Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Having attended Church of Champions and broken bread w/ Wendell Hutchins various times... he may be one of the least understood and under-appreciated men in Pentecost ....
I am aware of what his detractors say and accuse him of ...
However, I have met and seen a man that loves people and has an intense passion for souls. He also offered me bible-based and compassionate counsel during a difficult time in my life.
The only other church I can think of that treats people as well as COC is my dad's home church. If the people of COC are a reflection of what their Pastor is ... then ... WOW!!!!
He is a successful businessman, real estate investor and innovative thinker and I think this leads to some unfair criticism.
He's good people.
I don't doubt he's a good man. There are a lot of good men who are sincere and have passion, but who miss the mark and begin shamless self-promotion in the name of propogating the Gospel.
So instead of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they end up furthering themselves by giving away dumb personal trinkets for a monthly/yearly "ministry" subscription.
Same goes for DK, JS, and the rest.