Why do you give? It's an investment. You believe in the vision. Know one really gives without expecting results. You invest your money in projects or people you believe in. If you have any questions, you have a responsibility to protect your resources or reallocate them into a more productive environment. It is naive to think giving is not an investment. If you don't like how your money is spent, don't complain about it. Take your contributions elsewhere. If enough people do that, the offending corporation would fold or change their practices.
The Bible gives numerous examples of corporate accountability in the church. There is no problem opening the books.
There is a reason Christ chose successful business owners as disciples. The New Testament church operated as a business from day one. Appointing someone to fill in Judas's spot on the board of directors, appointing people to take care of the treasury, delegating responsibilities. The Apostles had that training before they became disciples. Christ taught them how to apply Kingdom Principles. Combine those two along with the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, you find the church set up for success, rapid growth, and the ability to help other saints in need. Christ used business owners to establish His church.
Name scriptural 'corporate accountability' in the church.
Jesus said that my kingdom is not of this world. So if you are running your church like the world, then you do not have the mind of Christ. You have a worldly mind. James 4:4 said that whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Simon the sorcerer thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
Peter told him that he had no part or lot in the matter. That his money perishes with him. Peter perceived that he was in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity because he thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money. So therefore if you 'invest' money in someone or something, what are you expecting back? Something spiritual or something carnal?
Corporate is a worldly term. You have to align yourself with the worldly system to incorporate. Christ told us to come out from among them and be separate.
Back to the original topic of this thread does anybody know;
1. Has the church settled the severance package TB was demanding yet?
2. Has the church started a search for a new pastor and if so have they had any candidates in to preach?
From what I know, that although the Board initially agreed to severance verbally when his resignation was discussed before he resigned, once they saw the financial abuses they went back on the agreement. Had they known how egregious the financial matters were they never would've agreed in the beginning. TB was really in no position to negotiate from the outset.
Also there were friends of the SILs who made a push for them to get a severance. The leadership wanted to wait to assess the church's financial capabilities. This group of folks kept demanding a vote at the business meeting and so it went to a vote and lost. I was told the leaders were open to the idea to give the SILs something, but their friends were so adamant they ended up losing the whole issue.
Since then a group of 80-100 people have left, mostly the ones who wanted this severance for the SILs. I was told most of them are driving to Jackson, TN to attend a UPC church there.
From what I know, that although the Board initially agreed to severance verbally when his resignation was discussed before he resigned, once they saw the financial abuses they went back on the agreement. Had they known how egregious the financial matters were they never would've agreed in the beginning. TB was really in no position to negotiate from the outset.
Also there were friends of the SILs who made a push for them to get a severance. The leadership wanted to wait to assess the church's financial capabilities. This group of folks kept demanding a vote at the business meeting and so it went to a vote and lost. I was told the leaders were open to the idea to give the SILs something, but their friends were so adamant they ended up losing the whole issue.
Since then a group of 80-100 people have left, mostly the ones who wanted this severance for the SILs. I was told most of them are driving to Jackson, TN to attend a UPC church there.
From what I know, that although the Board initially agreed to severance verbally when his resignation was discussed before he resigned, once they saw the financial abuses they went back on the agreement. Had they known how egregious the financial matters were they never would've agreed in the beginning. TB was really in no position to negotiate from the outset.
Also there were friends of the SILs who made a push for them to get a severance. The leadership wanted to wait to assess the church's financial capabilities. This group of folks kept demanding a vote at the business meeting and so it went to a vote and lost. I was told the leaders were open to the idea to give the SILs something, but their friends were so adamant they ended up losing the whole issue.
Since then a group of 80-100 people have left, mostly the ones who wanted this severance for the SILs. I was told most of them are driving to Jackson, TN to attend a UPC church there.
Where have the SIL's gone? ARe they now on staff or pastoring other places? If not I wonder if they might start a church in Memphis if TB doesn't since you say 80-100 of their supporters have left the church. Looks like a ready made congregation for TB or his SIL's. If the people are willing to leave the UPC.
__________________ "I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"
Titus2woman on AFF
"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.
"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.
"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."
Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
Where have the SIL's gone? ARe they now on staff or pastoring other places? If not I wonder if they might start a church in Memphis if TB doesn't since you say 80-100 of their supporters have left the church. Looks like a ready made congregation for TB or his SIL's. If the people are willing to leave the UPC.
If the SILs were ignorant of what TB was doing that is an alternative and tell TB to get a seat and sit down and shut up. 80-100 folks is a good bunch to start with and who needs the UPC?????
I was born and raised in the hills of Kentucky this is a true story. I was going to town one day and I passed a hitchhiker on the way into town. I had a young man with me. On the way back the same hitchhiker was on the opposite side of the road with his thumb out. The young man with me said wasn't he on the opposite side of the road when we passed him and now he is on the other saide of the road I don't understand. I said he is a hitchhiker he don't own a car probably and ain't going to spend his money on gas and ain't really got a destination so he will hitch a ride with anyone to anywhere as long as it don't cost him any money.(go and learn what that means) The guy that owns the car might be called a Roman?