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Old 04-24-2014, 06:30 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Could you give a cliff notes transcript of what the youtube video above is...I'm at work now and can't watch it.
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Old 04-24-2014, 06:39 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Could you give a cliff notes transcript of what the youtube video above is...I'm at work now and can't watch it.
I'm getting ready to walk out the door in about 15 minutes. I will give you this little bit - "He weighed in and opined on the state of black America today. And because of that, because he made the mistake of doing that, he's a racist." - plays the full context of Bundy's video.

Okay, gotta get ready.

I wish we could have this dialogue in America. We are such sissies with our feelings on our sleeves, we can't help each other. De Blasio has his neck on the minorities over school choice. That is full blown racism to me.
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Old 04-24-2014, 06:42 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

BTW, David, before I leave, I was speaking with someone on Twitter and they were saying that Bundy's comments were just poorly stated for the low information voter. There is truth to that.

Now, let's see how animated Jon Stewart gets over this. LOL!
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:33 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

"I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

Continue reading the main story

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

The Negro.
Not some, not most.

The Negro.
Strange. Completely separated from all others because no one else does what The Negro does.

The Negro.
Family life was great for The Negro under slavery. They were able to do things under slavery.

The Negro.
Living on government subsidy. So different from you and me.

The Negro.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:41 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

People like him don't recognize that the problems they think they see with The Negro don't even stem from slavery as much as it stems from Jim Crow south laws and other forms of institutional racism that persisted in this country throughout 20th century America.

Towards the end of the 20th century, America started to address the issues that were created, directly, and indirectly, because of her mistakes.

It is just the begining of the 21st century, The Negro should be fixed by now but it's not.

Maybe that's just the way The Negro is.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:43 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

My response supporting Mr. Bundy to Greta, Kelly, and Hannity

Growing up Black in the late 50's, 60' & 70's I feel your "Off the record" was wrong. Greta I believe you are the best news anchor out there. Mr. Bundy definitely does not have a Phd but does speak from the heart. I spent my summers as a youth in the south & understand what he is saying. First I was "colored", "negro", and then black.

My family in the south were from slaves but enjoyed a life of a full family. I, and my cousins, grew up poor but in a house full of love and 2 parents. That was before Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and welfare came along. Both were designed to destroy the black family. Congratulations "mission accomplished". Remember LBJ saying "I'll have this niggers voting Democrat forever?" Now we have single mothers raising children and being rewarded for having more children and father "unknown".

Congratulations Greta they now have you on their side. In the south I knew many "Mr. Bundy's" who cared and protected me regardless of my race. It was also the NRA that helped many of us survive. If you ever feel you agree with Sen Reid, you better think again. Sorry you drank the kool aid.

We Are Winning Our Great Country Back!!!!

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Old 04-24-2014, 09:46 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

"People like him"....

Ignorant, dishonest, yet semi-religious, rural, Republican-registered white trash.

Most Republicans are not racist, but most 21st century American racists are Republican.

By the way, there are plenty of people who don't have ignorant racial hang-ups over any of other group of people EXCEPT black people-- that doesn't mean they're not racist. It just means their racist when it comes to black people.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 04-24-2014 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:59 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Who brought abortion to The Negro?
Who brought drugs into The Negro's neighborhood?
Who has killed, purposefully made sick, purposefully tried to disenfranchise The Negro in the country The Negro helped to establish and build-- long before that country was even founded?

The white man is tired of his Negro burden-- the burden of his own creation, his Native Son.

I am typing in the same abstract mode that his mind has formulated his solution for The Negro.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 04-24-2014 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 04-24-2014, 10:10 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Maybe there are people like you that would like to try to clean up his sentiments, but there really isn't any way to do that.

There are blacks who make it their business to discuss and dwell on the perceived ills of some white Americans. Their perverse view of this country and every bad thing that has ever happened to them is contextualized in the moniker, "The White Man".

I won't tolerate their perversion.
I won't tolerate bundy's perversion.
Both schools of thought have the same dumb headmaster.

Both schools of thought turn out students who are not ready for the intelligent complexities of real life in America-- so they don't engage the strange they think they know so much about, until they have to.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 04-24-2014 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 04-24-2014, 10:23 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Hmmm...JD got quiet all the sudden.

