I did not "assert" I listed discrepencies. For your reminder:
1. David was incited to count the fighting men of Isreal. In 2nd Samuel, God incited him. In I Chronicles, Satan incited him. When they were counted, 2nd Samual says 800,000 and I Chronicles says 1.1 MM.
2. God threatens David with 7 years of famine in 2nd Samuel, 3 years of famine in I Chronicles.
3. Ahaziah was 22 when he began his rule in 2nd Kings. He was 42 in 2nd Chronicles.
4. Jehoiachin was 18 when he began his rule in 2nd Kings, 8 when he began his rule in 2nd Chronicles
5. David's "chief of mighty men" killed 800 men at one time in 2nd Samuel and 300 men at one time in I Chronicles
6. David carried the Ark into Jerusalem AFTER defeating the Philistines in 2nd Samuel. Before defeating them in
Chronicles 13/14
7. David captured 1700 horsemen after defeating the King of Zobah in 2nd Samuel, 7000 in I Chronicles.
8. Solomon had 40,000 stalls for horses in I Kings. 4000 stalls in 2nd Chronicles.
9. During King Asa's reign Baasha King of Isreal died in the 26th year in I Kings. He was still alive in the 36th year in I chronicles.
10. Solomon appointed 3600 overseers to build the temple in 2nd chronicles. 3300 in I Kings.
11. Solomon built a facility containing 2000 baths in I kings. It had 3000 in 2nd chronicles.
Isrealites freed from Babylonian captivity:
Children of Pahrath-Moab:
2812 Ezra. 2818 Nehemiah
Children of Azgad:
1222 Ezra. 2333 Nehemiah
And so on. The total numbers agree in each book as 42,360, but if you add each individual column from each book Ezra adds to 29,818 and Nehemiah adds to 31,089
There were 200 singers in the assembly in Ezra and 245 in the assembly in Nehemiah.
King Abijah's mother's name was Michaiah, daughter of Uriel in one chapter of 2nd chronicles and Maachah daughter of Absalom in another chapter. Absalom however had only one daughter mentioned whose name was Tamar in 2nd Samuel.
Joshua and the Isrealites captured Jerusalem in
Joshua 10 and did not capture it in
Joshua 15.
Father of Joseph, husband of Mary was Jacob in Matthew and Heli in Luke
Jesus descended from Solomon in Matthew and from Nathan in Luke
The father of Shealtiel was Jechoniah in Matthew and Neri in Luke
Abiud son of Zerubbabel was the anscestor of Jesus in Matthew and Rhesa son of Zerubbabel in Luke. Neither are mentioned as sons of Zerubbabel in the list in I Chronicles.
Father of Uzziah was Joram in Matthew and Amaziah in 2nd Chronicles
Father of Jechoniah was Josiah in Matthew and Jeholakim in I Chronicles
The angel stated that Jesus would inherit the throne of David in Luke. But Matthew says he is a descendent of Jehoiakim and I Chronicles says "and Jehoiaikim was cursed by god so that none of his descendents can sit upon David's throne" Oops.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt in Mark and Luke and a colt/donkey in Matthew
Simon Peter found out that Jesus was Christ from a heavenly revelation in Matthew, but his brother Andrew told him in John.
Jesus met Simon and Andrew by the Sea of Galilee in Matthew and on the banks of the Jordan in John
Jairus' daughter was dead when he met Jesus in Matthew but not dead / at the point of death in Mark
The disciples were allowed to keep a staff on their journeys in Mark. They were not allowed in Matthew and Luke
Herod thought that Jesus was John the Baptist in Matthew and Mark. He did not in Luke.
John the Baptist recognized Jesus in John. He did not recognize him in Matthew.
Jesus cleansed the temple the day he entered Jerusalem in Matthew. He spent the night in Bethany and cleansed it the next day in Mark
Judas kissed Jesus in Matthew. He did not in John
The curtain in the temple was rent after Jesus died in Matthew and Mark. Before Jesus died in Luke.
Both thieves mocked Jesus in Mark. One mocked, one defended in Luke
Jesus ascended to paradise on the day of crucifixion in Luke. He said to Mary he has not yet ascended (two days later) in John
The apostle Paul and companions on the road to Damascus:
All heard the voice in
Acts 9. Not all heard the voice in
Acts 22
The companions fell to the ground in
Acts 26. They did not in
Acts 9
The voice spelled out Paul's duties in
Acts 26. The voice told him to go to Damascus in
Acts 9. [/B]
You on the other hand have openly stated NO contradictions. You and I can point to links all day. You have examples. Assert them (laughing)
If the Apostle of Barnabas was not removed, just say so. Writings that I have read indicate that it was. Show some backbone, stand up, and say "no, that is not true". You can even elaborate and follow up with details of what the Council DID do. My years of college were spent learning to be a productive part of society aka do work. In addition to the two years of "Explaining Scriptural Discrepencies: I also missed:
Logic 101: How to convince sheep that "cover your head or shear it" ACTUALLY means "have hair on your head".
Art 101: "Application of even shiny coats of hair spray for your congregation"
Economics 101, also known as Optimization: "Minimizing the Number of Poor or Brown people in Church: The Business Model of Today". Offered with a lab on "Spending more time raising money for teaching the gospel than actually teaching the gospel"
Let's not forget the Bible College Classes on Christian Intellectual Property: "If a Brown Person Thought of It, It Becomes Christian European Property"
Debate 101: "How to Challenge Your Opponent for Hours Without Saying Anything Specific" (NOTE - You are awarded an A+)