Ok ladies and Ron
Prayer request/ summary of whats happening again in our lives LOL
I need yalls prayer. I have had to make some confusing decisions today about where and what to do with our lives. As you all know we lost our home about 2 weeks ago and we have been staying with my parents. Well anyone in their right mind knows 2 grown 35 yr old adults with 4 kids cant live like that!!!
Then this past weekend my husbands job nearly fell thru so we werent sure whether or not to get a place as we didnt know where he would be working.. Well this morning the VP of his company and his supervisor came out to his rig and sat down the man who had been complaining about everyone and told him that if he didnt like who they had working out there HE could leave immediately. They had the best fit for the job on the job.. so whew!! Hubbys not worried about job now. The one kink they threw in the plans is the rig was planned to stay in the Tyler area for 3-4 yrs but they have now decided to do one more hole other then the one they are on then go to south La for about 3 yrs then come back and conclude here as they dont have a time limit (it was basically 6 yrs to do 9 holes and 3 in tyler 6 in La...) so here is the game plan..
I REFUSE to spend the rest of my life living 1000 miles from my husband 2 weeks a month... My kids are young and flexible and are totally ok with this... (so anyone who is gonna hit me with kids need stability.... well yes they do but kids also need their parents and my kids need that more right now then they do to stay in the same school) so we are going to leave tomorrow morning.. go to Jacksonville and find a house.. I do not care if it is a 3 bdrm shack at this point I want a home and a place my kids can live and go to school and thats all I want... Then we will get our stuff leave the majority of it in storage and live by just what we need until the end of the summer and then when they have moved his rig there we are going to go back to La... yep yep.. The one state I swore I would never move to is exactly where I am going.
I know it is not Gods will for me to be away from Rob any longer. We have seen too many homes and families and lives torn apart in recent months to even begin to think about it and I totally feel that God is showing me this for a reason. At this point in time we have a wonderful marriage but only God knows what would happen in the meantime and I am not a prophet of doom and gloom but I have been divorced before and have no intention of it ever happening again and will do everything in my power to prevent it!!!! Yea its a fear I have right now but if yall knew what all has surrounded me you would totally understand and I AM GOING TO BE HAPPY!!!! even if it kills me! LOL
So now to the prayer request. Please pray I find something. I am done looking for my perfect 4-5 bdrm home with the right amount of land and the perfect this and that... I want a place I can live. Even an apartment is within my options right now as it is just until August... so please pray and I know God can even give me the home I do want with enough rooms but I just want him to know I will be satisfied with just the basics. I am just ready to go and Iwant my kids back in school...
Ok enough of our drama I love you all and I know I can trust you all to pray so I thank you in advance!!! Hugs and love... Now I am going shopping for my honey for Valentines day!!