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Old 02-28-2017, 03:19 PM
CalledOut238 CalledOut238 is offline

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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Do you remember when the entire British Israel doctrine was challenged by a DNA test on a number of English citizens? None of them had a Semetic gene in their body.

Many of the doctrines that claim that someone is Japheth or Judah, or some other tribe, are nothing but bunk.
I do not adhere to the British Israel doctrine or any other physical bloodline doctrines. The promise to Abraham (seed-singular) was accomplished by our Messiah. Now all nations have a bid to come into the Kingdom of God through faith. Edomites trace their lineage through the maternal, while Hebrews trace their lineage through paternal. The Hebrew people were scattered to the ends of the earth and can be found in almost every culture as prophesied. Your missing the point that those who practice Talmudic Judaism are Luciferian. Your right about British Israel, but dead wrong on the Edomites and Ashkenazi's. Satan's favorite trick is to mix truth with lies and then divide the people.

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Old 02-28-2017, 03:27 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by CalledOut238 View Post
I do not adhere to the British Israel doctrine or any other physical bloodline doctrines. The promise to Abraham (seed-singular) was accomplished by our Messiah. Now all nations have a bid to come into the Kingdom of God through faith. Edomites trace their lineage through the maternal, while Hebrews trace their lineage through paternal. The Hebrew people were scattered to the ends of the earth and can be found in almost every culture as prophesied. Your missing the point that those who practice Talmudic Judaism are Luciferian. Your right about British Israel, but dead wrong on the Edomites and Ashkenazi's. Satan's favorite trick is to mix truth with lies and then divide the people.

Can those who practice Talmudic Judaism be saved?
Are there any people who cannot be saved, such as Edomites or Ashkenazi's?
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Old 02-28-2017, 05:35 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
If I recall correctly, when a man and woman consummated their relationship they were considered married. So, if a man slept with a woman against her will he had to pay a bride price to her father.
Not exactly true. Otherwise, fornication would be impossible for heterosexuals.

Abrahams servant went and got Rebekah from Abrahams kin and when he brought her home Isaac slept with her and that consummated the marriage.
Consummation is what "seals the deal", but there has to be a "deal" to begin with. Shacking up isn't marriage, and neither is fornication.
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Old 02-28-2017, 06:22 PM
CalledOut238 CalledOut238 is offline

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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Can those who practice Talmudic Judaism be saved?
Are there any people who cannot be saved, such as Edomites or Ashkenazi's?
The Children of Light pray that all souls are redeemed.

Romans 5: 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Anyone can turn and confess their sins and be born again. But do we keep sinning?
NO, you turn from your sinful life and allow the Lord to lead you into holiness. Nobody has needed the grace of our Savior more than me. But I strive to be perfect; as a child wants to please his Father, and not to earn salvation. As born again children we are saved by grace! Which gives us freedom to pursue righteousness and holiness in him.

Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

You will never hear me advocate committing violence against any group of people, for we are the children of Love. All souls are precious to our Heavenly Father.

Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Be not deceived for we are in a spiritual battle and evil needs to be identified. A good Shepard warns the flock. Consider the conies. For they call to their family; back to their homes in the rock, when danger is afoot. Revelation 2 & 3 : 9 clearly identifies our enemy. The church has been duped for to long and our Heavenly Father is trying to wake his children. To sound the Alarm, but not to Harm.

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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Old 02-28-2017, 07:42 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Read their Talmud and Kabbalah and you will find that the Zionist consider you a goy animal.
More Anti-Semitic, tinfoil hat malarkey.
Brother, the phrase I quoted from CO is indeed true, and not malarkey at all. Have you read the Babylonian Talmud? I have a copy. It does indeed call gentiles animals. Seriously.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:00 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Bro. Blume, I did read your post and I believe that I felt the correct tone of the post. It was well thought out and thoroughly expressed your concerns. I do thank you for your concern and you've given me some things to reflect on.

