Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
THE angels celebrated His birth...will they go to hell for that? Of course not...
Are you saying that the angels celebrate the birth of Jesus every December 25th, or every September, October (15th of Tishri )? The angels only proclaimed that the Messiah had been born in the city of David. Sister Alvear, magicians, the Magi were the ones who brought the gifts to the King, in fact even that was not a celebration. It was showing honor to a chosen vessel who would be a world ruler. In other words it was only a one shot deal.
We have no record of Babylonian, Egyptian, or Syrian magicians continuing a practice of celebrating the birth of Christ. As far as the Bible records the magi never visit Jesus ever again.
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
It becomes a sin
Interesting, now we have a made up festival becoming sin for Christians if they become greedy? Christmas only exists in the minds of men, it's not Biblically mandated, not one prophet or apostle ever commanded that anyone should observe the birth of Jesus Christ with any kind of feast day or celebration, parade, pine tree decked with jewelry, or an overweight Catholic saint in red tights.
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
when we lower ourselves to greed and lust for things.
Sister Alvear, people don't become greedy only one time a year. It's a 24/7 thing that lasts all year round. They don't need Saturnalia or Mithra's birthday to cause them to over indulge themselves in the traditions of the world that lead them to greed. If they lose sight of Jesus Christ during the holiday season then they lost Him way before the first bell ringing Santa even set a foot in front of their favorite department store. Sad but true.
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
It becomes a sin when we make debts we cannot pay and try to keep up with the family up the street.
Most individuals throw themselves into debt because they are trying to fulfill the desires of those on their long lists of Xmas believers who are expecting a gift...why? Because they bought one for you, and therefore it would only be proper that you return the kindness. Also the loads of cards that are sent, one must (because of proper edicate) send cards back to those who sent them to you.
Oil at 94.00 a barrel and gas prices steady at the increase and Xmasians trudging off to Macys, Sears, and Wal-Mart to spend money on a much uneeded expence.
Competition? The only people who can be in competition right now are the ones who can afford it. The way things are getting in this country no one can afford to be living large in front of the neighbors.
Please keep in mind that I am just bringing attention to the fact that the "celebration" and "tradition" of the Nativity Mass of Christ is UNBIBLICAL.
It's made up, and is not mandated by scripture.
Whether anyone would go rounds over the ethical standpoints of this tradition is totally their choice, but I see no point in any discussion on how people get teary eyed over mom cooking a turkey, and dad building a train set. Or that uncle Joe feeds the homeless on Xmas eve and that we fawn over his good deed during that night's Xmas dinner. Instead I will continue to see Xmas for what it is a Roman Catholic hold over into the Protestant church and a tradition that some cannot live without, for what ever emotional reason.
Lord bless you and your husband in your endeavors in Brazil.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa