served wine or beer at our house. My big brother drank moderately and he was my hero. I drank to be like my parents and big brother, but I couldn't handle it. But they made me think drinking was the thing all good people do."

Am I prejudiced? Narrow-minded on the subject? You bet I am! And I have reason to be. My own brother, a minister's son, started drinking beer moderately - just to be sociable with friends. He wound up a heavy drinker, leaving his wife and lovely children to pursue his habit. Thank God he is saved today and back with his family.

But I sent my brother Jerry with a team of converts to Europe to testify about what Christ did in delivering him from the power of alcohol. The Christians in Europe gladly rejoiced in the testimonies of deliverance from dope and prostitution - but they didn't want to hear a word about Jerry's deliverance from alcohol. Why? Because European Christians guzzle wine and beer like water. It broke his heart.

I have heard all the excuses for the drinking among Christians in Europe - and I can't accept any of them. They blame it on impure water. They talk about it being rooted in their culture and customs. They drink "because they have always done it."

How deeply offended some of the pastors were in Paris, France, when I refused to drink their wine. American missionaries, who themselves easily adopted the European customs, told me I should "do as the Parisians do, while in Paris!" Yet, how deeply offended I was when some of these same ministers were so stoned they couldn't stay awake during my crusade.

There is an alarming rate of alcoholism and heavy drinking in Christian circles in Europe. They do get drunk! They are not all moderate! None of their excuses make it right. And what phoniness for American Christians to drink "only in Europe." They won't touch a drop here in the States, but they think it's "cute" to join the brethren over there in sipping a few!

I am deeply offended by drinking Christians because of the terrible example it sets for young people! This nation is now facing a plague of drinking among teenagers. The two most popular words in school today are "cruising and boozing." Drunkenness is spreading in our schools like a wildfire out of control. Kids tell me that as many as 80% of their class not only drink, but get stone drunk. We face the possibility of having over one million young alcoholics next year.

I've been helping drug addicts for 20 years. But this drinking rage now sweeping our nation frightens me. They drink now because they think alcohol won't"waste" them like drugs! Booze is now the preferred "liquid pot." Everywhere you see teenagers getting stoned, they tell you - "No cops, no parents, no politicians can hassle us now - because they are all doing it, too. We finally found a kick that won't put us behind bars!"

I don't want to get involved in that age-old argument about the Bible and fermented wine as opposed to grape juice. But the more I see of these bombed-out, broken-down, hopelessly drunken young people - the more I am convinced Jesus did not mock that crowd at Canaan's wedding feast with the same stuff that is destroying our youth today.

Christ came to fulfill the law! The law says, "Wine is a mocker . . . whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Was Christ deceived? Would he have served a drink that would have led to a man leaving a feast drunken to heat up his wife? And in court that man is asked, "How did you get so drunk?" And the convicted man answers, "I went to a wedding feast. Jesus of Nazareth served up a really strong drink. He got me drunk."

I can't conceive that Jesus would mock that crowd and serve a drink that could have been abused if taken immoderately. I believe that elixir Jesus served was the pure juice of the vine - a supernatural punch so full of nature's true blend, it was a unique and welcome change! Would Jesus add alcoholic content to His supernatural drink and make it "bite the cup" when the law said -

"Look not upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright . . ." (Proverbs 23:31)?

That was written by a king who had "given himself over to wine" (Ecclesiastes 2:3). And Christ would have never, never given the guests over to wine that was intoxicating.

Paul knew the law, too. He revered the wisdom of Solomon. Pure juice of the grape is good for the health! It is nutritious. But fermented wine is not more nutritious, according to a doctor friend of mind who is well read on the subject. How could Paul recommend drinking alcoholic wine when the law he respected so warned, ". . . be not among winebibbers..."?
So many weak arguments here and misapplying scripture.
Today pull up the little weeds,
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:03 AM
obriencp obriencp is offline
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
we eat to keep alive...not all people that are overweight eat too much...I suffer from a gland problem...I probably eat less that a child....and I walk a lot....however I understand there are people who do not control their appetites...
I am sorry if I came across judgmental...for many ultra cons think I am too tender hearted...however drinking and AA run in my family...I would never encourage anyone to drink....just one sip is enough to set an alcoholic off....I know ...my sister was one for many years...my daddy was one..his sister was one....

I once went to a Jehovah's witnesses little get together (some were my English students) and the elder that was there offered me drink...pour it for me I said....goodness everyone turned and looked....I held it up and smelled it and looked at them and said, sorry...I cannot imagine Jehovah smelling like this....and set the glass on the table....

Sorry if I sounded mean spirited....I did not mean to come across that way...
My comments were not directed at you by any means. I meant no offence to you and I don't believe you are mean spirited at all.

I was just inserting food into the argument because it's a lack of control that's really at the heart of the matter, not necessarily the substance. You can abuse alcohol, food, recreational or prescription drugs.

Love ya Sis.
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:31 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
can wine be made from bacon?
Yes, it is called Babble Wine which is sold at Trader Joes, and Whole Foods.

I believe there are other wines (and beers) which use bacon fat grease.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:35 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Social drinking?

I think having a glass or 2 of wine(any alcohol) to get a "little" buzz going is equal to some Christian smokin' a little pot to relax, as long as they do it in moderation and not before church or teaching a class....LOL
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:38 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Ironically, when I have an upset stomach, I take a tablespoon full of buttermilk for my "stomach's sake."
What is helping your stomach are the probiotics which are in the fermented buttermilk. Yet, you can get the good cultures by eating yogurt (please whole milk) no reduced fat, or low fat. Next time you are at the store grab some Kefir if it a try. Also if you have a Whole Foods in your area you will find they allow you to sample the products. So, they will allow you to try some Kefir. Paul's admonishment to Timothy was to drink wine because of the probiotics.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:42 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I think having a glass or 2 of wine(any alcohol) to get a "little" buzz going is equal to some Christian smokin' a little pot to relax, as long as they do it in moderation and not before church or teaching a class....LOL
How about someone drinking Kombucha?

It is fermented sweet tea?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:46 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
What is helping your stomach are the probiotics which are in the fermented buttermilk. Yet, you can get the good cultures by eating yogurt (please whole milk) no reduced fat, or low fat. Next time you are at the store grab some Kefir if it a try. Also if you have a Whole Foods in your area you will find they allow you to sample the products. So, they will allow you to try some Kefir. Paul's admonishment to Timothy was to drink wine because of the probiotics.
Interesting! We do have a Whole Foods and I go there as often as I can. I've seen the "Kefir", but I didn't know what it was, and I haven't tried it yet. I'm a big fan of full-fat plain greek yogurt. My husband has it almost every morning with granola & honey.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
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"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:46 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
look at the scriptures again
Jesus is saying that, no the Pharisees and then he says what the Pharisees are saying.
The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say
The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say

Jesus is admitting to coming eating and drinking, and after that then he quotes the Pharisees.
I understanding Jesus said "I" come eating and drinking. Where does that say he was "drinking wine specifically" is my point. You interject that based upon the accuser calling him a winebibber. It doesn't specifically says it was wine that he came drinking and if it was we don't know it had alcohol content.
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:52 AM
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Re: Social drinking?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Interesting! We do have a Whole Foods and I go there as often as I can. I've seen the "Kefir", but I didn't know what it was, and I haven't tried it yet. I'm a big fan of full-fat plain greek yogurt. My husband has it almost every morning with granola & honey.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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