However, above you wrote:

I believe it is you who is confusing the person with the gay relationship. I wish Sarah and her partner all the best. I do not wish the poverty, sickness, or harm. Nor do I wish them sadness, hardship, or loss. They are persons who Jesus died for. They are persons that I am commanded to love in spite of their sin.
I would not wish sickness on anyone, nether poverty or harm, either. But you missed my point. I know what you are trying to say. But that is not what others think when you attend their "wedding" and wish them all the best. They are thinking you mean their marriage. To attend a gay wedding and in that scenario call out, "I wish you all the best," whether you meant it or not you appear to be blessing their marriage. We just don't say THAT at a gay wedding. It WILL be mistaken for blessing on their marriage.

As it relates to their "marriage", she's made her decision.
But it appears, whether it is so or not, that you blessed that marriage and felt it was what they should have done.

No protest or rebuke or admonition on my part is going to change anything.
Agreed. That's not my point, though. But to enable it is the other extreme that is also wrong.

Besides, I've offered her admonitions about this topic before. I have prayed about it and I felt that keeping the lines of communication, trust, love, acceptance, and friendship open will be absolutely necessary to reach her when it all comes crashing down around her (and it will). She knows that even though well over half the family has nearly disowned her, I'm right here. I'll always stand by her and take her in. I'll always love her regardless of her goofy opinions and mistakes.
that's all fine and dandy. But still it is wrong to attend the wedding. I quoted from John's epistle talking about bidding godspeed to one of false doctrine. The principle in John's statement was that we cannot show any hint of agreement with something the people should not be engaged in. Bless their health and their persons, but not their gay marriage. And I seriously believe you came across as blessing their marriage. Now, if they know fully well you disagree with their marriage, fine. But still, others would get the impression you agreed.

It's the same principle in the reasoning that we should not witness to women in strip clubs. We might mean well, but all appearances to those who aren't in the know says you are into strip clubs.

Let me tell you about Sarah, she's a truly precious soul. She'd never harm anyone.
Brother, you are missing my point. I do not doubt that at all. But you looked like you enabled her marriage is all I am saying.

She's soft spoken and kind. But she's had a tough road. Her mother and father divorced when she was younger. Her father was granted custody and he was physically abusive to both her and her sister. He remarried and things didn't go very well with her and her step mother. In her senior year of high school she was at a party with her boyfriend and they all got pretty loaded.
None of that okays the fact you made a mistake in attending the marriage, because brother attending a marriage is showing celebration for that marriage on your behalf.

...Guess who did visit her? Me. When she finally got out of prison her father was struggling with deep alcoholism and she couldn't stay with him more than a week, guess who took her in? Me. ...

But none of that condones supporting a gay marriage.

Take into consideration, I'm the only real Christian on this side of the family. These people don't attend church. They drink, smoke, and act like total fools, but they acted all self-righteous and like her mistakes made her absolute trash. I'm the Christian, and they've even asked me why, since I'm a Christian, that I'm so tolerant of her. I simply say, "The same thing that makes me tolerant of you, I love her and I see the good in her."
Again, that doesn't give you the right to celebrate their gay marriage. I get all you're trying to say. We have to love these people and cannot reach them unless they know we love them. But I would not go to a strip club to witness to a stripper. I would not go to a gay wedding to let the people know I love their souls and persons. Loving people does not mean compromising our stand against sin.

I'm confident that this marriage will fail. I know that she'll be left broken and confused after it all comes crashing down around her. And who plans to be there when it happens? Me. Who plans to point her to Jesus after she's tried everything else? Me.
I get all of that. More than what you wrote, and you only had to say one line for me to get it. But I am simply saying you marred your witness, and it does matter what we cause people to see in us. It's lack of wisdom on your part, I think.

Yes, I've had to do some uncomfortable things to keep the connection strong. And if she goes drifting off into the night, it will not be because I cut the cord or damaged the relationship.

