I had a woman come up to me in church the other day, she had a very nice DKNY jean skirt on, (we dont really dress up in our church and her skirt looked better than your average jean skirt) I commented on it to her--she said, " I got it at Dillards and it was not on sale either, it's Donna Koran!" then she told me the price.
I bought the SAME skirt at TJMaxx and paid less than half what she did!
Jesus didn't travel outside of his place of birth by over about 50 miles or so. Wherever He went, He was like all other men of His day.
I believe that when Paul said he became all things to all men, this means that he adapted to their cultural norms and societal laws. So, if he went to a culture where men wore headcoverings, he wore one also. If culture called for him to cover his arms to the wrist, he did so.
Paul was big on not being a stumblingblock. He didn't see anything wrong with some things, like eating meat offered to idols, but if it was going to cause someone to stumble or be offended, then he said don't do it.
I believe that if Paul went to a society where men didn't shave their heads, then Paul would have grown his hair long enough to where it didn't have a shaved appearance, even if he preferred that look for himself (if that's truly how he felt, I don't know, just throwing things out there).
If Paul went to a society where men grew beards, I believe Paul grew one.
I don't believe Paul joined them in their sin, as some believe Keith and I are suggesting. That's NOT what Paul meant in any way. However, I do believe that in his travels, he adapted to the culture in dress and behavior as to be like them to win them.
It's not different than what Jesus Himself did.
Oh, I completely agree with you. The problem is that some people consider your proposal an exercise in encouraging sin...
I had a woman come up to me in church the other day, she had a very nice Donna Koran jean skirt on, (we dont really dress up in our church and her skirt looked better than your average jean skirt) I commented on it to her--she said, " I got it at Dillards and it was not on sale either, it's DKNY!" then she told me the price.
I bought the SAME skirt at TJMaxx and paid less than half what she did!
Jesus did NOT violate any Scripture in trying to win them to Himself. That is the point I'm trying to make. He did not become like them to win them, pure and simple.
No matter who they were, He loved them and called them to follow Him. He did not change Himself or His message to fit with the culture.
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
OT. though ,and people don't marry their relatives now.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
I had a woman come up to me in church the other day, she had a very nice DKNY jean skirt on, (we dont really dress up in our church and her skirt looked better than your average jean skirt) I commented on it to her--she said, " I got it at Dillards and it was not on sale either, it's Donna Koran!" then she told me the price.
I bought the SAME skirt at TJMaxx and paid less than half what she did!
What is wrong with buying something on SALE??
I try to ONLY buys things on sale. I wouldn't brag about NOT buying things on sale. That's called stupidity to me.
Jesus didn't adapt to anything that I can see. He was a Jew, born into a Jewish family. Where did He need to adapt?
Uh....He was God. God isn't Jewish, however, when He made the choice to be born, He wasn't born a Samaritan, Greek, or any other Gentile. Had He been born one of those, He would have adapted to that culture and society and not been a Jew.
Ever wonder why God just didn't appear on the scene instead of being born and going through being human? It's not like He never appeared before men in the past, so why didn't He just come down as a man and start preaching?
Because He wouldn't have been accepted by anyone at all, that's why. He had to come down, adapt to being human, being a Jew, and living life as they did. This is something He'd never done before.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
There were a lot of cultural customs that were practiced in that day that would be immodest in our culture today.
For instance, people didn't wear underclothes back then. It was common to fish naked or with hardly anything on.
There are cultures today where, according to our culture, they are immodest, but if you teach them to cover themselves, it would be insulting to their culture. In some cultures, women being topless is common and it's their culture. Men wearing only a loincloth is modest in their culture.
Even in our own culture, if we compare how we dress today to 100 years ago, we are immodest in our dress, especially the women, yet we see nothing wrong with it today.
Modesty is defined by each culture. Teaching modesty instead of a clothesline will not steer you wrong, no matter where you preach.
I believe this is why you never read of Paul preaching clothesline to the churches he visited. There was no way he could do that.
Next you will be trying to tell us that Jesus was not clean shaven!!
To become LIKE some of them, He could have committed adultery, lied, stole, etc. And, I'm certain there were those of His day who dressed immodestly, don't you think?
this is interesting to me.. Were ALL adulterers or ALL Liars (I'll give you that one) Were all Theives? It seems that when your comment would libel everybody there.. The Bible says Corneilus was a Good Man who shunned evil.. I think your views are skewered in that you immediatly associate keiths view of the Lord with Sin.. and not people..You go below what Keith is trying to say...imo.. If I'm wrong call me on it.. but it would seem you take the Lord there to sway your arguement...
What's elementary is that you're trying to use that Jesus became LIKE them incorrectly. He did become LIKE His creation, but only to a point. He was not incarnated into their society as He was incarnated into humanity. He did not assume their "nature" in the sense you're trying to promote it. He associated and even fellowshipped with sinners. I have no problem with that. But, He did NOT become LIKE those He was trying to save, except in the manner of His becoming human.
The Last statement somewhat dimishes your first few...