Being a serial killer is just a gateway to more serious sins such as women cutting their hair or wearing pants or heaven forbid actually owning a television.
So, what happens when a bunch of other kids that don't belong to that church get some adult to take them over to that church's parking lot with real guns, trench coats and gas masks (in preparation for a home invasion perhaps)? Are the police supposed to just ignore them now that they know there is a group of kids playing war games with an adult supervising them?
Doesn't the UPC encourage pacifism with regard to military service and doesn't the UPC prohibit engaging in secular amusements? If so, then isn't it hypocritical for UPC kids to be playing war games on church property.
here is a real life scenario.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I partially agree with you; perhaps the officer had seen other "air gun" related accidents and gave the request based on a) the low visibility and b) the fact that they would be eventually shooting at each other!?!? You ever heard someone say, "Be careful or you might shoot someone's eye out"? They say that because it's actually happened to someone, ironically enough....
If a fireman asked you to leave a burning building, would you be stubborn enough not to because it's your right to decide what you can do on "your property"?
I'm being sarcastic, but obviously the police felt someone might get hurt.... they were almost as obligated to give that recommendation for safety as much as they were to investigate....
when the "suggestion" became policy, it crossed a line. plus you give the very good reason why the kids were wearing gas masks!
lets keep remembering to include two very important things. PRIVATE PROPERTY and THIS IS AMERICA
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I'd prefer the police to stop by again sometime and make sure that there is still adult supervision.... if the police ignored them in the future, a real danger could potentially be missed....
why don't you call up the senior pastor of that church and ask him hehehe
in the real world we talk about "community Policing" where the po-po get to know the people in a community.
Cop comes by. sees a half dozen faces he knows. every one is having fun. move on.
cop comes buy, doesn’t know anyone. watches really close for a few minutes, is trained to pick up on suspicious behavior.... figures out something bad is going down.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Why should they? First, because it is the wise thing to do. Second, because children have no business being out playing in the middle of the night. Third, depending on how close they are to people's houses, they would be less likely to disturb the peace if they did it in the daytime.
Chan just because you say they should not be out late at night, doesn’t prove you are correct.
I respect your opinion as a parent to make such a decision for your kid, but just because you don’t think your kid should be with a group of young people, supervised by responsible adults, late at night, does not mean that I agree.
I find nothing wrong with a youth group having activities that go late into the night, provided it does not encroach on the individual parents belief or interfere with the kids responsibilities.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I just think their execution left a little to be desired....
execution? are you kidding me? some kids on private property did something they like to do and were supervised by adults. the cops didnt like it so they bullied the people.
why cant the cops have a little sanity here? investagate and make sure everyone knows this this is a "designated area" simple
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My son has a LOT of money (four figures in front of the decimal) invested in both paintball and airsoft guns and gear. He holds the rank of 1st Sgt in his air soft brigade. They travel all over the area playing in tournaments. This is a sanctioned activity that is accepted. The majority of his team mates are military veterans and they condition and train like military.
Can anyone say over zealous prosecution or legislation? Can anyone say an open attack on a church for the sake of attacking a church? Someone is stupid here but i don't think it was the kids!
They don't do the same with paintball guns, nor do they out law real guns for hunting...and lets not forget Dick Cheney???
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.