I sincerely feel in my heart that at some point she's going to ask me, "Chris, why did you come to my wedding? I know you don't believe in same sex marriage." I already know what I'm going to say. I'm going to answer, "I attended your wedding for the same reason why I've always been there for you. Because I love you."
She will ask because it did look offkey for you. You should not have done it. You misplaced how to show your love for her as a person, is all. I think you're heart is right in all of this. But you severely lacked wisdom and proper position for truth.

So, you can judge me, condemn me, throw stones at me, and say I'm compromised, and that I should pray to God, and that I'm not a real Christian, or whatever else you can manage to conceive.
Now you are using the same rhetoric you posted earlier in this thread ( don't be so dramatic) and twisting what I said. You're in knee-jerk reaction mode. Drop the rhetoric please. I already said in my first post I believe your heart is right. So again drop that stuff about condeming you. I am not condemning you. I am saying you were wrong, and that's not judgment. God's word already judged this. So please don't use this judgment card. Those ignorant of the bible are the only ones who use that.


But I'll always be there for her.
Be there for her. I never say don't. Just get some understanding in at all and realize you cannot enable a gay marriage just because you are trying to show love for that soul. And by mere attendance you did condone and celebrate their wedding.

Again, and don't miss it again this time, I get your point. It's just something you did unwisely to show your love.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:06 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

To refuse to rebuke someone for their sin is to hate them, according to God. Just smiling and waving when someone is blatantly sinning means you hate them in your heart. Again, according to God.

Jesus affirmed that as the truth.
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:07 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Now you're just trying to pick a fight! LOL
No, I'm not. Enabling sin, while isn't unforgivable, it is soul damning.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I've learned that sexuality, sexual interests, sexual behaviors and preferences are what they are. They rarely change. Suppressing sexual feelings can have a serious negative effect on the individual, so I'd never want someone to not be free to simply be who they are.
I'm going to post this, and before I do I want you to know vividly that it isn't an attack on you, or an insult. It is just me stating the facts. The above is a bunch of baloney, and anti-scripture. Would you dare voice the above to include pedophila? Beastiality? The above isn't even close to being Christian in thought or soul. Sexual interests rarely change? I'm sorry you know not the Scriptures nor the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. In your want to please all of the people all of the time. You find that you are only turning a blind eye to perversion which leads not only some to suicide, drug addiction, but all those who practice it to a devil's hell.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'm no judge or hater.
No, you aren't a judge, you aren't the one who hates it. That has already been decided by a righteous God. A God who hates sin, who sees men having sexual relations with men, the same as pedophila, and beastiality.
No, you don't need to be a judge, it had already been decided for you. Whether you like it or not, the God you say you honor, hates the things you say are a non issue.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
We all have our proclivities.
We do?

Jesus condemned a man for lusting after women in his mind?
Jesus stated that one who does this is an adulterer.

But, I'm eager to learn where you found your information? So, can you please quote Jesus where He agreed with your above quote? Jesus saves a woman from stoning, and before He let her go he told her to sin no more? So, please, where do you see Jesus agreeing with you?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I'd rather be judged for being too merciful and too loving than be judged for not being merciful and loving enough.
This isn't some roll of the dice, being a follower of Christ doesn't mean we are to let the chips fall where they may? Walk in the LIGHT as He is in the LIGHT. It really looks like you advocate following the blind right into an abyss. Elder Blume and I had this discussion with shazeep. Love, kindness, and mercy with out book, chapter, and verse is just a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. While it might look like it will suppress the bleeding, it won't. Sooner or later the Band-Aid will fail, and the wound will hemorrhage, until the individual dies.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I believe that God dealt with the sin issue on Calvary. I do not believe that any sinner is beyond God's grace and forgiveness.
Exactly right, totally correct.

