Originally Posted by Neckstadt
Dear Rhoni, How come I am getting depressed over this Forum? It just seems to be a bunch of folks tryng to out wit each other on what they know.
I am just getting tired....
Bro. Neckstadt,
This forum was supposed to be an advice column that I was using to sharpen my skills. Many people don't like what I do and what I have studied...psychology. They make it a point to sabatogue my thread [I know I don't own it] First my ex-husband's spouse tried to sabatogue it. Then Chancellor knocks what I do as [secular humanism-doctrine of the devils],; then Coonskinner tries to butt in before I am finished to tell everyone I have a problem with church leadership, then Suiggy pats him on the back and then we get some others posting and the thread isn't what is started out being.
I am tired too. I have considered not posting and getting off the forum...I am working up the fortitude to do that. I have tried hard to minister to a segment of people in our churches who need what I have to say...and I get tired of fighting the battle...
The only one who knows how tired I am is concerned about me and tried her best to help me up...but I know that it is between Jesus and I. I will make the right choice because God is with me.
I am sorry this thread depresses you...it was more meant to help those who may be depressed...anyway...I am sorry that you feel this way.
Sincerely, Rhoni