What a beautiful thought I am thinking
Concerning the Great Speckled Bird
Remember her name is recorded
On the pages of God's Holy Word
With the other birds flocking around her
She is so despised by the squad
The Great Speckled Bird in the Bible
Representing the great Church of God
Desiring to lower her standard
They watch every move that she makes
They long to find fault with her teachings
But really they find no mistakes
I am glad I have learned of her meekness
I am proud that my name's on her book
For I want to be one never fearing
On the face of my Savior to look
When He cometh descending from heaven
On the cloud that He writes in His Word
I'll be joyfully carried to meet Him
On the wings of that great speckled bird
What a wonderful word is recorded
By the prophet of God in His Word
Of His church and all those who are faithful
And are like to that great speckled bird
With the other birds flocking against her
They envy her glory in vain
They hate her because she is chosen
And has not denied her dear name
She is spreading her wings for a journey
She is going to take by and by
When the trumpet sounds in that morning
She will meet her dear Lord in the sky
In the presence of all her despisers
With a song never uttered before
She will rise and be gone in a moment
For her great tribulations are o'er
I long for the day of her coming
When friends that are gone I shall see
In robes and a crown of bright glory
They are waiting in heaven for me
Again, I agree. I believe we should take them just as seriously. I used to believe that if a person repented, was baptized, and then died without receiving the HG, they went to hell, because God had given them ample opportunity before. I am not sure I still believe this.
Do you?
Your addition in this post proves what the man was saying. While there is so much talk about 'the spirit of the merger' one needs to realize that the factions of that merger were NOT saying, "I'll be a part if you accept Baptists and trinitarian deception as being saved. Oh, and if you want me you have to believe separation is not an issue." (DISCLAIMER: Not all PCI folks believe that way but many present claimers of PCI do.)
An emphatic, NO. The two factions that comprised the 'spirit of the merger' were both seeking God, seeking separation, seeking a promotion of passionate preaching. People lean WAY too heavy on this 'spirit of the merger' without realizing that both factions were practically identical in every way... except the 'one step' / 'three step' thing.
Obviously I agree with your assessment here... and, likewise, believe that CoonBishop is right.
Uhoh... this may be the resurrection of the Posse...
Last year at Thanksgiving, I had a long discussion with GLGJR. He was at the merger sitting between his dad GLGSR and A.T. Morgan. They were all from my home church and part of the PCI side of the house. That was quite a conversation. the whole house was quiet listening to that tale.
He also told me that when the Glass preachers got together, (and there were/are a lot of them), Papa George would say he wished they could all go some place where Pentecost had never been heard of and start over. clearly he had issues with what the UPCI had become.
Part of me is glad he died before 1992. that would have hurt his soul.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I am having a hard time figuring out why Ron is so touchy about this.
Maybe because anyone else that has made some different decisions in this regard has been attacked, maligned, rebuked, clobbered, etc... by those who think they're backslidden heathens.
I really have no desire to get into that kind of fight... if you're looking for a fight, look somewhere else. I'm over all that junk. I have no time for it anymore. I simply don't have it in me.
I'm not here to fight.
I'm here to talk.
If you want to talk... we can talk later. If you want to throw rocks, I'm not interested.
For example without meaning any offence Christ Church is a perfect example no one of the PCI group of yesteryear would be able to identify with this church though the pastor has PCI roots directly to Gurley. The Gurley type preaching would not be at home in this church. Pianoman said his son-in-law had visited a year and had not hear about the HGB. The Oneness and baptism are taught in private classes not mentioned from the pulpit. Thus this congregation who has roots firmly to connect to the PCI actually has very little in common with the message or method practiced by the PCI forefathers.
Where have I ever said you are wrong??? My point is that if you chafe and squirm under the authority that you voluntarily placed yourself under why spend so much energy that does you no good? Plus you sign something that you may not fully believe. (Notice I said 'may')
Uhoh... if this is Presbyterian thinking I may well be a Presbyterian!