Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
You are taking me out of context. I meant the Christians have become de sensitized to the point they dont think California deserves judgment. I was not implying the Christians there deserve judgment.
If you understood the implications of what desensitized means you'd NOT say I took you out of context., I did not. I fully took you IN context. Sir, only GOD knows who deserves what. You are in no position to say which state, nation or city deserves Punishment MORE than the others. Amsterdam...why has that place NOT been wiped off the map yet? How easy it is to sit back in the arm chair and read the paper and say "Yes, they deserve to be destroyed by God....so this fire must have been from God"...
Events like these happen ALL the time EVERYWHERE. They are NATURALLY occuring. You don't know WHEN and WHO God is going to punish unless you are a prophet and God SENT you to warn them first. They were warned in the bible.
BTW the example of Sauls kids...that was not punishment for Sauls sins as if His were greater than all the other kings that offered their sons to Molech.
Again, nothing you have posted PROVES that of ALL the fires in October we have every year, this one was from God....we have these every year. They are going to happen, with or without the Mayor of SD.
And what the Mayer did is no different than what happens in Rio De Janeiro or other places filled with debauchery. This stuff happens in many other places than just SD....it happens even worse in SF and has been happening, so can you explain since you have the mind of God, why God chose SD and not SF or Amsterdam or Rio or any other place? Your arguments are inconsistent
As you recall I have already stated Im sure there are some Godly Christians in California.
Well gee thanks for that vote of confidence...some. That might even include me....except that you seem to think I need your advice to be saved by your final post to me. You should quit while behind and remove the foot from your mouth. You are wrong. You don't know that this was God, particularly since it was going to happen anyways. It always does this time of year
Now concerning the rest. I am not trying to prove to you this was the judgment of God. I believe it is. I cannot go to the Bible and say "God said he will punish California for its sins".
Are you sure? Let's ask the others. It sure seems you were trying to argue this was the judgment of God. You certainly believe it was, so then why else make the arguments you have? You compared us to Sodom. Come on now....I want to take you seriously. If you can't prove it, why believe it? Did God give you a vision? Did he whisper in your ear? Or was this just a feeling?
But as a Bible reader for many years his priciples are very clear on the matter. God has not retired from being actively involved in the affairs of men. It appears some must think he has.
Nobody here said that he retired. Your accusation is false. We are discussing California and YOUR assertion that we are like Sodom and deserve punishment
You say you cannot think of anything in your lifetime where you believe he has intervened in the affairs of men. Yet read the books of Kings or Chronicles. Or Judges or Samuel. You will see that YHWH followed along with all the affairs of the rulers in Israel.
You asked about my life time, then take me to the OT. How old do you think I am? You asked about THIS lifetime and I told you I don't know. Natural disasters happen. God never whispered in my ear or gave me a vision to say "See how all those people died in Katrina and all the suffering? I did that because of their sin"...sorry but unless God informs me and since I am not God, my answer is..I don't know if I have seen it or not. It has NOTHING to do with whether or not it has happened or still CAN happen.
You did not ask me if it could have happened. You asked me if in my lifetime where I believe he has done this...I don't like to base my beliefs on feelings. I base them on the word of God and on facts. My feelings are not truth. If God wants to tell me personally of such an event, then I can say yes I believe that.
Now, if you want to say "I don't know this was from God, but I think it is possible" that's another matter.
But the facts are this...these fires happen ALL the time. God does these things to get our attention, and since we are used to this happening ALL the time, why would God use something that happens ALL the time that would get nobody's attention? Also in the OT God warned of impending judgment to give a chance at repentance. Where was that?
God's judgments are usually reserved too for Israel, in the bible. Because they are HIS people and he corrects them. There were wicked nations all over the earth and the times he brought them down against Israel was because of Israel's wickedness, to correct them.
See, your arguments just don't add up. Can God do something like this? yes. Does it make sense that this was the hand of God? no. Could God do something to punish those people that did this? Yes. Does it make sense that this fire was it? No
WE have them every october and have had them for as long as I can remember and I am over 40. Some years are worse than others.
Over and over again it describes their sins and how he answered them. Since he is the same yesterday, today, and forever I imagine he still is interested in the works of men today.
That is irrelevant. That does not prove one thing about what you "think" about what happened in California
Your defense of California is very loyal.
Oh bull. Im not defending California. Im pointing out your arguments don't hold water. It's full of holes.
Yet you dont see your state like others see it.
I live here. I know more about my state than you ever will. You don't have a clue sir.
The flood of fornication from there has been non stop ever since I can remember. Certainly there is a righteous remnant there and certainly there is fornication elsewhere.
The flood of fornication is EVERYWHERE. You are clueless and isolated. It's NOT just a California thing. Get out and about. It's all around.
Additionally you are confusing ALL of California with only certain cities IN California. Sin here is no different than sin there. If there are more sinners it's only because there are more people.