Originally Posted by Aquila
He's deceiving no one if He tells us what he did. 
But that isn't our world. In our world we are given a testament in the Bible and asked to believe it to gain eternal life. This testament contains for the most part a history of an otherwise small and obscure people who have come and gone and come again throughout the pages of history - no real treatise on natural science in the whole book.
Then along comes a group of people some 1800+ years after the Messiah, whose faith is shaken because the Age of Reason rattled some old bones and they begin to demand that we accept their very slim and poorly adduced opinions as being "The Real Word of God" even though they haven't gotten a bit of natural science correct since they stopped bleeding one another as a cure for a head cold.
And, in our world we have not only the appearance of age - but we have the history and the experience of age. It's even written in every cell of our bodies. We are old. We bear a very old record of a very long period of life - 3.5 billion years of it.