Only difference is, how can they call on Jesus if they have not believed? How can they believe if they never hear? How can they hear without someone preaching to them the truth of the scripture? Not a gospel of churchanity which has been formulated by the church–industrial complex. Which isn't a gospel, but is akin more to John Lennon's Imagine. This country's Churchanity has poisoned not only itself, but the entire world. It teaches inclusiveness which comes without repentance, without the Cross, without the blood. But replaces a dysfunctional enabling of the most corrupt behaviors and calls it good.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 02-28-2017, 08:10 PM
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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I believe it is you who is confusing the person with the gay relationship. I wish Sarah and her partner all the best. I do not wish the poverty, sickness, or harm. Nor do I wish them sadness, hardship, or loss. They are persons who Jesus died for. They are persons that I am commanded to love in spite of their sin.
Tell me, how did you explain to them the Gospel?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 02-28-2017, 09:41 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Bringing Protest & Disruption To Church:

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
I would not wish sickness on anyone, nether poverty or harm, either. But you missed my point. I know what you are trying to say. But that is not what others think when you attend their "wedding" and wish them all the best. They are thinking you mean their marriage. To attend a gay wedding and in that scenario call out, "I wish you all the best," whether you meant it or not you appear to be blessing their marriage. We just don't say THAT at a gay wedding. It WILL be mistaken for blessing on their marriage.

But it appears, whether it is so or not, that you blessed that marriage and felt it was what they should have done.

Agreed. That's not my point, though. But to enable it is the other extreme that is also wrong.

that's all fine and dandy. But still it is wrong to attend the wedding. I quoted from John's epistle talking about bidding godspeed to one of false doctrine. The principle in John's statement was that we cannot show any hint of agreement with something the people should not be engaged in. Bless their health and their persons, but not their gay marriage. And I seriously believe you came across as blessing their marriage. Now, if they know fully well you disagree with their marriage, fine. But still, others would get the impression you agreed.

It's the same principle in the reasoning that we should not witness to women in strip clubs. We might mean well, but all appearances to those who aren't in the know says you are into strip clubs.

Brother, you are missing my point. I do not doubt that at all. But you looked like you enabled her marriage is all I am saying.

None of that okays the fact you made a mistake in attending the marriage, because brother attending a marriage is showing celebration for that marriage on your behalf.

But none of that condones supporting a gay marriage.

Again, that doesn't give you the right to celebrate their gay marriage. I get all you're trying to say. We have to love these people and cannot reach them unless they know we love them. But I would not go to a strip club to witness to a stripper. I would not go to a gay wedding to let the people know I love their souls and persons. Loving people does not mean compromising our stand against sin.

I get all of that. More than what you wrote, and you only had to say one line for me to get it. But I am simply saying you marred your witness, and it does matter what we cause people to see in us. It's lack of wisdom on your part, I think.

She will ask because it did look offkey for you. You should not have done it. You misplaced how to show your love for her as a person, is all. I think you're heart is right in all of this. But you severely lacked wisdom and proper position for truth.

Now you are using the same rhetoric you posted earlier in this thread ( don't be so dramatic) and twisting what I said. You're in knee-jerk reaction mode. Drop the rhetoric please. I already said in my first post I believe your heart is right. So again drop that stuff about condeming you. I am not condemning you. I am saying you were wrong, and that's not judgment. God's word already judged this. So please don't use this judgment card. Those ignorant of the bible are the only ones who use that.

Be there for her. I never say don't. Just get some understanding in at all and realize you cannot enable a gay marriage just because you are trying to show love for that soul. And by mere attendance you did condone and celebrate their wedding.

Again, and don't miss it again this time, I get your point. It's just something you did unwisely to show your love.
I do perceive that you are focused on what others might see and think. Frankly, I don't care what they think. I care about Sarah. I care to love and appreciated her as she is. She knows how I didn't want to attend. Yet she saw that I did, for her. I know her you don't. I know how much it meant. You don't. She knows that I don't "approve", but for her, I was there. And she knows, I'll always be there.
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