Originally Posted by odooley6985
Have you read about the Israelites taking of the promised land?
Yes... So? Let's deal with today not yesterday.
Does Israel and the promised land make Islam a benevolent religion? No that's just a red herring
And no Islam and the Quran does not teach violence.
Islam does.
Crime & Prejudice
- 2011 Pew study finds Muslims are more "phobic" of non-Muslims than the non-Muslims are "Islamophobic" of Muslims.
- According to FBI 2008 statistics, anti-Muslim incidents in the US are dropping and only account for 1.3% of all hate crimes.
- Jewish victims of hate crimes in the US outnumber Muslim victims by a 10-1 ratio.
Anti-Christian hate crime incidents outnumber anti-Muslim incidents in the US.
- 40% of Indonesian Muslims say they would use violence against those blaspheming Islam.
- 78% of British Muslims support punishing people who publish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad.
Since 1990, 52 people accused of blasphemy in Pakistan have been extra-judicially killed by lynch mobs.
- Homosexual relationships, acts or behavior illegal in 36 Islamic countries. 10 impose the death penalty for homosexuals.
- As of 1999 in Iran, more than 4000 lesbians and gays had been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
The great majority of all mosques in democratic countries— not only in North America, but in most of western Europe as well—
are controlled by extremists
Six out of ten mosques in Sweden gave women advice about how to deal with spousal abuse and polygamy that contradicted Swedish law, a media investigation has revealed.
Using hidden cameras and telephone recording equipment, two women posing as abused spouses visited ten of Sweden's largest mosques as part of a report put together by Sveriges Television (SVT) investigative news programme "Uppdrag granskning".
The women then asked leaders at the mosques for advice about how to address issues such as polygamy, assault and non-consensual sex.
Six out of the ten mosques visited by the women, who had also claimed that their husbands had multiple wives,
told them that they should nevertheless agree to have sex with their husbands even if they didn't want to.
Six of the mosques also advised the women against reporting spousal abuse to the police. Leaders at another mosque were divided on the issue, while women received vague advice from yet another mosque.
Only two of the mosques gave the women clear advice directing them to report their abusive husbands to police.
The women were also told by nine of the ten mosques that men had the right – under certain circumstances – to have more than one wife.
Only one mosque told the women that men didn't have the right to be married to several women at the same time and that their husbands needed to follow Swedish law.
The advice, which in many cases advocated violating Swedish laws, came from imams or family counselors at the mosques.
When "Uppdrag granskning" host Janne Josefsson approached two of the largest mosques featured in the programme to inquire about their official position on matters discussed by the women, the answers he received were totally different than what the women heard.
The chair of the Islamic Association in Uppsala claimed in the story that people should follow Swedish law
According to official estimates,
about 400 of Tunisia’s approximately 5,000 mosques are now in the hands of radical Islamists. The number has grown since the Tunisian revolution, which started at the end of 2010 and led to the overthrow of longtime dictator Zine ElAbidine Ben Ali
25% of UK mosques have extremist literature calling for the beheading of lapsed Muslims, ordering women to remain Indoors and forbidding interfaith marriages.
We can say that they took over 80 percent of the mosques in the United States. There are more than 3,000 mosques in the United States. This means that the ideology of extremism has been spread to 80 percent of the Muslim population, mostly the youth and the new generation
Mosques across the U.S. continue to carry books and pamphlets describing non-Muslims as "infidels" and promoting intolerance against Western society, according to a forthcoming study by Freedom House, a U.S. human-rights group.
Despite vows from American Islamic leaders after Sept. 11, 2001, to proselytize peacefully, New York based Freedom House researchers found
57 documents with incendiary material in more than a dozen mosques and Islamic centers in six states and Washington, D.C., visited over the past year.
The materials "demonstrate the ongoing indoctrination of Muslims in the United States in the hostility and belligerence of Saudi Arabia's hardline Wahhabi sect of Islam," says the report, an advance copy of which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal...........