Tell me the law (in question). Because it's not clear.

On one hand, you have constitutional lawyers saying Bundy has a point with his claim that once NV became a state, fed control of the land should have been returned to the state; on the other hand you claim the law is clear.

So please, post the law in question. What law is clear?

The court order was for cattle ON the PUBLIC land controlled by the BLM to be rounded up and held. Did that happen? NO! FACT, the feds shut down over 1,200 MILES of land, including roads used by local and state traffic. FACT, BLM used multiple helicopters and hired cowboys, along with its own armed response teams to run down the cattle and harrass protesters. FACT, BLM destroyed two water tanks and shot two prized bulls which were in their stalls and not a danger to anyone. FACT, BLM fenced off a small area and demanded protesters stay inside the fenced in area in order to use their first amendment rights. FACT, there were BLM snipers positioned up on a hill against Bundy family members who were simply trying to film cattle. (read Moapa Valley news excerpt below)

Several times you've claimed only the protesters had snipers. This is untrue. Prior to April 12th, it was the BLM who used snipers against the Bundy family.

You claim the BLM was just following the court order; however, the facts show they went well over what the court order gave them authority to do.

Uhm, okay. And a lot of them were neighboring ranchers in NV. What's your point?

Great! However, let's make sure you understand that prior to Saturday, April 12th, when Cliven Bundy gave the ultimatum to stand down; prior to that, Bundy required all the protesters keep their firearms packed away. If you look at the videos prior to the April 12th showdown, no one is armed. Now, what would have happened if on April 12th, these protesters showed up without their weapons? The BLM thugs were in riot gear with automatic assault rifles.

You seem to not understand a simple Reagan concept that won the Cold War...the one with the most weapons wins. Do you think the Cold War was won by the US disarming? No, Reagan won the Cold War by making sure the US had more nukes and bombs than the USSR did.

Same rule applies here. You don't go to a showdown unarmed against BLM thugs armed with assault rifles and riot gear. If they had, I would guarantee you the BLM would have shot tear gas and beat them bloody....which you would have LOVED to watch, I'm sure.

I disagree with the word "legitimate." Again, refer back to the court order that only gave the BLM permission to hold the cattle.

Use of snipers is a great strategy. PO already showed that this alleged strategy of putting women on the front lines was done by the women themselves.

Again, refer to the court order. The BLM overreached. Even the Governor of NV, and other members of Congress said it was a gross overreach by the BLM. They were not conducting "legitimate" operations.

The feds backed down after two things happened: 1) news broke that Hypocrite Harry Reid was using the BLM as a way to grab Bundy ranch land for his solar plant plans; and 2) hundreds of armed Americans showed up to protest the invasion of state land by the feds.

I'll group these two together. Anytime you have a gathering of people, whether they be conservative, liberal, anarchists, etc....you will have others who are from fringe/extremist sides.

Let me help you. First, most militia lean right. I doubt there's a single progressive or left-wing state militia around. So you shouldn't be shocked or try to make a point by saying, "oooohhh, they're extreme right-wing." Militia's in general lean right. Who cares.

And of course you throw in the race card...although, as PO pointed out, the protesters were mixed in race and color, so your race card doesn't stick. Also, I've yet to hear you complain about immigrant protesters and the fact that La Raza and other militant immigrant groups are typically behind any pro-amnesty march.

And more of the race card junk. You seem to be fixated on throwing out the race card lately. Several posts on more than this thread show you accusing anyone and everyone of being racist. I'm just waiting for your criticism of obama's "recent past" close ties with a real domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. I would think, since you are against people who are against the government, that it would include someone like Bill Ayers who actually took lives and attacked the government.

Tell me again, JD, how many BLM thugs did Bundy and his supporters injure or kill during the standoff? How many shots did they fire? How many BLM thugs did they attack?

Who is this "noted white supremacist" with whom Sheriff Mack collaborated? I'm sure you have a name. Please let me know.

This is offensive. McVeigh was a domestic or homegrown terrorist. He was at war with the government and brutally attacked the government.

Well, I just did. You should examine the truth.

BUMP. Still waiting. I hate that this stupid interview has become larger than the issue at hand with the BLM thuggery.
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