Stew, what are you talking about? so a couple of guys running for president missed some votes. That doesnt mean either of them missed important votes that their parties or those that they agreed with needed them on.
No one has accused either in the Senate of not showing up when they were needed.
the Present votes by Barak in the Ill legislature were what they are, clear indications of an intent not to get on the wrong side of politics. (See my dads commnents back in the 1970's about our representative in La...)
Ferd, plenty of people have accused Obama of basically never voting. I just don't understand how people can basically say that he doesn't vote at all...then say that he is the most liberal based on his voting record...then ignore the fact that the same study that gave us that stat states in the study that they were unable to grade McCain because he was the one who did not vote enough to meet their criteria. It's all just bizarre to me.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Re: McCain once again is doing the honorable thing
This was before Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... Those who know what's going on know that this also deals w/ banking de-regulation and both Obama and McCain camps... .... have played a part .......
John McCain and Barack Obama's presidential campaigns are pointing fingers at each other's political camps over who were the architects of a 1999 banking deregulation bill many cite as reasons for the current financial and mortgage lending mess on Wall Street.
The 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act broke down barriers between banks, securities firms, mortgage lenders and insurance companies. That deregulation repealed Great Depression-era bank regulations with the approval of former president Bill Clinton.
The Gramm bill encouraged lending during the strong housing market but has put banks, investment houses and insurance companies in peril since the housing bust which started two years ago. The measure allowed those lending money to sell off those loan portfolios to other companies, thus disconnecting the lending risk.
The Obama camp points out that former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm was a key architect of the banking and lending deregulation. Gramm is a McCain economic adviser eho could be in the Arizona Republican's cabinet. Since his Senate days ended he has also worked for investment bank UBS.
The Democratic National Committee says that 19 McCain fundraisers and campaign advisers lobbied for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The federal government took over the mortgage groups earlier this month as part of a number of finance and mortgage-related bailouts. A number of other McCain fundraisers and campaign officials have lobbied for American International Group and other finance firms. The Federal Reserve Bank is bailing AIG out with an $85 billion package
McCain links to Fannie, Freddie, AIG and other troubled financial firms include senior campaign advisor Charlie Black, campaign manager Rick Davis and national fundraising cochairman Wayne Berman. Merrill Lynch chief executive John Thain is also a McCain backer and has raised money for the Arizona senator. Bank of America said earlier this week it was acquiring Merrill Lynch.
The McCain camp retorted Friday that former Iowa congressman Jim Leach was also a key sponsor of the bill. Leach is a Republican who is backing Obama and spoke at the Democratic National Convention. The McCain campaign also pointed out that Obama running mate U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., voted for the final bill and it was supported by the former president Bill Clinton and Clinton administration economic officials, some of who are advising Obama
Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, former U.S. Treasury secretaries under Clinton, supported the bank deregulation bill in 1999 and are advising Obama on the issue, the McCain campaign said Friday.
McCain voted for the first version of the Gramm bill in 1999 but did not vote on the final measure. Biden voted against the initial bill but for the final product.
Former Fannie Mae chief executive Jim Johnson was previously advising Obama on his running mate pick.
Obama is also the second-largest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac campaign contributions, trailing only U.S. Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd, D-Conn
I still have not seen an adequate direct response to these proven facts. I don't see how anyone can accuse Obama of not voting when McCain did not vote enough to be graded in the same study that we have referred to on this forum hundreds of times. I've pointed this out many times and have not seen one response to it.
He's a deadbeat ... who is now being hailed as a statesman by some.
Ferd, plenty of people have accused Obama of basically never voting. I just don't understand how people can basically say that he doesn't vote at all...then say that he is the most liberal based on his voting record...then ignore the fact that the same study that gave us that stat states in the study that they were unable to grade McCain because he was the one who did not vote enough to meet their criteria. It's all just bizarre to me.
Stew, you would have to point me to something like that. the only thing I know of that has been an issue about Obama and voting is the 120 present votes in the Ill. legislature.
as you can see from the last few pages of this thread, a lot of people are confusing that with his senate record, but that is simply a mistake.
neither Obama nor McCain have been accused of abandoning their party on crucial votes in the Senate.
Obama has been accused of playing politics with his Ill. votes to avoid being on the record on hard issues. That is a fact. my daddy would call him a coward for that act.... thats what he called our rep in the 1970s that did the same thing.
these are very different things.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Dear reader, as evidence of Daniel Alicea's willingness to say anything, do anything, and act in as base a manner as possible to win an arguement, I offer the following:
Here is Daniel Alicea's comments on what manner of man John McCain is:
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
He's a deadbeat ... who is now being hailed as a statesman by some.
the commentary is on Daniel Alicea's character. NOT John McCains...
I am sorry for you danA.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Stew, you would have to point me to something like that. the only thing I know of that has been an issue about Obama and voting is the 120 present votes in the Ill. legislature.
as you can see from the last few pages of this thread, a lot of people are confusing that with his senate record, but that is simply a mistake.
neither Obama nor McCain have been accused of abandoning their party on crucial votes in the Senate.
Obama has been accused of playing politics with his Ill. votes to avoid being on the record on hard issues. That is a fact. my daddy would call him a coward for that act.... thats what he called our rep in the 1970s that did the same thing.
these are very different things.
Ferd, you can't be seriously telling me that you haven't seen people accuse Obama of not voting even to this date.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Dear reader, as evidence of Daniel Alicea's willingness to say anything, do anything, and act in as base a manner as possible to win an arguement, I offer the following:
Here is Daniel Alicea's comments on what manner of man John McCain is:
the commentary is on Daniel Alicea's character. NOT John McCains...
Ferd, you can't be seriously telling me that you haven't seen people accuse Obama of not voting even to this date.
I have seen repetedly people referencing the 120 "Present" votes.
I have seen people confuse that with his Senate record.
I have seen people recently speak of Barak Obamas silence on the current situation and state that he wasnt going to be able to vote "present"
I have not seen anyone suggest that Barak Obama has missed votes in the Senate and use that as a negative against him.
If I had, I would have pointed out that Senators running for president often miss votes. That isnt a big deal. It is only a big deal when they miss important votes when the vote will be close and their allies on the bill need them.
Just as I have repeatedly pointed out that Obama is a US Citizen when people have suggested otherwise.
Just as I have stated repeatedly that BHO is a christian not a muslim.
I cant say it hasnt happened here, I just dont remember seeing it, and i know for a fact, that hasnt been an issue in the actual campaign because I am pretty much up on what is going on in the campaign.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
right and it never will. dispariage a true great American hero, who has given his life in service to this country.... including standing up to Ronald Reagan, and writing some of the most imortant legislation in the country even when his own party didnt like what he was doing....
yea. YOU are the one who character is in question. It was a really stupid thing to do.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!