An undercover survey of more than 100 mosques and Islamic schools in America has exposed widespread radicalism, including the alarming finding that
3 in 4 Islamic centers are hotbeds of anti-Western extremism, WND has learned. The Mapping Sharia in America Project, sponsored by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, has trained former counterintelligence and counterterrorism agents from the FBI, CIA and U.S. military, who are skilled in Arabic and Urdu, to conduct undercover reconnaissance at some 2,300 mosques and Islamic centers and schools across the country.
So far of 100 mapped, 75 should be on a watchlist," an official familiar with the project said.
Many of the Islamic centers are operating under the auspices of the Saudi Arabian government and U.S. front groups for the radical Muslim Brotherhood based in Egypt.
. . .
The project, headed by David Yerushalmi, a lawyer and expert on sharia law, has finished collecting data from the first cohort of 102 mosques and schools. Preliminary findings indicate that
almost 80 percent of the group exhibit a high level of sharia-compliance and jihadi threat, including:
• Ultra-orthodox worship in which women are separated from men in the prayer hall and must enter the mosque from a separate, usually back, entrance; and are required to wear hijabs.
• Sermons that preach women are inferior to men and can be beaten for disobedience; that non-Muslims, particularly Jews, are infidels and inferior to Muslims; that jihad or support of jihad is not only a Muslim's duty but the noblest way, and suicide bombers and other so-called "martyrs" are worthy of the highest praise; and that an Islamic caliphate should one day encompass the U.S.
• Solicitation of financial support for jihad.
• Bookstores that sell books, CDs and DVDs promoting jihad and glorifying martyrdom
Islam teaches/promotes violence. Yes it does but no not ALL Islam does. The extremism is growing.
- There are 164 Jihad verses in the Qur'an & nearly 500 verses (roughly 1 out of every 12) that speak of Hell.
- Practicing Muslims recite anti-Semitic & anti-Christian rhetoric at least 17 times a day, and over 5,000 times a year.
- Compared to Mein Kampf, the non-abrogated Medinan verses of the Qur'an contain more than 2x the amount of anti-Jewish text.
122 peaceful Qur'anic verses have been abrogated by the Sword verse (9:5) and Fighting verse (9:29).
- 2012 report finds the majority of world's terrorism committed by Muslims. Almost 9000 deaths caused by Sunni terrorists in 2011.
- Esposito/Mogahed find almost 4 out of 10 Muslims worldwide are extremists who think 9/11 was totally/partially/somewhat justified.
More than 95% of all suicide bombing attacks conducted worldwide are carried out by Muslims
- 1 out of 3 British Muslims aged 16 to 24 believe that Muslim apostates should be executed.
- Majority of worlds Muslims favor changing laws in their countries to allow stoning/amputation for "crimes", and death for apostasy.
- Only 26% of Muslims in Turkey say they would adhere to laws passed by Parliament if it contradicted religious laws.
Poll finds neither education nor age explains attitudes toward the role of Shari’ah in legislation.
- There are 7 countries in the world where the state can execute you for being atheist. Every single one is officially Islamic.
- 9 of the top 10 persecutors of Christians are Islamic countries. Of the top 50 countries, only 12 have a source other than Islam.
- Turkey tops list of countries violating the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) for 3 consecutive years.
As of 2010, Indonesia had over 150 religiously motivated regulations restricting minorities’ rights.
Honor Violence
- 91 percent of all honor-related killings around the world are carried out by Muslims (84% in US, 96% in Europe).
- The number of honor killings in Pakistan are estimated to be around 2,500 to 3,000 cases every year.
- Nearly 3,000 honor attacks mainly carried out against Muslim women were recorded by British police in 2010.
More than two-thirds of all murders in the Gaza Strip and West Bank are honor killings
- 46% of UK Muslims believe "the Jewish community in Britain is in league with the Freemasons to control the media and politics."
64% in Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, and Indonesia believe it is US foreign policy to spread Christianity in the Middle-East
What are they being taught? The evidence is overwhelming